Hi Juan,
Thank you for your helpful reply. My developer has implemented this suggestion and at first we thought it solved the issue, but we seems to still be experiencing issues with the plugin.
See the following video. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hwtw3l6mf03404z8e0hcs/2024-12-10-Staging.Bonpak.co.za-Wishlist-Feature-Issues.mp4?rlkey=lx5hv2b1s5xrirmcnc9hqpbtf&dl=0
I’m logged in with my admin account. And for certain products, when they are on my wishlist, I cannot seem to remove them.
I even tried to log out and in again and hard refresh (reset cache) my browser, without success.
Also, when viewing products in a grid layout and using the slide in attribute filter, then 1. the category shows up in the sidebar (see “Dropper Bottles”) and 2. the “Save to Wishlist” buttons all disappear.
Let me know your thoughts – appreciate your help with this.