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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blogger permalink RewriteRule not workingWell, then I’m all out of ideas. Mostly…
Do you have any other RewriteRules? Maybe there is a conflict? You should post all your mod_rewrite rules to see if anyone can help.
Also, does mod_rewrite work recusively? That is, if a parent directory has mod_rewrite rules in a .htaccess could they conflict or override the rules in a child directory? Hopefully someone can answer that.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blogger permalink RewriteRule not workingI’m not sure that the wordpress 404 error is enough to suggest that it is almost working correctly. I would expect that even if you didn’t have a mod_rewrite rule since you are asking the server for a non-existent file under the wordpress directory.
I don’t know much about mod_rewrite, but I would expect it to look something like this.
RewriteRule ^wordpress/([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{1,2})/([^/]+).html$ wordpress/$1/$2/$3/ [QSA,R]
You said that you tried “^(.*)/”. Did you add a $4 to the second part of the expression?
RewriteRule ^(.*)/([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{1,2})/([^/]+).html$ $1/$2/$3/$4/ [QSA,R]
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blogger permalink RewriteRule not workingI’m no mod_rewrite expert, but I believe that is the correct rule if you had your blog in the root directory.
However, since you have your wordpress blog in a directory called “wordpress” the rule probably needs to be updated with that in mind.
Also, I’m assuming that you didn’t actually put your blogger blog into a directory called “wordpress” so how would the rewrite rule help? Or are you just testing it until you move it to a different directory?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: SAFARI PROBLEMS: Importing Images from Blogger to WordPressI don’t see any of the images at all in Firefox, and IE shoes errors, but that is likely due to the fact that they are still being hosted by Blogger.
You may want to consider moving the images from Blogger’s server to your own. I have a plugin that does just that because, like you, I had a blogger photo blog that I recently imported to WordPress.
Here is my before https://okuda.blogspot.com/ and after https://okuda.ca/.
I’d like to know if you find a good way to continue posting images to your blog. I’m not a big fan of the default WordPress image import as it does strange things with thumbnails (either you don’t get one or it is very small), and I have considered modifying it, but I want something that was as easy to use as Picasa.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: CURL Extension for importing BloggerTry this
Leave a comment if there is something that is not clear.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blogger import broken in wordpress-2.0.3I guess you figured it out already, but those Blogger import instructions at wiki.www.ads-software.com are old and for WordPress 1.5. You should just use the admin interface for doing the import.
Someone should update the docs to, at the very least, identify that they are out of date and should not be followed with the latest versions of WordPress. I would, but I don’t know how to create an account (of if that is even possible given that the wiki is deprecated).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Removing an Incoming LinkWhat’s wrong with that anyway? It doesn’t make any sense for them to link to you (seems like it is only beneficial to them if it goes the other way around). If it drives more traffic to your site what is the problem? Maybe someone will click on an add.
If your problem is that you are getting pingbacks in your comments to their site then you should run a spam filter like Askimet. It is quite handy. I used to only get one or two spam comments a day and then suddenly started getting hundreds. I installed Askimet less than a week ago and it has filtered out almost 900 spam comments since then.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: CURL Extension for importing BloggerAs has been posted a few times in these forums, your best bet is to install your own server on your PC, do the import, and copy the WordPress DB from your PC to your public WordPress server. Search around and you should find posts about this process. I am in the process of writing up another tutorial about my own experiences doing this. Perhaps I will finish it sooner rather than later.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: importing archives from bloggerYou will not lose your Blogger blog if you import it to WordPress. However, you will want to be extra careful about saving your Template before you do the import as some users (including me once) have had problems with the import not restoring the template correctly. This is as simple as copying the text in the template to a text file on your PC, doing the import, and then, if the template needs to be restored, copying the template from the text file back to blogger.
As for a good host – There are thousands that will work for you and I have no opinion about them.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Pictures in Blogger to WPI was just going through some of my old posts and I find it odd that I never replied to this thread with my solution. I’m sure it is too late for this thread, but in case anyone is interested or find this thread later, I wrote a plugin that imports the blogger hosted images in a WordPress blog to the local server.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blogger-to-WordPress Import Help, pleaseIf you search this forum you will find hundreds of resolutions to the problem of your template getting messed up. The import process has to change your template file in order to import the posts in a machine readable form. Sometimes it has problems restoring the template to the original. This is why you were instructed to make a backup copy of your template before you started.
Replace the template of your Blogger blog with the backup you made (or one of the defaults if you didn’t make a backup) and republish.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Import from Blogger deniedAs I understand it, the import process interacts with your Blogger blog from the server to do the import. So your WordPress server communicates with the Blogger server. If the server from which your WordPress install is running is setup in such a way that it cannot connect to the blogger server (which might explain the error message) then you are out of luck.
I could see why a hosting provider might want to prevent you server scripts from accessing external servers (there are probably lost of nefarious things you could do with that). You can ask them to allow this traffic and, if they don’t, switch to someone who will.
This is just how I believe it works though I have never looked at the import script.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Import from Blogger deniedDon’t worry, it can be made to work. Unfortunately, it may not be as simple as it should be. It sounds like you have a problem with your server host. You can try contacting your hosting provider and explain what you are doing and maybe they can help you out.
If they won’t help you then you can consider switching to a different host that will work.
If you don’t want to do all that, then there is another alternative. You can run your own server on your own computer, import your Blogger blog to that, and then copy your WordPress database from your PC to your host. See the following for more details…
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: no user dbReset the template on your blogger blog (you did save a copy before you started the imprt, right?). Any template will do if you don’t have a backup.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Converting Blogger Titles to WordPress?The problem with that, which is similar to the problem with my suggestion, is that the URL does NOT have the articles. So you would need a mod_rewrite change that could add the articles ??
You could just manually edit the slug for each imported post (duh, why didn’t I think of that sooner?). Not much fun, but easier than fixing all the links. If you go to the edit page for a post, on the right side there is an item called “Post slug”. If you make that the same as what Blogger uses then all your links will be fixed.
I suppose someone could write a plugin to do that. Maybe I will add it to my list. For now you can take a look the other plugins I’ve written to help with Blogger imports.