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  • Same problem here after updating WP to 4.5.1.

    On inspecting the JS console, the issue seems to be with the following assets not loading:

    • jquery.qtip.min.css
    • jquery.qtip.min.js
    • imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js
    • default-calendar.min.js

    Please suggest a quick-fix or an eta on an update to fix this. Thanks in anticipation.

    @nickyoung – So on 3.0.16 this issue of missing classes is resolved as long as you have those classes in composer’s vendor directory. So in my case I had to ‘composer require’ these 3 classes:

    "nesbot/carbon": "1.21.0",
    "google/apiclient": "*",
    "mexitek/phpcolors": "dev-master"

    The plugin is still not using it’s own bundled classes but rather the global versions.

    Thought I’d add this here in case someone else is using a Composer based install.

    @nickyoung – Yup. 3.0.16 fixes the issue just fine. Thanks for the prompt action. Much appreciated. Now just waiting for the plugin to be available thru wpackagist so I can switch back to a composer based plugin install.

    Thanks a ton!

    I have the same issue. It seems something is messing with the Autoloading of classes contained within the plugin. I figure in my case it might be due to me using a Composer based WordPress installation. Though none of the other plugins have any issue at all with this setup.

    I’m able to run it by adding the missing classes (like Carbon, Google API Client, PHPColors, etc.) as Composer dependencies in my project and then manually requiring the Composer autoloader into the files that need these classes but of course this isn’t the way to go.

    Any recommendations for a Composer based install guys!? This is what my current setup looks like:

    ├── composer.json
    ├── composer.lock
    ├── index.php
    ├── tags
    ├── vendor
    │?? ├── autoload.php
    │?? ├── composer
    │?? ├── google
    │?? ├── johnpbloch
    │?? ├── mexitek
    │?? ├── nesbot
    │?? ├── symfony
    │?? └── vlucas
    └── wp
        ├── composer.json
        ├── index.php
        ├── license.txt
        ├── readme.html
        ├── wp-activate.php
        ├── wp-admin
        ├── wp-blog-header.php
        ├── wp-comments-post.php
        ├── wp-config.php
        ├── wp-content
        ├── wp-cron.php
        ├── wp-includes
        ├── wp-links-opml.php
        ├── wp-load.php
        ├── wp-login.php
        ├── wp-mail.php
        ├── wp-settings.php
        ├── wp-signup.php
        ├── wp-trackback.php
        └── xmlrpc.php

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