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I added the code to my child theme’s functions.php and I tried using just about all the woocommerce hooks I could find for the new location, but it didn’t budge.
I submitted a support ticket to woothemes, so maybe they can help (doubtful as I’m using a free theme). I don’t want to take up any more of your time, but if you have any additional suggestions or notice I’m doing something wrong, feel free to let me know. If not, no worries! Thanks again.
No worries, I understand completely. Thanks for the info, I’ll let you know if I can make it work.
I’ve basically been learning and developing from scratch the past couple months. In the thread I think you were referring (or possibly something else I read on the same topic on this plugin), you/someone mentioned the drop down box is outside the shop loop hook, so it can’t be styled into the correct location adequately.
I’m not sure, but I don’t think the solution would require using hooks or CSS styling (unless there is a hook specifically for PPP), but rather moving the PPP code up in one of the theme files. But I wouldn’t know which file, what code to move, or where to move it. Hopefully you can point me in the right direction? I appreciate you taking the time to help.
I figured something like that would probably be the solution. That is definitely one area I’m not an expert on, but if it’s written out clearly, I may have a shot. Thanks again for your help and for the plugin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Collapsing Categories] Site freezes when using pluginI didn’t see any errors in chrome. Just to make sure I checked correctly, here are the steps I took:
In widget settings, I changed taxonamy type to product categories and post type to products and saved, then save and publish. I then refreshed the site and clicked on the expanding arrow for the top category (post number was wrong as well; actual # of products is 35, but showed 2254). That’s when it freezes.
At that point if I view another tab in my chrome browser and then go back to the site, it is completely blank and unresponsive. I clicked on the page, went to inspect, and hit Ctrl + Shift + J. Nothing popped up.
As I was writing this, I checked back on the site and it was responding again and the category had expanded and this was in the inspect console:
jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1:2 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1
I then tried to expand another top-level category and it froze again. It looks like it’s taking several minutes to respond, but eventually does.
I also noticed it is displaying the names of every product in each category that’s expanded. So the 35 products in my top level category were being displayed, as well as the 1 product in another category. They are displaying beneath the parent’s sub-categories but before the next parent category.
My site really requires an expandable product categories widget, and your plugin is the only thing I’ve found that comes close to doing that. I really hope you can get it working correctly for me. Thanks for the help.
Here is another screenshot of the mobile view:
I’m using Storefront-child theme. I’ve tried moving the dropdown box around with custom css to no avail.
On the plugin page it says:
Compatible up to: 4.4.5
Last Updated: 9 months agoI’m using version 4.6.1 of WP. Plugin still works great for me though. Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Can't seem to get the cart info into nav barNevermind, I decided to use a plugin from woothemes for now, but it is untested on my version of wp. Solved for now though I guess.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Can't seem to get the cart info into nav barDoes anyone know how to add cart info to nav bar? I can post php file contents and custom css if needed. Everything I’ve found in the forums and other places has not worked for me. Any tips would be appreciated.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to get header image logo to line up with navbar?Site is in dev mode, but I can post php file contents and custom css if necessary. What do you need?
I successfully moved my staging site to my live site! Thank you so much for the help!
These resources were very helpful, thank you, but I’m still left with a few questions. Here are the steps as I understand them to create a live site and staging site from scratch, I would appreciate any input you might have:
1. clean cpanel install/full reset
2. create coming soon html page, save as index.html, upload to public_html
3. create staging sub-domain
4. install wordpress to staging
5. make private with maintenance mode plugin and disable XML sitemaps
??? is this the best way to make staging site private?
6. setup staging site in wordpress
7. ready to move staging site to production site
8. complete website backup in cpanel, download to computer, delete from server
??? can I download public_html directory to computer instead of creating a backup directory on the server?
9. create duplicator package, download installer.php and .zip file
10. upload those two files to public_html directory
11. navigate to (duplicator – installer page)
…This is where I’m lost. On the links you provided, I couldn’t find what exactly I’m supposed to do on this page, other than:
‘Create a database and user per the standard Duplicator Pro installation procedure.’
DB Migrate looks like it might work, but it seems like it would take just as much time and be harder to check for accuracy, at least for me. For now I think I will just finish the initial design in staging then clone it over with duplicator. After that I’ll just have to make changes manually in both sites.
Thanks for the help. Any other suggestions would be appreciated as I’m still learning.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Live Site Too Big To Have Cloned Staging SiteAre there any solutions to this or should I scrap the staging site altogether and do all updates directly on the live site?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Live Site Too Big To Have Cloned Staging Siteaccording to wp-staging’s description:
Note: This plugin is not able to push back your changes to the live site at the moment! This is a feature i am already working on.
wpsitesynccontent seems like it might work though, I’ll give it a try and post back. Thank you!
Anyone else have any suggestions?