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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7] required field doesn’t workI’ve solved.
I’ve deleted the line.
I’ve saved form without that selectable field.
wrote it again (identically to previous) and it worked.sometimes contact form 7 lose configuration.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Activate trash for CF7 formsI agree
hi Andrew
this is not a presale question.
I’ll write on soon.Thanks in advance
I’ve made, in elementor, a section.
This section, with button, is available only to a specifica member level.I’m trying code in your link.
I modify as this./** * Change the PayPal button image on the Paid Memberships Pro - Membership Checkout page. * * You can add this recipe to your site by creating a custom plugin * or using the Code Snippets plugin available for free in the WordPress repository. * Read this companion article for step-by-step directions on either method. * */ function my_pmpro_paypal_button_image( $url ) { return ''; } add_filter( 'pmpro_paypal_button_image', 'my_pmpro_paypal_button_image' );
it doesn’t work.
I think because it is related to my_pmpro_paypal_button_image, I use paypal express checkout
In inspect element I see the button is<input type="image" id="pmpro_btn-submit-paypalexpress" class="pmpro_btn-submit-checkout" value="Paga con PayPal ?" src="">
may I share my solution?
but I can’t modify text in checkout area.
maybe could be usefull some addon?ah ok, it appears in level description (after you click on button “buy”).
if I want to show near “buy” button i made with shortcode?
I set to 10 the number of place available.
it shows to me 12/10 spots available.I’ve added the code you linked in your reaply at bottom of previous code in pmpro-customizations.php and it doesn’t show “2/10 spots available” (i.e.)
may I need to insert a shortcode ?
and why when I put the limit to 0 the button “buy” still work? I expect that, if I put to 0 the number of subscription available it doesn’t work.
<?php /* Plugin Name: PMPro Customizations Plugin URI: Description: Customizations for my Paid Memberships Pro Setup Version: .1 Author: Paid Memberships Pro Author URI: */ //Now start placing your customization code below this line /* Set a maximum number of members allowed to register for a membership level. Add this code to a plugin for PMPro Customizations. Set the "Maximum" for a level on the Memberships > Membership Levels > Edit Level admin page. */ function pmproml_pmpro_save_membership_level( $level_id) { if( $level_id <= 0 ) { return; } $limit = $_REQUEST['pmpro_member_limit']; update_option('pmpro_limit_'.$level_id, $limit); } add_action( 'pmpro_save_membership_level', 'pmproml_pmpro_save_membership_level' ); function pmproml_pmpro_membership_level_after_other_settings ( ) { ?> <h3 class="topborder"><?php _e('Membership Limits', 'paid-memberships-pro');?></h3> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row" valign="top"><label for="pmpro_member_limit"><?php _e('Maximum', 'paid-memberships-pro'); ?></label></th> <td> <?php if( isset( $_REQUEST['edit'] ) ) { $edit = intval( $_REQUEST['edit'] ); $limit = get_option( 'pmpro_limit_' . $edit ); } else { $limit = ""; } ?> <input type="text" name="pmpro_member_limit" id="pmpro_member_limit" size="6" value="<?php echo $limit; ?>" /> <p class="description"><?php _e('Set the maximum number of members for this level.', 'paid-memberships-pro'); ?