We are running 3 WordPress sites, and 1 of which is for our entire campus uses it and we are using your plugin for AD authentication.
This was working great up until we changes the AD security group that a user had to be in order to gain access to the site, previously manually managed by an Admin, but now the new group is managed by our SIS system. Now we are finding some of our transfer and first year students cannot get in, but others can. It’s wierd….
I turned debugging on and it doesn’t tell us a whole lot, however when a user who is in the correct security group tries to login to the site, we get an “Invalid Username” message…..
Can anyone explain this or tell me how to fix it?
This is a problem such that we are now down to creating manual accounts, local WP accounts for a small group of users…. The impact of doing this is that this will remain this way for all 4 years of their college experience since they are required by some classes they are taking to do classwork and assignments on the site…
Phillip M.