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Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: php admin yahoo access denied using password yesTo whom it may concern: Yahoo, is now offering wordpress in the new blog section of their console. I have not tried it as I have gone another route. Pretty infuriating considering they told me not two weeks ago that they did not offer wordress support and had no plans to!
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: php admin yahoo access denied using password yesI am using freeway to design our pages and haloscan to host our comments for now.
If you have some time you will have to contact yahoo and get them to grant your created user complete privileges. They will not grant you yroot privileges, but this shouold not be a problem if your created user is granted full privileges, I have not tried this route since we are pressed for time, but yahoo stated in their email to me that they are willing to do this. Please let me know Phoenix69. I would like to use wordpress in the future.Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: php admin yahoo access denied using password yesYahoo says “We’re sorry, WordPress is not currently available through Yahoo! Web Hosting and we do not have an estimated date as to when or if it will be available.”
“We at this time, do not give access to the yroot account.”
They say I can change privileges on an existing account, but considering the length of time it will take for them to get back to me I have gone with an alternate plan. Using Freeway Pro to design our pages I am having comments hosted by haloscan, when I am more familiar with HTML and XHTML I will upgrade and donate to wordpress until then this is the best solution I have.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: php admin yahoo access denied using password yesThe answer to your questions by the way were yes and yes – I had tried but to no avail.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: php admin yahoo access denied using password yesThanks yet again febwa1976. You really have been great – I was about to completely give up on the whole thing and go with a lower tech solution, but if you can keep digging on my behalf like this I have no excuse for giving up! I had seen the phpmyadmin help, but have not gotten even as far as installing wordpress so I have nothing to access on that page. I have taken your second suggestion and emailed Yahoo (again) as soon as I hear something I will let you know (and anyone else who has or will experience this frustration). Hopefully yahoo can help solve this and I can move on to make mistakes in part two of this experiment – using worpress with next to no programming experience ??
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: php admin yahoo access denied using password yesI get the cookies must be enabled after this point phpmyadmin login window.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: php admin yahoo access denied using password yesfebwa1976 sorry I did not see your post. My password does not come up when I try to sign in using yroot. I really appreciate everyone’s help here. The trouble is that I am out of time and have to solve this soon. I am hoping yahoo comes back soon or I’ll be stuck with another solution.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: php admin yahoo access denied using password yesYou’re right and that is how it is set. I followed all of the basic rules. I have the config.php file configured exactly right and I could load wordpress except for the fact that I am unable to grant privilages to the wordpress user. I cannot login as yroot and my user lacks the privileges to grant itself privileges. I am even unable to reload mysql in the phpmyadmin control panel. I am trearing my hair out. I don’t think I ever had the yroot password, because the only passwrod I was asked to configure was for the adminitrator. I’m begining to think that the automatic set up Yahoo does when you activate your mysql database is the problem. The administrator (user) they asked me to name should have had full privleges. Someone recently said they had just set up a new yahoo sbs and while the had loaded and used wordpress successfully for their other sites on yahoo now could not get it to work. They think the problem is on Yahoo’s side and I am begining to agree.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: php admin yahoo access denied using password yesThanks Moshu!
I actually saw that a couple of days ago. Beleive me I’ve searched google up and down. It is a common error message that appears for any number of things (even I have recieved it in a couple of different circumstances) But none apply to this granting of privileges problem. It is a phpmyadmin mysql and yahoo problem, but I was hoping someone here had had this problem and understood coding better and could tell me what I should be doing. Especially since no one at yahoo phpadmin or mysql have respoded (yet) It is the weekend and it is open source, but I’d rather learn how to use wordpress and donate than incur a monthly fee from typepad or use iblog and outsource the comment hosting.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: php admin yahoo access denied using password yesRight – I am haveing no luck. Can’t sign into phpadmin as yroot (is this essential) can’t grant permissions. Havn’t heard back from mysql. Does any one know how to save me from the tyranny of typepad?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: php admin yahoo access denied using password yesYahoo does not offer mysql support by phone!
I don’t like their service any more. They started out great 5 years ago, but I’m not so sure now. This plan was so attractive – I thought I’d try it despite my resevations. I’m sure that once I figure this out it will be fine. At least they won’t be out of business tomorrow!
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: php admin yahoo access denied using password yesYou’ve actually helped quite a bit. As soo as I figure out how I can login as yroot I will post the answer here. Thanks for your help! I’m going to search around a bit then go to bed and try again tomrrow.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: php admin yahoo access denied using password yesI think I need to start over. Do you by any chance know how I can delete mysql altogether?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: php admin yahoo access denied using password yesThe pull down menu only has my created user password, but not my yroot password. I cannot grant access privilages to my user through php my admin and I don’t know my yroot password.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: php admin yahoo access denied using password yesI owe you a drink after all of this! Will post on my progress in a sec!