Forum Replies Created
Open wp_options table in your db and duplicate the athena entry. Rename it to your child theme name. I never tried it but it should working.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Athena] Athena: how do I change menu font colorUse the web dev addon of your browser and look for the css selector. Change it in the appropriate css file located here: \wp-content\themes\athena\inc\css\temps. Be aware of updates, save your custom css file.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Athena] Change Color of text in HeaderHi,
change appropriate css file located here: \wp-content\themes\athena\inc\css\temps.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Athena] SLow homepageHi,
using a pic optimzer like “EWWW Image Optimizer” helps. You should resize your images to a max height of 1000px. If are really though, converting to smaller WEBP image helps too, but notice that some browser doesnt support this image type. You have to create rewriting rules.
My slider images (WEBP) have a size of 90KB.
Good luck,
try this one in your custom css file:
header.entry-header > h1.entry-title { display: none; }
Looks like this:
MacForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Athena] Next and Previous Links on the postI forgot to say you have to change css because the navigation links wont be displayed.
.post-navigation .nav-previous, .post-navigation .nav-next { display: unset; }
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Athena] Next and Previous Links on the postHi.
Use this code snippet in \wp-content\themes\athena\template-parts\content-single.php:
<?php the_post_navigation( array( 'prev_text' => '<input class="post_nav_button_prev" type="button" value="< ' . '%title' . '" title="' . '%title' . '">', 'next_text' => '<input class="post_nav_button_next" type="button" value="' . '%title' . ' >" title="' . '%title' . '">', 'in_same_term' => true, 'taxonomy' => 'category', ) ); ?>
You can modify the appearance through css. In this example I create a button with title attribute and separate input class.
Good luck,
MacI’m agree with you. Too many basic settings are premium only. Really sad.
Translation of what? The Plug-In? The article? This is already in english, booth.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: login, invitation code & redirectPlugin works since a year. Maybe thats the reason. ??
What you mean with invitation code part? Sending invitation of your site as link?
The redirection differs between “Defaut” (redir to profile or dashboard), “Referer” which means redir to the last viewed site before login, and “Custom”. There is possible to use a url you want. There’s also a different config for each user group too. Means, you can redirect all admins to dashboard and all users to a custom site you define.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: login, invitation code & redirectWhat do you think about “Theme My Login”? It has some good features, e.g: Using a separate login site or login menu button, redirection, user activation via mail and more. Try it.
I didn’t used with SimpleModal Login. But maybe “Theme My Login” is a good alternative for you?! That works with Semisecure Login Reimagined.
Do you use PHP 5.4? Maybe this helps: