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  • Thread Starter Platinums


    Yeah bro, still searching how to modify that to a normal pagination.

    Thread Starter Platinums


    I’ve add Post List in frontpage. In Post List pagination, the link became and I want to change URL to

    Thread Starter Platinums


    I’ve update to?

    I keep to optimize the jquery.min.js to avoid render-blocking.

    For now, I just delete this line:

    private static function inlineScrollEnqueueScripts()
                $offset = wp_is_mobile() ? ezTOC_Option::get( 'mobile_smooth_scroll_offset', 0 ) : ezTOC_Option::get( 'smooth_scroll_offset', 30 );
                 $inlineScrollJS = <<<INLINESCROLLJS
    jQuery(document).ready(function(){document.querySelectorAll(".ez-toc-section").forEach(t=>{t.setAttribute("ez-toc-data-id","#"+decodeURI(t.getAttribute("id")))}),jQuery("a.ez-toc-link").click(function(){let t=jQuery(this).attr("href"),e=jQuery("#wpadminbar"),i=0;$offset>30&&(i=$offset),e.length&&(i+=e.height()),jQuery('[ez-toc-data-id="'+decodeURI(t)+'"]').length>0&&(i=jQuery('[ez-toc-data-id="'+decodeURI(t)+'"]').offset().top-i),jQuery("html, body").animate({scrollTop:i},500)})});
                wp_register_script( 'ez-toc-scroll-scriptjs', '', array( 'jquery' ), ezTOC::VERSION );
                wp_enqueue_script( 'ez-toc-scroll-scriptjs', '', array( 'jquery' ), ezTOC::VERSION );
                wp_add_inline_script( 'ez-toc-scroll-scriptjs', $inlineScrollJS );

    Still searching the solution to keep minify js without get error ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined at

    Thread Starter Platinums


    I have search and try some theme.
    I think the problem because W3 Total Cache can’t make cache from generated script in wp head (except plugin script).

    Thread Starter Platinums


    I have search and try some theme.
    I think the problem because W3 Total Cache can’t make cache from generated script in wp head (except plugin script).

    I’m still search possibility reason about this problem.

    I’ve same problem with minify. Not compatible with litespeed web server.
    As rowsdowr said W3 + Autoptimize seems to work fine so far, thats right and good alternative solution before next update.

    Thread Starter Platinums


    I buy a theme with valid license. The License validator using Curl in main php called master-option.php (encoded by ioncube) <– I dont encode this one.
    I found 1 file lib.php (encoded by ioncube). I need to decode this file because I need to modify the theme. After decode The file I dont see anything about license in this file so thats legal if I decode this file for the reason to modify something in that theme.

    Code 1 may be something like this:

    foreach ($jaki as $key => $value ) {
    			$ic = $i++;

    Code 2:

    $jaki = smart_meta( $pid, 'my_nama_opsis' );
    	$i = 215;

    but still something wrong.
    I dont know how to put the $i = 215 and $ic = $i++ and what that mean.

    Code 3:

    foreach ($data as $item) {
    	$hash = '';
    	foreach ($group_fields as $item[$field] => $field) {
    		$hash .= ;

    For code 3 really dont know. ??

    Thread Starter Platinums


    Ok, I was update resume of code from html5. I’m using dreamweaver to make the case of code.
    Still trying to solve…

    Thread Starter Platinums


    Ah thats it.
    Thanks man.

    Thread Starter Platinums


    <?php query_posts(array('orderby' => 'rand')); ?>
    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <!-- do stuff ... -->
          <?php endif; ?>
    <?php wp_reset_query(); ?>
    <?php if (is_search()) { $posts = query_posts( $query_string . '&orderby=title&order=asc' ); } ?>

    I’ve add this, but still random result in search. Can you explain where to put `<?php query_posts(array(‘orderby’ => ‘rand’)); ?> and <?php if (is_search()) { $posts = query_posts( $query_string . ‘&orderby=title&order=asc’ ); } ?>

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