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Same here – latest version of WP, EDD, Astoundify plugin, and the Fundify theme.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social] Working with Disqus commentsI did not. I talked with their tech support via e-mail and they pointed out a scrip in the plugin folder which you could use for a cron job that may have worked at one time, but they said it’s not an actively supported feature, and I couldn’t get it to work for me. I basically gave up… But good luck, and if you figure it out, please let me know?
Sorry I can’t offer any help ??
Just tried using this on a multisite install with the latest wordpress/buddypress, and it doesn’t seem to have any effect.Any new updates?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SPDM Shortcode Slider Multisite] Variable Image Size and Thumbnail on TopI added some javascript code I found in another forum to the spdm-shortcode-slider-multisite.php plugin file… That file has various sections for rendering the different layouts. The one I was using was under
// thumbnails bottom and thumbnails side are same except for css styling elseif( $slider_layout == 'thumbnails-bottom' || $slider_layout == 'thumbnails-side'){ ?> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
And the code I added in there is:
function onBefore(curr, next, opts, fwd) { var $ht = $(this).height(); //set the container's height to that of the current slide $(this).parent().animate({height: $ht}); } function onAfter(curr, next, opts, fwd) { var index = opts.currSlide; $('#prev')[index == 0 ? 'hide' : 'show'](); $('#next')[index == opts.slideCount - 1 ? 'hide' : 'show'](); //get the height of the current slide var $ht = $(this).height(); //set the container's height to that of the current slide $(this).parent().css("height", $ht); }
It works for me, but I did it a while ago and also switched around a bunch of other stuff in the plugin file to get it to render the way I wanted it to… There’s a chance I’m forgetting some other detail. Let me know if it doesn’t work for you and I can try to remember what was going on more specifically ??
So… this is embarrassing but in my sleep-deprived state I was a bit idiotic and just plain forgot to add the new domain name in the Network Admin -> domains section for the domain mapping plugin. Then I panicked. Once I remembered and added it it immediately worked – but hey, I guess I learned something in case it ever comes up for reasons that are NOT my fault ;P
Anyway, thank you both for your answers!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Crontrol] Setting up CRON job via URLSame problem, but that solution did not work for me… Maybe it’s a permissions issue with the file or something? I’m trying to run export-comments.php (in the Disqus plugin’s scripts folder).
Is there any other way to call a file? I’m sorry, I’m just pretty new and terrible at this…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Disqus Comment System] New Comment UpdatesI just e-mailed them about it at their support page. Maybe if other people also inquire about the same thing they’ll pay more attention to it?
Anyway, I’ll post back here with any updates when they get back to me.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WTI Like Post] Pro version breaks my multisite installation*Correction: It does appear to work, strictly speaking, when it’s activated on a single site. When I activated it for the entire network, it also gave me an error saying something like
The plugin generated X characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.
I’m not sure of the exact number because I deactivated it pretty quickly, since some of the sites on the network are live client sites and I can’t have downtime right now. I’m going to test it out some more on another network install, and post any extra details here. I’d really appreciate any help because obviously I think the plugin is useful enough to have paid money for it, but now I’m pretty frustrated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Disqus Comment System] Multisite Automatic SetupThinking about it some more and it seems the problem would be with the part where Disqus hosts comments remotely. Accessing them for approval/moderating requires a user account with Disqus… So even if I managed to set up one default Disqus installation/account to be used across all the member sites, it would mean either providing all site admin users with the ability to edit comments on ALL the network sites, even those that aren’t theirs, or not allowing anyone to moderate their own comments… I think?
So I guess it becomes a question of whether a WordPress user registration can be rigged to also create a Disqus registration without that user having to explicitly go to the Disqus site? Otherwise I guess it’s pretty useless as a “default” for multisite. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Visual Term Description Editor] Multisite User Issues…I guess? I mean as-is it definitely doesn’t work for anyone on a multisite installation except a super-admin. I posted the question when I ran into the issue and then replied to it myself after I figured it out because I hate searching for help online and finding only old unanswered forum topics for results ?? I made the edits mentioned above to the core plugin code on my site’s server and it works for me and my purposes, as far as I can tell.
