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I am sure
Did you try on a site that has both variations and non variation products?
My non-variation works just fine, but the ones that are with variations doesnt work.I have one filter and that is that when productnames are empty that they will not be included. Coulddl lthat be the thing? Did you try that?
Do you have the same SKU for all product variations? IF you do, you only mention the SKU on “the motherproduct”. Everything else should be empty because then it copies the SKU of the mother product.
There are two placen in Merchant that you fill out the filename of the feed.
In the first one you just fill out the xml-file and in the second you fill out the entire searchpath.. for instance¨
Hope this helps
I might have solved the problem. When you have both variation-products and non-variation products it seems it only looks at the condition for the non-variation products.
Product with variations: without variations: feed, same rule (if product name is empty, exclude)
A bug?
Best regards
JoakimNope, sorry.. I have one filter that i have set saying empty product names should be excluded. If I dont i get +200 warnings..
Hmm I have one idea that maybe you could confirm or something. I have set the condition in the variations, but since the product name is empty in variations, they are excluded?
f course
This is one that warns: is one that doesnt warn: regards
JoakimIt is in swedish so I have to translate
The warning in merchant:
Data saknas eller ?r ogiltig [skick]
“Data missing or invalid [condition]”When hoverinf with mouse over the questionmark beside it to get more info:
L?gg till giltig m?rkning av strukturerad data p? m?lsidan
“Add valid marking of structured data on the target page”Reading futher it sais that microdata is missing on the target page…
Still only happening for products with variations…Weird, but would be lovey to solve.
Yes it does. Thats why I went through all products adding new to them..
However, I have mapped the condition to woosea and I have added “new” to all products, even variations….
The explaination from google “add structured data to the target page”. However all pages look the same and only variation-products gets the warning… Do you understand what I mean?
Best regards
JoakimDo you REALLY think i am the only one with this problem with missing mobile pages. I think there must be more people loosing revenue, so instead of that attitude in your answer, please try and understand that this message is to help you fix errors so that more people are satisfied with your product.
I waited in the otehr topic for 3 days for an answer. What would you do in my situation, when developers do not answer and you see more and more products being forbidden because of the developers plugin? Uninstall the plugin or tr and reach out to the developers? I chose the latter. It seems that was a mistake?
Saw it now, Sent the url to you of the debug file
Nothing appeared
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP2Social Auto Publish] Error to authorize the plugin1st of august nu. Solution o uninstall?
No, I have a main product with picture and price.