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  • Thread Starter preet996


    I tried everything else and I didn’t manage to fix the issue.

    This is the advice the host of my server gave me.

    I completely understand what you’re saying, but what would you suggest otherwise for me to try to avoid editing core files?

    Thread Starter preet996


    None of those methods worked. I contacted my host. What did work is:

    Going to wp-includes/wp-constants.php…

    changing the line of code:

    if ( !defined('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT') ) {
    		if( is_multisite() ) {
    			define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');
    		} else {
    			define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '32M');

    I increased both by 16mb and that fixed it. I suppose if it didn’t work, you could increase by more.

    Hope this can help others. ??

    Thread Starter preet996


    Had a look and tried to increase the memory by adding a line in the wp-config file but no luck.

    I’ll try doing some other research and following your lead. I hope I can fix it. ??

    Thank you for your reply.

    Thread Starter preet996



    Hey JConford,

    I found a solution.

    You can implement this by adding the is_home() check in your header.php file.

    for example:

    <?php if(is_home) { ?>
      <div class="head-img">
      <!-- END Header -->
    <?php } ?>

    So in essence, you’re just wrapping the if statement around your current header image. it might not be class = “head-img” for you.
    If you are using a static page as your home page, then change (is_home) for (is_page(‘nameofpage’))

    Hope that helps.



    Sorry I have no answer for you! But I need a solution to this problem too!

    Another issue which concerns me in maybe creating a bit more difficulty in solving this problem is that I am using a static page as my home page, so I’m not sure how you could code it so that one page(the home page) has a header and the rest don’t.

    I think the logic would be something like: “If page is Home, then display header, else don’t display header”

    But I just don’t know how to implement that and where and what else it effects since I’m editing an existing theme. (Delicate by NattyWP).

    Thread Starter preet996


    It did work thank you and now I’m back for more! (Although not sure if anyone will receive an email on this matter!)

    I wanted to put another picture under it and make it a link. I tried to put it under the same top_search function and just move the picture down but that didn’t work.

    I ALMOST have it working.

    In the stylesheet, I made a function and it is as follows:

    #fb_link { background:url(images/findusonfacebook.jpg) no-repeat; height:44px; position:absolute; right:0px; top:50px; width:144px;}

    Then, in the header.php file, I have the following coding in:

    <div id="header">
    		<div id="flash_header">[kml_flashembed movie="https://www.******" height="120" width ="550"/]</div>
      <div id="top_search">
      <div id="fb_link"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="https://www.*******/images/findusonfacebook.jpg"/>

    It all works – the picture below the contact details is a link. BUT the problem is, the link appears on the line under the picture too, cutting into the nav bar, so it’s moved the HOME button on the nav bar down, so it’s not inline with the other links and so it’s a bit screwed up.

    Any support on this matter?

    Hope to hear from someone!

    Thanks! ??

    Hey Everyone!
    I found this link by doing a search for my own issue!
    I am also using delicate and am very new to WordPress.

    I have a static page as the home page. I want to keep my custom header on that page, but I want to remove the header from every single other page on the site.

    Instead of creating a new post on the forum, is there something I could develop from the code posted in this thread and get some help from you guys?

    My idea is as follows but I do not know how to implement it – “if page isn’t home page, then don’t display a header”. Is this logic applicable?

    Look forward to replies! Thanks ??

    Thread Starter preet996


    Thank you very much! Again, this is exactly the kind of information I was looking for. It would have probably taken me forever to find all of that over a number of forums, research and trial and error.

    I will give those examples a shot. I managed to follow along with your coding and logic, but I’m sure it’ll be a different story implementing it.

    Thank you, nevertheless. You have been very kind.

    I trust I’ll be in touch in the near future!

    Thread Starter preet996


    Oh! Another quick question!

    Now that’s I’ve got rid of the search bar and hopefully there won’t be any side affects, could you show me what code to put in to quickly stick in a bit of text or a picture in that area so, just for a simple contact details kind of thing – name,number,email!…

    Thanks! ??

    Thread Starter preet996


    @edwardbe: Thank you. I have come across this before where the search bar is a widget and if you don’t insert anything on the sidebar or the header widget, then the search bar will automatically be there. However, just for your information, for the delicate theme specifically, it’s imbedded into the website, so it’s ClaytonJames’ solution which worked.

    @claytonjames: Thank you! I was specifically looking for the answer you gave me. I REALLY appreciate that and so quickly too. I hope in the near future, I can give back to the community! When I was trying to ‘comment out’ parts of the php files, I was typing “<?– ….. –>” instead of “!”, so that’s probably why it was failing on me! Not used to php yet!

    Thank you very much again! ??

    Kind regards and happy WordPressing!

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