I’m not sure what the best way to deal with sanitizing input would be for everyone that might want to use this plugin though… Maybe removing all filters for users with “unfiltered_html” capability but using the “wp_kses_post” filter for everyone else? That would probably be expected behavior for things added via the TinyMCE editor anyway.
And I really don’t have a lot of experience with WordPress or plugins or even coding though, (Yay for Google and copy/paste!) so I suppose I’m proposing that everyone else on the internet be extremely paranoid of any changes I suggest ?? (Also, I just checked the github page. I should probably figure out what “pull” or “fork” means at some point.)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Visual Term Description Editor] Multisite User IssuesI just checked the plugin code… It’s only available to users who have the “unfiltered_html” capability, but in Multisite only superadmins have that ability. ( https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Roles_and_Capabilities#unfiltered_html )
I edited the plugin code so that the permission level is “publish_posts”, and switched the sanitizing filters to:
/* Remove the filters which disallow HTML in term descriptions */ remove_filter( 'pre_term_description', 'wp_filter_kses' ); add_filter( 'pre_term_description', 'wp_kses_post' ); remove_filter( 'term_description', 'wp_kses_data' ); add_filter( 'term_description', 'wp_kses_post' );
This seems to have the effect I was going for… authors on the multisite network can use html and add images with the visual editor, but it still prevents inserting code (since I can’t think of any non-malicious reason for any network users in my case to need to insert javascript or other code.)
I’m still pretty new at this though, so if anyone notices any mistakes in the above, please let me know!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Role Editor] Admin vs Super-Admin Capabilities in MultisiteI ended up resolving it in a roundabout way… Since pressing “reset” was changing absolutely nothing (I think it may not have even been registering, since there was no warning pop-up when I clicked it), I tried changing one of my test users to a super admin.
After I logged in as the test-user with a superadmin role and went to the URE settings and clicked “reset”, the warning message popped up and the missing options showed up again. I have no clue why it wasn’t letting me do this as the original network superadmin though. (It also doesn’t seem like the superadmin privileges were affected since I could still DO everything in the rest of the wordpress admin area, just not edit the missing capabilities in URE that were no longer showing up on the list.)
And just to be clear the “missing” options weren’t grayed out or anything, they were literally not showing up on the list. ??
Anyway, thank you for a great plugin!
…Nevermind. I fixed it by editing the spdm-shortcode-slider-multisite.php file as follows:
1) Removing one of the </div> tags at the end of the code*
2) Adding an opening tag for the thumbnail section:// if thumbnails-bottom run thumbnails loop if($slider_layout =='thumbnails-bottom'|| $slider_layout =='thumbnails-side'){ ?> <div id="nav_thumbnail"> <ul id="nav_thumb" class="clearfix"><?php
3) Also using
after the two places in the code wherewp_reset_postdata();
is used (I’m not sure if this is correct, but it worked to get the rest of the page after the plugin shortcode (sidebar data, in this case) back to reflecting the current blog)*** There are some
statements that open up div tags, namely the ones used for numbered navigation. I’m not using this, but I imagine that if you ARE calling those statements, you would then need to leave in the last closing <div> tag. Better yet, someone should add in another conditional statement at the end to close the div tags automatically depending on the layout used.…I hope this helps!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SPDM Shortcode Slider Multisite] Examples of SPDM Shortcode Slider MultisiteThis is a random comment which may or may not actually address your problem, but since I ended up confused about a white space before as well… Are you sure you have the correct ID numbers for the shortcode where you have put sites__in=”2,3,4,5,6″ ? Because in my case that was causing blank space to show up.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SPDM Shortcode Slider Multisite] Variable Image Size and Thumbnail on Top…aaaand nevermind. I figured it out, after spending the day messing with the code.
Good: I ended up with a pretty content slider with the thumbnails at the top, the name of the blog they came from under the thumbnails (more useful labeling since it’s an aggregate from different sources), and a slider that would readjust its height to the size of the content displayed! YAY!
BAD: Really, really bad. I FINALLY paid attention to the WHOLE page, and realized the sidebar was broken. So, obviously, I saved the edits I had made to the plugin in a separate file, deactivated the plugin from the network, deleted the plugin, and re-installed it. Twice. It turns out that the layout issues came with the plugin ?? As far as I can tell there are some issues with <div> tags and with global variables.
I will start a new topic about that, because I’d really LOVE to keep using this!