></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <?php } add_action( 'pmpro_membership_level_after_other_settings', 'pmproml_pmpro_membership_level_after_other_settings' ); function pmproml_pmpro_registration_checks( $value ) { global $wpdb; $level_id = intval( $_REQUEST['level'] ); //get the maximum number of members allowed in this level $limit = get_option( 'pmpro_limit_' . $level_id ); //get the count of members in this level $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->pmpro_memberships_users} WHERE <code>status</code> LIKE 'active' AND <code>membership_id</code> = ". esc_sql($level_id); $member_count = $wpdb->get_var($sql); //compare the count of members to the maximum number of members allowed in this level if($member_count >= $limit) { global $pmpro_msg, $pmpro_msgt; $pmpro_msg = __('Membership limit has been reached for this level', 'paid-memberships-pro'); $pmpro_msgt = "pmpro_error"; $value = false; } return $value; } add_filter( 'pmpro_registration_checks', 'pmproml_pmpro_registration_checks' ); /* * This will show '0/X spots available.' on membership level description if a limit is set from ( * Add this code to your PMPro Customizations Plugin - * For help, post a support thread on */ function pmpro_show_spots_available( $description, $level ) { global $wpdb; $level_id = intval( $level->id ); //get the maximum number of members allowed in this level $limit = get_option( 'pmpro_limit_' . $level_id ); // if the limit is not set, just return the default description for that level. if( empty( $limit ) ){ return $description; } //get the count of members in this level $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->pmpro_memberships_users} WHERE <code>status</code> LIKE 'active' AND <code>membership_id</code> = ". esc_sql($level_id); $member_count = $wpdb->get_var($sql); $description .= $member_count . '/' . $limit; $description .= ' spots available.'; return $description; } add_filter( 'pmpro_level_description', 'pmpro_show_spots_available', 10, 2 );
- This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by plxmas.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] attachment and field doesn’t arrive in emailwebsite is hidden, I’m working on a restyling.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] send button doesn’t work and how send form to sender mail?which is the tag [tag] to use for?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] send button doesn’t work and how send form to sender mail?I put
[acceptance] [/acceptance]
outside group, and it works.
remains the problem to send a copy of email to subject who compile form.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by plxmas.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] send button doesn’t work and how send form to sender mail?it is hidden, I’m working on a big update and refacing
this is the code I use for form
Seleziona il tuo Trainer [select* selezionaTrainer "-- seleziona il tuo Trainer --" "Miriam|mail1" "Giancarlo|mail2"] Seleziona il tipo di questionario [select* selezionaQuestionario "-- seleziona il tuo questionario --" "Primo questionario" "Check Rinnovo"] [group PrimoQuestionario] Il tuo Nome: [text* your-name] </label> <label>La tua Età: [text* your-age] </label> <label>Il tuo perso a digiuno: [text* your-weight] </label> <label>Il tua altezza: [text* your-weight] </label> <label>Il tuo perso a digiuno: [text* your-height] </label> <label>Obiettivi e punti nei quali vorresti migliorare<br>[text* Obiettivi] </label> <label>Infortuni,operazioni o altri problemi fisici sia passati che attuali (se ne hai, attualmente ti creano problemi, limitazioni o fastidi mentre ti alleni?)<br>[text* Infortuni]</label> <label>Da quanto tempo ti alleni?<br>[text* time]</label> <label>Se non ti alleni da tempo, scrivimi da quanto tempo sei fermo/a<br>[text* timeTraining]</label> <label>Parlami in breve dell’allenamento che stai facendo attualmente ( quante volte ti stai allenando/com’è impostato/ e se fai lavoro aerobico, scrivi quanto )<br>[text* speak]</label> <label>Quante volte ti alleni/vorresti allenarti a settimana? (Scrivimi anche l’orario in cui di solito ti alleni e il tempo che hai a disposizione)<br>[text* howManyTimes]</label> <label>Lavori? Se si, scrivimi in breve di cosa ti occupi,quante ore lavori al giorno, i tuoi orari e se passi troppo tempo in piedi o seduto/a<br>[text* dailyRoutine]</label> <label>Scrivimi se hai patologie specifiche e se assumi eventuali farmaci<br>[text* health]</label> <label>Hai allergie o intolleranze ( se si, elencami gli effetti negativi che hai e la gravità)<br>[text* allergy]</label> <label>Parlami in breve delle tue diete precedenti<br>[text* diet]</label> <label>Attualmente sei seguito/a da un dietologo/nutrizionista?