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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Default shipping method selected no longer cheapestForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cloudflare] Problem with 3.0.6 upgradeas reported in an earlier, unreplied-to thread, i have upgraded from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6, but i am apparently still running 3.0.5 code.
tons of stuff you guys are logging into the console that shouldn’t be pasted into a public forum.
here’s the only PHP error i get on a refresh of the CF plugin settings page:
Warning: Invalid operand type was used: array_key_exists expects an array or an object; false returned. in /var/www/blablabla.com/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/cloudflare/vendor/cloudflare/cloudflare-plugin-backend/src/Integration/DefaultConfig.php on line 25
here’s some of the console logs with a bit of cleaning done:
[Log] JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1 (load-scripts.php, line 9) [Error] You are currently using minified code outside of NODE_ENV === 'production'. This means that you are running a slower development build of Redux. You can use loose-envify (https://github.com/zertosh/loose-envify) for browserify or DefinePlugin for webpack (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30030031) to ensure you have the correct code for your production build. r (compiled.js:30:11151) (anonymous function) (compiled.js:30:10353) (anonymous function) (compiled.js:30:10858) o (compiled.js:1:284) (anonymous function) (compiled.js:1:332) (anonymous function) (compiled.js:22:851) o (compiled.js:1:284) (anonymous function) (compiled.js:1:332) (anonymous function) (compiled.js:21:31192) (anonymous function) (compiled.js:21:31480) o (compiled.js:1:284) (anonymous function) (compiled.js:1:332) (anonymous function) (compiled.js:21:31880) o (compiled.js:1:284) (anonymous function) (compiled.js:1:332) (anonymous function) (compiled.js:35:6327) o (compiled.js:1:284) e (compiled.js:1:448) (anonymous function) (compiled.js:1:464) Global Code (compiled.js:36:3201) [Log] action @ 10:11:44.177 CONFIG_FETCH (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: {config: {}, isFetching: false}, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: {config: {}, isFetching: false}, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: false}, user: {isLoggedIn: false, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "CONFIG_FETCH"}Object (compiled.js, line 30) [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: {config: {}, isFetching: true}, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: {config: {}, isFetching: true}, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: false}, user: {isLoggedIn: false, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action @ 10:11:44.240 CONFIG_FETCH_SUCCESS (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: {config: {}, isFetching: true}, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: {config: {}, isFetching: true}, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: false}, user: {isLoggedIn: false, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "CONFIG_FETCH_SUCCESS", config: Object}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {type: "CONFIG_FETCH_SUCCESS", config: Object}Object [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: false}, user: {isLoggedIn: false, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action @ 10:11:44.242 CONFIG_UPDATE_BY_KEY (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: false}, user: {isLoggedIn: false, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "CONFIG_UPDATE_BY_KEY", key: "absoluteUrlBase", value: "https://test.blablabla.com/wp-content/plugins/cloudflare/"}Object (compiled.js, line 30) [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: false}, user: {isLoggedIn: false, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action @ 10:11:44.244 INTL_FETCH_TRANSLATIONS (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: false}, user: {isLoggedIn: false, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "INTL_FETCH_TRANSLATIONS"}Object (compiled.js, line 30) [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: true}, user: {isLoggedIn: false, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action @ 10:11:44.246 USER_LOGIN_SUCCESS (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: true}, user: {isLoggedIn: false, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "USER_LOGIN_SUCCESS", email: "[email protected]"}Object (compiled.js, line 30) [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: true}, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action @ 10:11:44.247 ZONES_FETCH (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: true}, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "ZONES_FETCH"}Object (compiled.js, line 30) [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: true}, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action @ 10:11:44.249 @@router/TRANSITION (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: true}, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "@@router/TRANSITION", payload: {method: "push", arg: "/home"}}Object (compiled.js, line 30) [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: true}, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action @ 10:11:44.251 @@router/UPDATE_LOCATION (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: true}, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "@@router/UPDATE_LOCATION", payload: Object}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {type: "@@router/UPDATE_LOCATION", payload: Object}Object [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: true}, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action @ 10:11:44.282 INTL_FETCH_TRANSLATIONS_SUCCESS (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: true}, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "INTL_FETCH_TRANSLATIONS_SUCCESS", locale: "en", translations: Object}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {type: "INTL_FETCH_TRANSLATIONS_SUCCESS", locale: "en", translations: Object}Object [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action @ 10:11:44.285 APPLICATION_INIT (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "APPLICATION_INIT"}Object (compiled.js, line 30) [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action @ 10:11:44.634 ZONES_FETCH_SUCCESS (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "ZONES_FETCH_SUCCESS", zoneList: Array}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {type: "ZONES_FETCH_SUCCESS", zoneList: Array}Object [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action @ 10:11:44.650 ZONE_SET_ACTIVE_ZONE (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "ZONE_SET_ACTIVE_ZONE", zone: Object}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {type: "ZONE_SET_ACTIVE_ZONE", zone: Object}Object [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action @ 10:11:44.662 DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST"}Object (compiled.js, line 30) [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action @ 10:11:44.664 NOTIFICATION_ADD (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "NOTIFICATION_ADD", level: "warning", message: "warning.usingSubdomain", …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {type: "NOTIFICATION_ADD", level: "warning", message: "warning.usingSubdomain", localized: true, persistant: true, …}Object [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action @ 10:11:44.684 ZONES_RAILGUNS_FETCH_ALL (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "ZONES_RAILGUNS_FETCH_ALL"}Object (compiled.js, line 30) [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action @ 10:11:44.693 PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH"}Object (compiled.js, line 30) [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action @ 10:11:44.703 ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS"}Object (compiled.js, line 30) [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action @ 10:11:44.711 ZONE_FETCH_ANALYTICS (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "ZONE_FETCH_ANALYTICS"}Object (compiled.js, line 30) [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action @ 10:11:45.033 PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH_SUCCESS (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH_SUCCESS", zoneid: "blablalbla", setting: Array}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {type: "PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH_SUCCESS", zoneid: "blablalbla", setting: Array}Object [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "id" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8) "YYY" "ZZZ" [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "type" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8) "A" "MX" [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "content" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8) "" "mail.plexusllc.com" [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "proxiable" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8) true false [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "proxied" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8) true false [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "modified_on" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8) "2014-10-29T16:43:48.517028Z" "2014-11-19T12:44:10.287760Z" [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "created_on" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8) "2014-10-29T16:43:46.951848Z" "2014-11-19T12:44:10.287760Z" [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "id" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8) "YYY" "ZZZ" [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "type" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8) "A" "TXT" [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "content" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8) "" "v=spf1 a mx include:_spf.postaffiliatepro.com include:sparkpostmail.com ~all" [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "proxiable" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8) true false [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "proxied" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8) true false [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "modified_on" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8) "2014-10-29T16:43:48.517028Z" "2016-09-06T18:17:15.836010Z" [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "created_on" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8) "2014-10-29T16:43:46.951848Z" "2016-09-06T18:17:15.836010Z" [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "meta" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8) {auto_added: true} {auto_added: false} [Log] action @ 10:11:45.145 DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST_SUCCESS (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST_SUCCESS", zoneid: "blablalbla", dnsRecords: Array}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {type: "DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST_SUCCESS", zoneid: "blablalbla", dnsRecords: Array}Object [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action @ 10:11:45.274 ZONES_RAILGUNS_FETCH_ALL_SUCCESS (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "ZONES_RAILGUNS_FETCH_ALL_SUCCESS", zoneid: "blablalbla", zoneRailguns: []}Object (compiled.js, line 30) [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Warning] Only a single Gateway can be rendered at a time into a GatewayDest.You rendered multiple into "modal" (compiled.js, line 19) [Log] action @ 10:11:45.339 ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS_SUCCESS (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS_SUCCESS", zoneid: "blablalbla", zoneSettings: Array}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {type: "ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS_SUCCESS", zoneid: "blablalbla", zoneSettings: Array}Object [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action @ 10:11:45.457 ZONE_FETCH_ANALYTICS_SUCCESS (compiled.js, line 29) [Log] prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object [Log] action – {type: "ZONE_FETCH_ANALYTICS_SUCCESS", zoneid: "blablalbla", zoneAnalytics: Object}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {type: "ZONE_FETCH_ANALYTICS_SUCCESS", zoneid: "blablalbla", zoneAnalytics: Object}Object [Log] next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30) {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cloudflare] Incomplete update from 3.0.4?I updated from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6. The plugins list page shows that I have 3.0.6 installed, but the cloudflare plugin settings page appears to be running 3.0.5. It says “Version: 3.0.5” and I still see the old cloudflare logo.
This is on a site with no object caching.
If this is an issue of your own javascript being cached either in the browser or in the cloudflare cache, then I think you should really come up with some kind of cache-busting strategy to make updates not require users to do anything to purge.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redis Object Cache] Sometimes sticky posts won’t unstick w/o cache flushThanks Till. Rather than blowing away the whole cache, I did the following which looks like it is working ok:
function tbp_delete_options_from_cache () { wp_cache_delete( 'alloptions', 'options' ); } add_action( 'update_option_sticky_posts', 'tbp_delete_options_from_cache' );
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redis Object Cache] Sometimes sticky posts won’t unstick w/o cache flushoptions table is 683 rows, 2.1 MB.
