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  • Hi Bryan,

    If I’m reading your question right, it sounds like you’d like the admin of your site to receive a new user created notification when a customer signs up on their own– is that correct? If so, I did find this code snippet that will “Notify Admin When New Account Is Created” that may serve your use case here

    For the second part, I couldn’t find something on alerting the admin when a user resets their password that directly referenced WooCommerce, but perhaps this WordPress function to “notify the blog admin of a user changing password” would work in this case

    Please let me know if this helps! If not, happy to dig into this further together with you.

    hi @ghoush,

    When I say intuitive I am talking about the entire interface, the UI/UX decisions made from day one that have lead to the design language of this editor. And when I say “nothing intuitive about this editor”,

    I’d like to be able to take some specific feedback back to folks in the community if I can. Are there some UI/UX areas that you found most unintuitive? For example, maybe you felt the block inserter button or the sidebars? And if so, what improvements could be made from your experience?

    Thanks so much.

    Hi @kanchashet

    Two and a half hours is definitely a while, I can see how that can feel like time was wasted.

    Unable to manage costume width and height

    What were you trying to adjust the width and height of?

    Even a simple table I was unable to handle properly.

    Can you share more about what made the table editing experience difficult?

    Thanks so much!

    Hi @rabsaque,

    puts a confirmation notice on a save button that looks exactly like the button you just pressed?

    Losing your work is definitely a frustrating experience. To confirm, are you saying you pressed publish and then had to press save? This usually occurs when a block pattern or template is altered– is that what you were adjusting? Regardless of that, you should receive a warning when you try to close the unsaved tab. Are you saying that you did not receive the notice when trying to close the tab?


    Hi @ospy ,

    This plugin is in a constant state of iteration. To help with that, can you please share more about what you find unable about the UI?

    Thanks so much.

    Hi @diquispe ,

    las funciones mas necesarias estas ocultas y se pierde tiempo en encontrarlas

    I used a translation tool to understand your message. I’m sorry to hear you were having trouble finding the blocks or functionality you need. Are you able to share more about what functionality was hard to find?

    Thank you.

    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [Gutenberg] Terrible

    Hi @kozmonauta,

    Please Automattic team go back to the classic editor by default. Most Gutenberg reviews are 1 star. It is unusable for the vast majority of users.

    Sorry to hear you’re finding it unusable. Can you kindly share more about what has been difficult to accomplish with Gutenberg?

    Thanks so much.

    Hi @daxinigaurav,

    when I install new wordpess then first i am disabling this plugin.

    Do you mean you currently have Gutenberg installed and you plan on disabling it? Can you kindly share more about your experience with the plugin that lead you to want to disable it?

    Thanks so much.

    Hi there @luigitec,

    Clean code no longer works with this, as one user claimed, this is just “utter junk.”

    Can you share more about what you mean by clean code, and what you were trying to achieve with Gutenberg versus what actually happened? I’d love to help out here if I can.

    Thanks so much!

    Hi @wordpresslover7

    1. sample text 2. you select that sample text 3. keyboard shortcut does not work

    This definitely sounds like a bug, and I see that you have reported it here thank you so much for your contribution. I understand it’s a pain to workaround for the moment, but now that this is on the team’s radar we are one step closer to getting this improved.

    Yes, I am. WP sometimes adds extra blank lines, headings are usually well copied but sometimes more text is marked as heading tag after copying.

    Ahh, I see. May I ask which word processor you are using? There has been writing about how Gutenberg pulls in different pasted content in the past like here but this is something that will probably need to be iterated on further. Alternatively, drafting content directly in the editor can alleviate this pain point in the meantime as well ??

    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [Gutenberg] A total mess

    As you move things you begin to mess up your website core step by step until it is no more working.

    Just to make sure I’m hearing you correctly, are you talking about working on a page/post in the Block Editor or coding blocks for your site when you say you’re moving things?

    Actually what made the biggest mess is the update of Woocommerce that I had on my previous website.

    Oh no! I definitely recommend testing a plugin upgrade on a staging site or local test site first if possible. It’s not always, but sometimes these kinds of things can happen. ??

    Has the issue been fixed through another update? They also have an issue repo here if you feel you’ve encountered a bug.

    P.S. : I am not a professional web developer which maybe can explain that I don’t get all the details of Gutenberg but I guess that if you are a professional you should be able to use this plugin easily.

    The goal is definitely to enable anyone and everyone to use Gutenberg easily, so thank you for your feedback on your experience so far.

    Hi @walton ,

    Thanks for joining the conversation and sharing your feedback.

    The CSS editing is totally not intuitive.There’s all these extra “” and {} all over the place!

    That doesn’t sound right at all. On what type of page are you seeing extra syntax symbols?

    If you’re talking about Gutenberg’s “HTML”, I think this post gives a great overview about why it is different from the typical HTML we are used to —

    So if anything is left undone, it says there are errors, forces you to use the automatic fix-it process and if that screws up, then it’s just like “SOrry this is HTML now”

    I can see how this can be a frustrating experience if you went from the visual mode to an HTML mode to edit. I’m hearing that you’d like to work in HTML– have you tried using the HTML block for your needs from the start?

    And there are so few customizing options that you have to go into CSS to make it look how you want.

    I’d love to know what are some of the CSS customization options you’d like to see added to the block editor are if you don’t mind sharing.

    Thanks for getting back @wordpresslover7,

    Usually peaople paste text from WORD file and then improve it, format the text in WordPress. in gutenberpg proofreading, adding comments etc it would takes ages.

    Multiple clicks does sound really frustrating. From my use, I have been able to copy and paste text and keep the formatting. Are you saying that your fomratting does not hold when you move it over from your word processor? If so, which one do you use? It may be worth filing a ticket here so that folks can consider supporting a copy-paste transfer.

    I’d also recommend using /h2 or /h3 to quickly get to your heading blocks.

    permalink – in classic editor is is available out of the box under title, added after saving a draft, with Gutenberg is nested somwhere deep, and visible only after the post/page is published.

    We do have a few issues open regarding the permalink and it’s placement that you may want to follow

    These are all great feedback points, and I think the more we can add these concerns as issues, the better Gutenberg will shape up for professionals. ??

    Hi @wordpresslover7,

    Thank you for sharing your feedback on the Gutenberg plugin!

    Basic things like shortcuts for headings do not work.

    You should be able to use a / to activate the search through blocks. Was this feature not working for you, or were you using a different shortcut system?

    no way to edit the pure html code with css classes, especially frustrating with sidebars/widgets creation

    Folks can apply CSS classes to blocks in the right-side toolbar after clicking on the block. You should also be able to toggle to the HTML mode of the block by clicking on the three vertical dots that appear when you select the block.

    Was this way of editing the HTML and CSS not intuitive for your use case?


    Hi @ghoush,

    Making Gutenberg the most intuitive full site editing feature is definitely the goal here, so I’m sad to hear it’s missing the mark for you.

    Can you kindly share what you were trying to achieve, and more details about what aspects of Gutenberg were unusable for you?


    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [Gutenberg] Horrible Plugin

    Hi @fatalparadox,

    The community is definitely trying to ensure ease of use for Gutenberg, but I can understand if we’re not fully there yet. Can you kindly share some examples of when it was hard to use Gutenberg, and share more details about how you’d like it to be more flexible?

    Thanks so much.


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