(se si, specifica se vuoi solo la scheda di allenamento oppure anche i consigli alimentari strutturati per te)<br>[text* nutritionist]</label> <label>Descrivimi in breve e in modo dettagliato una tua giornata alimentare tipo (tutto quello che mangi con gli orari dei singoli pasti e le grammature; se segui la dieta del nutrizionista elencala)<br>[text* diet]</label> <label>Parlami in breve delle tue diete precedenti<br>[text* supplyRoutine]</label> <label>Quanta acqua bevi lontano dai pasti ogni giorno<br>[text* water]</label> <label>Allega 3 Foto</label> <label>frontale braccia rilassate<br> [file* file filetypes:pdf|png|jpg]</label> <label>di profilo braccia sollevate in avanti<br> [file* file filetypes:pdf|png|jpg]</label> <label>di schiena braccia rilassate<br> [file* file filetypes:pdf|png|jpg]</label> <label>Descrivimi dettagliatamente tutte le attrezzature che hai (specificare la tipologia, il peso totale sia dei dischi che dei manubri, specificare il carico massimo che puoi aggiungere sul bilanciere; specificare se i manubri sono componibili (il minimo e il massimo che puoi caricare) o a pesi fisso, Se hai elastici specificare se sono di stoffa, in gomma, aperti, chiusi, con maniglie o senza<br>[text* props]</label> <label>IN QUALE PRECISO MOMENTO TI SEI SPINTO/A AD AFFIDARTI A ME?<br>[text* motivation]</label> [acceptance TrattamentoDatiPersonali] DICHIARO DI ESSERE MAGGIORENNE. Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali ai fini indicati nella privacy policy del sito che dichiaro di conoscere ed accettare [/acceptance] [/group] [group CheckRinnovo] Il tuo Nome: [text* your-name] </label> <label>La tua Età: [text* your-age] </label> <label>Il tuo perso a digiuno: [text* your-weight] </label> <label>scrivimi un resoconto generale di come sono andati gli allenamenti:<br>[text* CheckTrainin] </label> <label>Hai avuto difficoltà nel fare qualche esercizio?<br>[text* difficulty]</label> <label>Hai svolto tutto il lavoro aerobico previsto nella programmazione?:<br>[text* worked]</label> <label>Scrivimi se hai nuove attrezzature o se ti alleni in palestra:<br>[text* newGear]</label> <label>Ricordami eventuali problemi fisici:<br>[text* problemCheck]</label> <label>Scrivimi un resoconto generale di com’è andata l’alimentazione:<br>[text* foodCheck]</label> <label>scrivimi quanti pasti stai riuscendo effettivamente a fare al giorno:<br>[text* creackfastCheck]</label> <label>Hai qualche richiesta in particolare?: <br>[text* request]</label> <label>Ricordami eventuali allergie/intolleranze<br>[text* allergyCheck]</label> <label>Scrivimi quante settimane del programma sei riuscito/a a fare al 100%<br>[text* workCheck]</label> <label>In una scala da 0 a 10 quanto realmente ti sei impegnato/a ad essere costante e a fare tutto al 100%? <br>[text* commitment]</label> <label>Allega 3 Foto</label> <label>frontale braccia rilassate<br> [file* file filetypes:pdf|png|jpg]</label> <label>di profilo braccia sollevate in avanti<br> [file* file filetypes:pdf|png|jpg]</label> <label>di schiena braccia rilassate<br> [file* file filetypes:pdf|png|jpg]</label> [acceptance accettazione] DICHIARO DI ESSERE MAGGIORENNE. Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali ai fini indicati nella privacy policy del sito che dichiaro di conoscere ed accettare. [/acceptance] [/group] [submit "Invia"]
I ask even in support of Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7, maybe a conflict with add on
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7] different recipient for each formthat’s great!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Rife Free] works and albumsthanks for answer.
this is my album page portfolio (albums) has words with photos, is it wrong?
this is a example do you advice to use works?