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  • Thread Starter polly001


    Hi Caroline

    Your demo views fine on my phone ie: it’s responsive which is what I want. The circles appear in 2 columns, mine only 1. I suspect it must have been some things I’ve changed in my child theme (possibly reducing padding?) that has messed with the responsive settings in the parent files.

    In the original style.css are there any commands you have regarding responsive nature? Are there any particular padding dimensions that should not be changed in your opinion?

    There’s a plugin that makes themes responsive but I don’t want to use it incase it messes with the whole thing.


    Thread Starter polly001


    thanks alchymyth, worked perfectly
    I set the max height of #masthead img to none
    and dimensions in functions.php to the actual image size my logo is

    Thread Starter polly001


    thanks Caroline, just did as you suggested and it works fab.
    for other people’s reference you have to change background colour for the following:


    Thread Starter polly001


    I have just tried again:
    in my child theme style.css changing the #masthead img max height to none allows the overall header height to be increased which is good.

    However when I go to appearance>header I can only ever upload a 150×150 image.

    So I then created a new functions.php in my child theme and added the code as per your link but it doesn’t work ??

    Thread Starter polly001


    hi Alchymyth
    yes I have read this and tried the suggestion but the code doen’t seem to be working.

    Thread Starter polly001


    yes esmi I did.
    I have spent 2 days reading books as well as doing everything
    suggested by yourself and others.

    The child theme does seem to be working and pulling in the parent theme the problem is that on the wordpress dashboard>themes
    it has this line (this child theme requires its parent theme, Twenty Twelve) above the activate live preview line of my child theme

    Shall i just ignore it? I noticed a person on this forum had the same issue as mine and they were told to just ignore it so I think I will just have to do that as I can’t afford to waste anymore of my time trying different things.

    thanks for all your help and suggestions



    hi this is very interesting as i have been having similar issues for days and been so perplexed and delayed!!
    I basically started from scratch and I can activate my child theme fine and it seems to be linking to the parent theme however the very strange thing is when I look at the dashboard>themes page underneath my child theme it has a line of text saying
    This child theme requires its parent theme, Twenty Twelve.
    can’t figure out why this is!

    see more details on problems I’ve been having with various themes on my post

    Thread Starter polly001



    1) I have called my host to check there were no server issues.
    2) I then uninstalled wordpress from my website account. So in my FTP manager I couldn’t see anything wp related.
    3) I cleared all browsers on my machine (IE,Chrome, Firefox) history
    4) I then re-installed wordpress via my host’s Cpanel
    5) Once installed the only themes located in wp-content/themes are twentyeleven and twentytwelve.
    6) The only plugin activated is Jetpack latest version
    7) Following wordpress codex and WordPress for dummies I then created a new directory inside wp-content/themes called twentytwelve-child
    8)Within this newly created directory (child) I opened up the FTP editor and hand typed in the following:
    Theme Name: Twenty Twelve child
    Description: child theme for twenty twelve
    Author: me
    Version: 1.0
    Template: twentytwelve
    9) I then went into my wordpress dashboard and themes where I can now see the child theme. I activated it. Viewing my site it shows the site layout to be not the same as twenty twelve which is as it should be
    10) I then went back into my child style.css file and added immediately below */ the following
    @import url(‘../twentytwelve/style.css’);
    I saved this
    11) Refreshed my website and voila it now looks exactly like the twenty twelve theme which is great. BUT now in the themes page under twenty twelve child it has the following line:
    This child theme requires its parent theme, Twenty Twelve.
    even though it appears to be working fine.
    Shall i just ignore it and go ahead modifying the child style sheet?

    Thread Starter polly001


    Esmi – I’m sorry but your child theme doesn’t work either.

    When I go to manage my theme, the child theme is there however
    once I activate it I still have error message saying

    This child theme requires its parent theme, Twenty Twelve

    Do you think it could be a bug in wordpress?

    Thread Starter polly001


    still not working ??
    am very sad and frustrated!

    Thread Starter polly001


    my host is godaddy by the way – I rang them and they said that there are no issues their end.

    Thread Starter polly001


    esmi – I have 3 themes installed: alkane, twenty twelve and twenty twelve child. I decided to delete all the others for now while I run this test.

    alchymyth –
    Yes I have followed the instructions on the link you sent, therefore
    the directory structure i can see in my FTP manager is:

    /wp-content/themes/twentytwelve (many files in here which I have not touched)


    Within the /wp-content/themes/twentytwelve-child directory I have the style.css file located.

    I copied exactly the suggested css file as on your link.

    Theme Name: Twentytwelve Child
    Description: Child theme for the twentytwelve theme
    Author: Your name here
    Template: twentytwelve

    @import url(“../twentytwelve/style.css”);

    It still is saying that the parent theme is missing. When I view the manage themes page both Alkane and Twenty twelve are showing their default webpage image. The child theme is just a grey rectangle – is this how it should appear?

    Also I deleted plugins I installed after I started having these issues so as to eliminate cause of the problem.

    Can’t see/think what else is wrong.


    Thread Starter polly001


    I can now see my child theme and there is no broken theme message appearing in wordpress ??

    After reading various other posts I made 2 changes which seems to have resolved issue.

    in my ftp manager I can see

    First change: within my child theme style sheet I changed parent theme name to be entirely in lower case even though in it’s style sheet it appears like so: Spun

    Second change: I had a line between the end of the information
    */ and the @import url(“../spun/style.css”) so I deleted it

    Thread Starter polly001


    Hi P5systems

    thanks for replying, as i’m a bit of a newbie I just wanted to check I understand your suggestion.
    Within my child theme stylesheet I add :

    <?php dynamic_sidebar(‘widget name’); ?>

    if widget name is clock then I would replace this in the above line?
    Is this correct?


    Thread Starter polly001


    I have noticed an error message in the themes page of my dashboard.
    It’s saying that the child theme is missing parent theme. perhaps this may explain my problem above?
    I followed creating child theme instructions which are found on here

    I created a directory called spun-child, within that there is a new css file called style.css
    In this stylesheet the only information at the moment it contains is the theme name, author, etc, added line for template and below all this i added the following line:

    @import url(“../spun/style.css”);

    any ideas anyone in what i’m doing wrong?

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