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I get a
PHP Fatal error: ?Uncaught Error: Call to private method Wbs\ShippingMethod::loadRules() from context '' in ...
It’s the latest free version; WPC Product Bundles for WooCommerce v8.0.2
So the problem was the decimal discounted price? Actually, in the regional settings of the site, a comma is used as a decimal separator and a dot as a thousands separator. Does it have to do with that? I’m just trying to understand!
I’m OK with waiting I think, no need to rush.
Hi, thanks for your reply.
- The error appears in the single product page of the bundle. The cart isn’t involved in any way. I mean, it doesn’t matter whether it has products in it or not.
Let me also add that this is happening even with no active pricing rules in ADP.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JSM Show Post Metadata] Problem with capitalizationI understand your security concerns, but you should at least denote somehow there are differences in the capitalization between the original key and the sanitized one that you display in your plugin, so that the dev can seek the actual key name in PMA. I mean, the plugin has a very specific purpose, that is to inform the admin about custom postmeta. If that purpose isn’t fulfilled, and instead greater confusion is caused to the dev that relies on the plugin, then you understand that this is a problem, right?
Αυτ? συμβα?νει ?ταν στην επιλογ? ?αν ?να Προ??ν ε?ναι μη διαθ?σιμο (out of stock ? on backorder) επιλ?ξει? το Παρ?λειψη απ? το Feed. Ε?ναι προφαν?? bug του plugin το οπο?ο μ?λλον δεν ?χουν ανακαλ?ψει οι devs του. Μ?χρι να το διορθ?σουν β?λε την επιλογ? Συμπεριλ?βετε το ?? μη Διαθ?σιμο ? Κατ?πιν Παραγγελ?α? και θα ε?σαι ΟΚ.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by princeofabyss.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce] WP ALL IMPORTDid you make it? It’s easy, if you want me I can guide you through!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Library Categories] Custom taxonomy slug errorHi, thanks for your reply! I’m logged in as an Administrator, Keymaster of course!
Edit: I’m able however to add new categories when using the default posts taxonomy slug (category). And that’s exactly how I overcame the bug; I defined two new categories under the category taxonomy slug, and then, in phpMyAdmin, I manually changed their taxonomy field in term_taxonomy table to reflect the custom taxonomy slug I put in the plugin’s settings page…
- This reply was modified 4 years ago by princeofabyss.
You don’t get my point.
When you use the default search option, you get a page similar to this: in page 2 of the same search, the URL becomes: that “+” is kept in the 1st and 2nd page?
So, now suppose that you don’t use the stock “s” param, but a custom param name for the purposes of another functionality/plugin/whatever else.
This time the 1st page’s URL will look like this:, the 2nd page will look like this: time, the “+” is there only for the 1st page, and for the 2nd page it’s replaced by a “%20”
And if you use a Redirect checker tool, you will notice specifically a 301 Redirect is taking place from ->
Feel free to run a Recirect checker on this URL: /test/page/2/?param=test+page from the test installation of WP I installed for the purposes of this topic. And it’s a 100% stock installation, without any themes/plugins installed. Do you notice the redirect?
And IMO just because it works, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t strange… I don’t know if it’s a bug, but at least the redirect is caused by some piece of code… What code is it? And what purposes does it serve other than to destroy the uniformity of URLs between various pages?
I honestly don’t get it.
I modified the code to my installation, but I’m really curious… One week, and no reply from the dev. Isn’t it really a nice addition to the plugin?
After reading my post, I realized that class names like page, post, homepage, above, below, might interfere with potentially existing classes, so you might consider using names like addthis_page, addthis_post, addthis_above etc…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Show additional text depending on resultArghhhh, you can’t imagine what happened…
That was exactly what I did in the first place, but because of my locale, we use “,” for the decimal point and “.” for the thousands separator.
So, foolishly I used numbers like 18,5 to 25,5 to define the limits. And because it didn’t work, I thought it was a wrong approach and rejected it altogether.
But since you confirmed this is the way, I finally realized that “,” was probably the issue. So I tried it, and indeed it works great.
Thanks a lot for your support! Cheers.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Show additional text depending on resultWhat are the Text A, B and C? I mean, are they three elements I drag into the form? And what elements they? Or, are they dynamically created in the Equation parameter?
And one more question, it would be ideal to prepare all six elements styled with the appropriate colors to them, etc, and assign to them another hidden class in the Add Css layout keyword.
Then upon calculation of the index, it would simply remove the hidden class from the respective element so that it gets displayed. But I guess the conditional dependencies aren’t designed to assign/remove css properties from elements, are they?