Forum Replies Created
Yes, you can disable ‘Anyone Can Register’ and registration through PMPro will still work. We advise using other plugins that have registration such as BuddyPress in this manner, so that PMPro controls it all with priority.
I hope that helps!
Hello ineedyou.
Can you please explain your question in more detail? I’m not sure I understand the problem.
Hello Manoj Chacko.
Here is a blog post that discusses how to Add a Custom Column to the Members List and All Users Admin Pages:
That does not specify the code you’ll need to get the last payment value. Here’s an example of some code that could help, but would need to be modified to work in this case:
//get the current enddate of their membership global $current_user; $expiration_date = $current_user->membership_level->enddate;
When a recurring payment fails, the member and the admin are notified of this failure. Depending on your gateway, the user will receive a link to update payment information on the Billing Information page on your website or directly with the gateway (for offsite PayPal gateways).
Paid Memberships Pro does not automatically cancel a user if their payment fails.
Please see this blog post for more info and a useful Add On: let me know if you need additional assistance.
Hello contwist.
Woohoo61 is correct.
Please take a look at our blog post “Hiding the WordPress Dashboard From Your Members”, here: post discusses using the Theme Your Login Page plugin, which should allow you to do what you need to do. I believe you will need to modify the profile template after installing the plugin.
Please let us know if you need additional assistance.
Hello pramodpishte.
You can modify membership expiration periods, please see the documentation here:
Please note that setting an expiration will cancel a recurring subscription.
Please let me know if you need additional assistance.
Hello blscomputers.
You are encountering an undefined function error. Here’s a blog post about how to avoid/fix undefined errors:’s our documentation on pmpro_hasMembershipLevel(), just for reference:
This blog post about creating conditional main menus for members/non-members may also be helpful:
Finally, here’s a blog post with information about redirecting non-members away from members only pages:
Please let me know if you require further assistance.
Hello spraker.
This blog post discusses how to Change PMPro membership cancellation to set expiration date for next payment instead of cancelling immediately. let me know if you need further assistance.
Hello gemchand.
If your gallery content is outside of WordPress this blog post should help. Locking Down Non-WordPress Files and Folders with Paid Memberships Pro, here: can also use the Shortcode on the gallery page to verify that you are restricting access.
Please let me know if you need further assistance.
Hello saiyajinss.
Are you using the “Read More” tag (ex. <!–more–>) to insert your excerpts?
Please take a look at this blog post About Excerpts and Using the “Read More” Tag for Posts and Pages here:
This post discusses using excerpts with PMPro.You may also want to contact the Mantra Theme support forums, here:
We don’t appear to have encountered this specific issue before. If you would like more direct/hands-on support our premium support forums are here:
Hello Andrew.
This code recipe allows you to send a custom email template for members who renew their membership. The email replaces the standard checkout template a first time member would have received (i.e. checkout_paid.html or equivalent).
The blog post also has a link to default email templates, here: regards to setting up the Stripe webhook, please see the Gateway Setup info for Stripe on our site, here:
Please let us know if you need further assistance.
Hello Datenfresser123.
You should be able to use something similar to this example:
Except instead of checking for option1 you would check for pmpro_bcountry field instead and adjust the pricing based on the conversion rate.Let us know if you need further guidance in doing this. Thanks.