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I am new… I don’t wish to exploit this community with my questions, but someone did respond here. Thank you for all of your input, but it did not answer it for me. I take accountability for lack of understanding. I thought these boards would be more helpful, but I guess I should render my options back to random google searches, which typically lead me back to one of my posts here on word press forums. Consider this one “resolved” all though it isn’t, because I don’t wish to annoy you further.
Thanks for trying to help alchymyth.
Fire bug does state the line. Its weird because many things which firebug identifies shows precisely in the line code it specifies. But this one is no where to be found,
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Where Can I find the Code to the Title of My site?WPyogi,
You are always helping me out. The first bit of coding is the one I am looking for, but cannot find it in my style sheet. You are saying it is in “page head” section? I am all over the board. Would that be the same place to change the font as well?
color: #E7782E this is what I am trying to change the color of, but just cant find it.
What is the external stylesheet?
Notepad++ didn’t help
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Where Can I find the Code to the Title of My site?Here is the website, sorry I forgot to include it previously:
I will try the notepad++, heard good things. Thank you esmi.
In the above post I did not mean when I use child theme. I meant when I am merely exploring my website using firebug.
Right, and that’s what I do. I edit the small portion of coding I need and paste that small portion into child. My question though is when I use Child theme to identify coding. It will show line coding. Out of the 3,000 plus lines of coding for twenty eleven, how do I promptly identify where the code is in my parent theme? I notice Firebug states one thing and when I go check for it I am not finding it. For example my title, fire bug shows line 61. When I enter dreamweaver I look at line 61 and nothing is there related to the code I need changed.
I notice in the text editor the lines aren’t numbered. Likewise, in notepad no numbers, so I chose dreamweaver assuming this would help make it fast and easy to located, edit and update.Is this more clear?
Pasted into dreamweaver. Edit what I need and paste into Child Theme. You’re making me think I need ftp for this?
I copied and pasted all of the parent theme style.css… Does this mean I am looking in the right place? I edit what I need and upload into my editor of child theme
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Please Help W/ Banner BackGround Color Change?I have read child themes several times. I guess I may have a comprehension problem ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Please Help W/ Banner BackGround Color Change?I realize that I went off on a tangent and tried to get you to answer a completely different question when you were trying and succeeding at answering my original question. Thanks for sticking with me on this one.
I thought maybe my child theme setup was different than other users or that it didn’t fully import the parent them coding. Your recent posts have confirmed things and I really appreciate your effort.So in order:
-use firebug to identify code ling
-archive style.css parent
-copy it in note pad or dreamweaver or whatever (optional)
-edit it to add your changes
-save in child style.css
-changes take effectForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Please Help W/ Banner BackGround Color Change?Or let me put it this way. My parent theme style.css file is 52k large. My child theme style.css is 249bytes. Is that an issue?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Please Help W/ Banner BackGround Color Change?e.g. Does everyone’s child theme start with just the header and they individually add respective lines of coding on what the desire to change on their theme?
What did your child theme look like when you first installed it in terms of style.css. Did it look like mine above? Or did it envelope coding similar to the parent theme with the exception of the header which is required to be different in child?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Please Help W/ Banner BackGround Color Change?When using firebug, I understand how color codes work and to make them work. It all works. The problem is my child theme css is only those short lines I listed above. The actions of what you describe I have completed and thank you for them, but you are misunderstanding my questions- probably because I am posing it difficult.
Are you implying that to change anything in my child theme, I must first locate it in my parent, edit it elsewhere and then include it in my child theme css? This seems ridiculously sloppy to me. Can’t I just have the exact code in my child theme as my parent theme and start the coding in child and allow the import rule to not interfere with parent. I am frustrated that I cannot get across to you what I am trying to do.