Do you know if WP has a hook for sticky_posts changing?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cloudflare] WTF is up with not providing a changelog?Thanks, allow me to beg then that the proper changelog for v. 1.3.25 is something like:
‘Testing new deployment process – no changes to plugin’.That way, those of us who prefer not to experience WSOD’s from errant upgrades will know that it is probably safe to go ahead and update without having to diff the new version against the old one.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redis Object Cache] How to check if working?In my opinion your plugin is not using Redis at all and simply the object cache from WordPress.
fwiw, this may be true for you, but my redis db is quite full of cached material using this plugin, so i would guess as the developer suggested that what you are seeing is specific to your configuration.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP fail2ban - Advanced Security] false positive on user enumerationConfirmed v. 3.5.1 fixes this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Default shipping method selected no longer cheapestThanks Mike. I used that filter and restored code from the function get_default_method in WC v. 2.5.5 includes/class-wc-shipping.php to get back to the earlier behavior.
This is a fairly significant policy change for a store – especially one where customers were used to the cart choosing the least expensive shipping option for them by default. I read through the release notes for 2.6 before upgrading, but this was still a surprise to me.
Maybe there should be an option in the shipping options settings?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Query choking mysql (mariadb) on dashboard home pageAfter much gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair, this appears to be a problem with mariadb version 10.1.15.
Downgrading to 10.1.14 made this problem go away (though the downgrade process was non-trivial…).
Sorry for the noise here and thanks Mike for your suggestions.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Query choking mysql (mariadb) on dashboard home pageThe termmeta migration in there is scaring me.
I’m still trying to figure out what is causing this problem. I’ve rebuilt the wp_posts and wp_postmeta tables with no effect.
And now I’ve built a little test fixture in my sql tool and I can see that the problem is the multiple joins on the postmeta table. Stripping down the query above to basics I find that this query:
SELECT * from wp_posts as posts INNER JOIN wp_postmeta AS parent_meta__order_total ON (posts.post_parent = parent_meta__order_total.post_id) AND (parent_meta__order_total.meta_key = '_order_total') WHERE posts.post_type IN ( 'shop_order','shop_order_refund' ) AND posts.post_date >= '2016-07-01' AND posts.post_date < '2016-07-04'
runs fine and returns one row in 200 ms.
But this query:
SELECT * from wp_posts as posts INNER JOIN wp_postmeta AS parent_meta__order_total ON (posts.post_parent = parent_meta__order_total.post_id) AND (parent_meta__order_total.meta_key = '_order_total') INNER JOIN wp_postmeta AS parent_meta__order_shipping ON (posts.post_parent = parent_meta__order_shipping.post_id) AND (parent_meta__order_shipping.meta_key = '_order_shipping') WHERE posts.post_type IN ( 'shop_order','shop_order_refund' ) AND posts.post_date >= '2016-07-01' AND posts.post_date < '2016-07-04'
…pegs mysql to 100% CPU and never returns.
It doesn’t matter which of those inner join clauses are combined; if there is only one of them the query works fine. If there is more than one of them, mysql acts like I am doing a heavy select on a table with no index.
Any further thoughts?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Query choking mysql (mariadb) on dashboard home pageYeah, I did try running the query directly and I saw the same thing.
I updated to 2.6.2 from 2.5.5.
I’ve flushed the object cache (redis) – doesn’t that clear all the transients?
I’ve also run a SQL query against the postmeta table that indicates there are no orphans in there.
So I’m left with a fairly busy production WC store that is not running right and just pragmatically, I need to fix it. What happens if I roll back to WC version 2.5.5 after I have done the db upgrade? Will it work?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Query choking mysql (mariadb) on dashboard home pageAs an FYI: I do depend on that widget but as a quick work-around, I tried to turn it off in screen options, but the same query ran anyway. Since it appears and disappears kind of instantly when you turn it on and off in screen options, I think that it still does all the queries to build it whether it is enabled or not.
But anyway…
I tested 2.6.2 on a dev server and then a test/staging server before I upgraded my production site. I saw no problems like this on either dev or test. The dev db also has a very fresh copy of the production db. In addition to the query above, another plugin (woocommerce wishlists from woothemes) was also making mysql use up all the CPU of the server and I had to disable that plugin to even get the production site online after the upgrade.
I noticed that the query that the wishlist plugin was choking on also involved postmeta like the one I showed above and I am wondering if it is possible that maybe something in the woocommerce db update process got messed up on the production box and caused an issue with the postmeta table? On my production box that table has > a million rows. Table is Innodb.
Whatever is happening, it seems like the result of the query is actually getting cached because it never completes and so after a minute, when I kill the thread (through mytop) the page refresh completes and then it will refresh that page instantly with no problem until the transient expires or I manually flush my object cache. After that I will see the problem again.
Is there some way to try to make it do the db update over? Or anything else you can recommend to try?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Default shipping method selected no longer cheapestCan you point me to a filter or action I can code up to get back the old behavior?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comments - wpDiscuz] Comment posting box at Bottom SuggestionWould just like to add that I’m very excited to use wpDiscuz on a site I manage that has a very active community of commenters, but can’t do so until this option is available.
Great work on this plugin so far!