Forum Replies Created
Thank you, Sabuj! Does CBX Accounting use any sessions because according to this thread sessions can be the cause of the issue.
The following response that I received from the contact form fixed the problem I was having:
There is an easy approach to this, try to wrap the wp-hide code within the wp-config.php as follow:
if ( ! defined (‘DISABLE-WPH’ ) ) {
# BEGIN WP Hide & Security Enhancer
include_once( ( defined(‘WP_PLUGIN_DIR’) ? WP_PLUGIN_DIR . ‘/wp-hide-security-enhancer-pro/’ : ( defined( ‘WP_CONTENT_DIR’) ? WP_CONTENT_DIR : dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’ . ‘wp-content’ ) . ‘/plugins/wp-hide-security-enhancer-pro’ ) . ‘/include/wph.class.php’);
if (class_exists(‘WPH’)) { global $wph; $wph = new WPH(); ob_start( array($wph, ‘ob_start_callback’)); }
# END WP Hide & Security Enhancer}
then on your file, where you call the wp-config.php add the following line, right before (the require_once line):
define( ‘DISABLE-WPH’, TRUE );
Adding the following line to the rewrite list solved the problem:
rewrite ^/6w56tlw9ba2tqi1p$ /wp-admin/index.php last;
So the rewrite list should look like the following:
# BEGIN WP Hide & Security Enhancer
rewrite ^/c945b634b0f6d9feed0010b354f4fd14/rewrite_test /wp-content/plugins/wp-hide-security-enhancer-pro/include/rewrite-confirm.php last;
# END WP Hide & Security Enhancer
# BEGIN WP Hide & Security Enhancer
rewrite ^/new-login.php(.*) /wp-login.php$1 last;
rewrite ^/wp-login.php(.+) /index.php?wph-throw-404 last;
rewrite ^/new-admin$ /wp-admin/index.php last;
rewrite ^/new-admin/$ /wp-admin/index.php last;
rewrite ^/new-admin(.*) /wp-admin$1 last;
rewrite ^/wp-admin(.+) /index.php?wph-throw-404 last;
# END WP Hide & Security Enhancer- This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by powersurge.
Ok, I will try to send an email to that address right now.
Yes, I tried it with that option enabled and disabled and it made no difference.
Well the issue that I am running into is that I have another plugin with this line in the code:require_once(‘/path/to/wp-config.php’);
This other plugin will not work unless I comment out the line that was added to wp-config.php by this plugin. How can I make it so that both plugins will work?
Thank you!
I just tried sending a message through the contact form right now and when I click on the submit button, I am taken to the same form with all of the fields still filled in, but no message is shown telling whether the form was successfully submitted.
Anyway, here is the rewrite list. Thank you for your help!
# BEGIN WP Hide & Security Enhancer
rewrite ^/c945b634b0f6d9feed0010b354f4fd14/rewrite_test /wp-content/plugins/wp-hide-security-enhancer-pro/include/rewrite-confirm.php last;
# END WP Hide & Security Enhancer
# BEGIN WP Hide & Security Enhancer
rewrite ^/6w56tlw9ba2tqi1p.php(.*) /wp-login.php$1 last;
rewrite ^/wp-login.php(.+) /index.php?wph-throw-404 last;
rewrite ^/6w56tlw9ba2tqi1p/$ /wp-admin/index.php last;
rewrite ^/6w56tlw9ba2tqi1p(.*) /wp-admin$1 last;
rewrite ^/wp-admin(.+) /index.php?wph-throw-404 last;
# END WP Hide & Security EnhancerI should mention that it does redirect properly when the URL ends with a forward slash. So https://mydomain.com/new-admin/ will show the login screen, but https://mydomain.com/new-admin will get a 404 error.
I’m not sure if the contact form is working because I sent a message on there first and wasn’t given any indication of whether it had gone through. I moved the rewrite lines above the location / section and that did the trick so I guess I won’t be entering the rewrite lines trough Virtualmin anymore. I have one last question… Before installing this plugin, I was able to get to the login screen with https://mydomain.com/wp-admin. After installing this plugin, when I try to access https://mydomain.com/new-admin, it redirects to wp-admin and I get a 404 error. Am I missing something? Thank you for your help!