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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Booking calendar, Appointment Booking System] Conflict with Oxygen BuilderI was able to get a solution from the Oxygen Builder team, I will share here in case anyone else needs this information:
= = = = = = = = = =
To prevent the conflict from occurring, please install the Code Snippets plugin on your site and create a snippet with the following code:
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', function () { if (! strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'ct_builder=true' ) !== false ) return; foreach ( wp_scripts()->queue as $wp_script ) { switch( $wp_script ) { case 'jquery-ui': wp_deregister_script( $wp_script ); break; } } });
Once that snippet is added, you shouldn’t experience the issue in the builder any longer.
= = = = = = = = = =I can confirm that this solution works.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by pnaw10.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer] PDFmake won’t go awayI figured it out myself, and I will offer my solution in case anyone else has the same issue. In your
, add these lines:function igsv_dequeue_google_charts_script ($scripts) { unset($scripts['jquery-datatables, datatables-buttons, datatables-buttons-colvis, datatables-buttons-print, pdfmake, pdfmake-fonts, jszip, datatables-buttons-html5, datatables-select, datatables-fixedheader, datatables-fixedcolumns, datatables-responsive, igsv-datatables, google-ajax-api, igsv-gvizcharts']); return $scripts; } function igsv_dequeue_google_charts_style ($styles) { unset($styles['jquery-datatables, datatables-buttons, datatables-select, datatables-fixedheader, datatables-fixedcolumns, datatables-responsive']); return $styles; } add_filter('gdoc_enqueued_front_end_scripts', 'gdoc_enqueued_front_end_styles', 'igsv_dequeue_google_charts_script', 'igsv_dequeue_google_charts_style')
At first, I had only killed the scripts. I was hesitant to kill all of the styles as well, because I wasn’t sure if that would impact the one page on my website where I am showing a spreadsheet. But I tried anyway. Bingo. No impact on the spreadsheet page, and it finally stopped loading pdfmake. My GTMetrix grade immediately changed from C to A.
PS – In my case, I am using Oxygen Builder, which bypasses the entire WordPress theme structure, so there is no
. But I was able to create a custom plugin to execute the above code.Originally switched to another SMTP plugin, as that was easier than trying to continue troubleshooting this one — at least for the time being.
Since then, I’ve switched back to Post SMTP and everything is working fine once again.
In the meantime, I had disabled a suite of theme-design plugins (BoldGrid) that I had recently installed because a premium membership is “included” with my new hosting plan. Although BoldGrid should have NOTHING to do with sending mail, my guess is that one or more of BoldGrid’s six (yes, six!) plugins may have been the cuplrit. When I searched all of the files in the plugins folder for instances of
most if not all of the BoldGrid plugins had references to it.Several other plugins also made mention of
but those were all plugins I’ve had for quite some time.I didn’t bother to further inspect the code of the BoldGrid plugin files, because after trying it, I think BoldGrid is a pile of garbage. Since I don’t intend to use it and Post SMTP appears to be working properly again, I’m not concerned with pinpointing the exact source of the cause… but wanted to provide an update in case anyone else encounters similar conflicts in the future. If so, hopefully this can be a starting point for such a person.
The other SMTP plugin I was using in the interim was OK as well, but I found it lacking in a few ways. Particularly, it was lacking a log feature. I like that Post SMTP has logs so I can “audit” email generated by my website versus what actually appeared in my inbox. Not that I’ve ever had anything disappear en route, but it’s good to know I can always check just to be sure.
Thank you for your hard work and dedication to this project.
There is no other
in the plugins folder or any of its subfolders.Update: I wanted to see if deactivating and then reactivating the plugin would resolve the error. I deactivated, and the error is still showing on my dashboard. How and why would an error from an inactive plugin be able to appear on my dashboard?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer] HTML Error fouling-up CSS?Thank you for the quick response and for updating the plugin. Everything works as expected now!
Thank you also for the link to the CSS3 information. I just used the older even/odd code since that’s what was in the FAQ… but I will try to get it work with the CSS3 method so it’s OK before you remove the even/odd classes.
Donation sent your way via PayPal… thanks again for the awesome plugin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] ICS Imports and Updates, but no Delete?Eureka! That’s it. I don’t remember ticking that box when I was setting it up, but I guess I must have done so. Just unticked it, refreshed, and everything’s working perfectly.
Thank you so much for the very fast and helpful response!!!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Jetpack Monitor says site down repeatedly but it is notAdding to or concurring with this… I just recently decided to activate Jetpack Monitor for the first time a few days ago, on just one of my sites.
Twice this evening, I have received emails notifying me, “Good news — your site is back up!” The first time, Jetpack said the site was down for 2 hours, and the second time it was down for 48 minutes.
Both times, I only got the “your site is back up” email, never got a “your site is down” email (even in my spam folder), so I never had the chance to see if the site really was down when Jetpack claimed it was. I am also not too sure what’s the point of a monitor that only tells me about incidents AFTER they are over, rather than when they are first detected.
Before I found this thread, a Google search led me to another thread from 7 months ago where one of Jetpack’s developers gave a brief explanation of how Monitor works, but he never acknowledged there may be a problem or that they’d even investigate. Instead, he only suggested users can just disable monitor if they aren’t pleased with the results.
Oh, and as I’m typing this post, another email came in — somehow delayed, as the timestamp is earlier than the first two emails — notifying me that my site was down for 8 minutes.
A couple minutes later, I got the even earlier “During our last check on Wednesday, October 8, 3:16 pm, we noticed that your site was down” email. Since I got 3 “back up” emails, I assume those 2 as-of-yet-missing “your site was down” emails will be rolling in shortly.
Well, I think I’m just going to disable Jetpack Monitor. I never really had any major suspicion that my site was ever experiencing downtime… just thought, as long as it’s there, I’ll check it out for a bit and see what happens. Now that I’ve seen what happens, I’m going to disable it until they can eliminate these false positives.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: All blogs wp-login.php redirecting to localhostPer this thread: is also happening on sites hosted by 1&1 — thought I’d crosspost in case anyone (like me, earlier) is Googling this problem.
I did notice earlier today that I kept getting “500” errors while working on my site. At first I thought it was because I was stretching my PHP memory with a few too many tabs open, but now I wonder if that could have been due to DDOS attacks.
Thanks for the update. It sure would be nice if hosting providers would send an email bulletin to customers, rather than simply shutting everyone out and leaving us to our own devices to find out why.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Feature Request – draft postsKelvin, the solution you linked to seems interesting. But two questions:
1) The article never says where this code should be placed. Since it mentions that these are functions, is it assumed these code snippets should be added to functions.php or do they go elsewhere?
2) If someone makes the changes suggested in the article, wouldn’t they be overwritten the next time WordPress is upgraded to a new version?
I would imagine there must be a plugin out there which can make dashboard menu editing (a) user-friendly; and (b) immune to WordPress and/or theme upgrades. If there isn’t, there’s an idea for someone with the skills to make one.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook] Customize Open Graph protocol for your site or network@ You said that Facebook will randomly show an image OTHER than the one you specified as the post’s featured image.
Just something I discovered myself recently: Facebook prefers images that are at least 200×200 pixels. For years, the featured images on my site have been 200×150, which is smaller than what FB wants.
If I publish a post with no other images, Facebook will honor the featured image since there’s no other choice. But if a post includes other images, FB will simply ignore the og:image tag and automatically take the first image in the post which exceeds 200×200 pixels.
Put any URL into the Facebook Debugger and you’ll see exactly which OpenGraph tags are “seen” by Facebook, and whether any of these tags are generating problems or error messages. That’s how I realized FB was ignoring my featured images (if a bigger image is available).
When it comes to using other plugins to manage your images, I can’t help you there. And I agree with cjeyes‘ comment about how we shouldn’t have to involve ourselves into tinkering with code just to make such a simple thing happen.
With the new FB news feed being announced yesterday, I’m now trying to find a way to bring my sites into compliance with Facebook’s “demand” that featured images be at least 200×200 pixels, but “preferably” as large as 1500×1500 pixels. I’m trying to figure out how to make new posts display “normal” images on my site, while feeding the gigantic 1500px images to Facebook.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook] [Plugin: Facebook] Comments suggestionsHello, I’ll once again throw in my support for this FB plugin to “co-exist” with WordPress comments, rather than replacing them.
I recently ran a brief survey on my website at Over the course of a few days, I received a good number of responses. One question was worded like this: “We’re not asking if you DO post comments on our articles, but if you were to post a comment, which platform would you prefer to use?” This is a multiple-choice response.
So far, 27% say Facebook and 65% said the site’s own original (WordPress) commenting interface. Some of my readers like Facebook since they already logged-in there, so they can quickly post a comment… but given the nature of my site, many users would prefer NOT to reveal their real names (which Facebook requires). They would prefer to register for a login on my site, where they can create an obscure screen name that protects their true identity.
When given the chance to provide open answers on what one thing they’d most like to see changed about the site, one reader said it would be nice if I could include a widget which lists the latest FB comments, just like I already have a widget which lists the latest WordPress-posted comments. It’s a wonderful point, as right now, you MUST visit each page individually to see if any comments were posted via FB, and that even goes for me as the site owner. I don’t get notifications (via email like WordPress does) or even on my own FB account when I login there.
To that extent, it would be nice if I could get FB comment notifications. I doubt anyone would post anything obscene under their real name via FB, but just the same, I’d like a better way to be aware of new comments; nobody has time to manually and continually view each post just to check for comments. Even if not for policing comments, sometimes readers ask questions and I like to know so I can respond.
Thanks for your attention to these comments. Still holding off on reactivating the FB plugin after my earlier trial, but hopeful to hear some news on the requests made here.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Simple plugin to auto post to Google ?Bump.
Still nothing better than a plugin that also requires purchase of a $49 script and possibly nagging my web host to enable features I may not have by default?
As Graham Stoney recommended several posts earlier, I am going to post a feature request/suggestion on the G+ forums.
I was also poking around on the G+ API site. While I can sometimes tinker my way through PHP and CSS, I don’t know the first thing about app development… but if I’m understanding the main points of the few pages I was reviewing, it seems like G+ might be getting closer to finally making this happen.
It’s all under what they’re calling their “History API.” Right now, they say this is only available as a “preview” for developers to begin building and testing apps. The page was last updated on 6/27/2012.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Duplicate Tags, Different Slugs – Way to Merge?I had a feeling, but I’m not knowledgeable enough about SQL, nor comfortable enough to try following a tutorial, if there were one. I know one tiny mistake when messing with the database can cause some horrific results… and it’s not worth having to try to restore a backup over something that’s honestly not much more than a minor, occasional annoyance.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Duplicate Tags, Different Slugs – Way to Merge?Thanks for that!
Looks like it might do what I need, but it also says it hasn’t been updated in almost a year (last August). The FAQ tab says the latest version is compatible up to WordPress 3.3.2 but WP is now up to 3.4.1. Not sure if this plugin would still work.
I’m going to think about it for a bit. Maybe I’ll try it, maybe not. If I do try it, I’ll post an update in case anyone else out there would benefit from knowing if this worked.