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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [BP My Home] author feed
    Thread Starter Profusion


    Hi Imath

    In addition to the above issue I also note that your plugin only picks up the name of the first widget of any type I use in the BPMH widget areas when allowing the users to configure the widgets in their “My Home” page.

    I am trying to build a nice Dashboard/ Control panel for my BuddyPress users and I am using some ordinary Text widgets with help notes in addition to your BPMH widgets. But in the “My Settings” section where users can select which widgets to disable it names all the text widgets by the first text widget used – even a widget used in the ordinary sidebars so this will be confusing to my users.

    Secondly, I use to build my own “widget” functionality with php. It works in text widgets placed in an ordinary sidebar but not the BPMH widgets. It’s not a big issue I just thought you should know.


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Adminimize] Multisite?

    Would be great if the plugin author could add another column for Network Admin/ “super admin” to keep settings separate from sub-blog admins. I’m sure all network admins will find this plugin very useful then and that will make Adminimize 100x more powerful.


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WP Zombaio] Multisite?
    Thread Starter Profusion


    Hi Barry.

    I agree. I’ve since learned that when user join a sub-blog they actually join the main blog in a network by default. That’s why registration is either on or off for all the blogs in the network. This could be messy.

    Does that mean that if a guy pays for membership to one blog that he would get membership to all the other blogs as well? And vise versa, if he stop paying at one he would be locked out of all blogs including the main blog?

    More importantly, does that mean we can not have free members on some of the blogs like the main blog while having paid members on other blogs at the same time?

    I see at least that the “Zombiao post back URL” include the subdomain – I am using subdomains for my network rather than subfolders.

    I disagree @localiseorg.

    1. I think you are missing the purpose of this plugin. It should be like a “Dashboard” for your Buddypress users and I want to have it as the first page they see when they login. It will contain dynamic content that your users can configure and would want to take note of if they use the “RSS” and “Comments” widgets of this plugin. You can also add any WordPress or Buddypress widgets you like here like “My Friends” etc. to make a nice control panel for your user – something they would want to see every time they log in – not hidden away behind the settings.

    2. You know you can change the names of the tabs and menu heading to anything you like – look in the plugin’s settings. I use “Home, Widgets, Preferences” – no “My”.

    3. Did you know your users can decide if they want “My Home” or the default “Profile” as their landing page.

    Thanks for the great plugin @broobe.

    It would be really nice if you can make Social Articles responsive for those of us who do not want to/ can not afford to use KLEO theme…

    Is it just me or does the current version of this plugin break the CSS for all BuddyPress enabled themes? I know you can now use BuddyPress with any theme and when doing so everything looks great. But whenever I switch to a Buddypress enabled theme this plugin’s pages are broken i.e. with X2 theme the right hand sidebar jumps in over the page on the “My Articles” and “New Article” subpages. Similar problems with MesoColumn theme etc. I think a <div> may be missing…

    Thread Starter Profusion


    Brilliant thanks

    o.m.g. that was painful – but it works.

    Thanks to @chancharles and @pauloasilva

    To fix this plugin you would need to edit the file:

    Replace from line 21 which should read:

    function bp_gtags_setup_globals() {

    up to and including lines 44, 45 which should read:

    bp_core_load_template( apply_filters( ‘bp_core_template_plugin’, ‘groups/index’ ) );

    with this:

    function bp_gtags_setup_globals() {
    	global $bp;
    		$bp->options['gtags'] = (object)Array(
    		'id' => 'gtags',
    		'slug' => 'tag'
    add_action( 'bp_setup_globals', 'bp_gtags_setup_globals' );
    // in order for tags to show as /groups/tag/mytag I am using this function. however it is not optimal because it's not really a sub menu item
    function bp_gtags_setup_nav() {
    	global $bp;
    	bp_core_new_subnav_item( array( 'name' => ' ', 'slug' => $bp->options['gtags']->slug, 'parent_slug' => BP_GROUPS_SLUG, 'parent_url' => $bp->root_domain .'/'. BP_GROUPS_SLUG . '/', 'screen_function' => 'gtags_display_hook', 'position' => -1 ) );
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'bp_gtags_setup_nav', 1000 );
    // a hack to remove the group tags menu item before the admin bar is displayed. it works because the admin bar is called last
    function gtags_remove_tags_from_admin_bar() {
    	global $bp;
    	unset ( $bp->bp_options_nav['groups']['98564'] );
    function gtags_return_blank() {
        return '';
    add_action( 'bp_adminbar_menus', 'gtags_remove_tags_from_admin_bar', 3 );
    function gtags_display_hook() {
      add_filter('bp_current_action', 'gtags_return_blank');
      bp_core_load_template( apply_filters( 'bp_core_template_plugin', 'groups/index' ) );
      remove_filter('bp_current_action', 'gtags_return_blank');

    Then also replace line somewhere around 170 to 180 which reads:

    “SELECT meta_value FROM ” . $bp->groups->table_name_groupmeta . ” WHERE meta_key = ‘gtags_group_tags’ ” ) );


    "SELECT meta_value FROM " . $bp->groups->table_name_groupmeta . " WHERE meta_key = %s", 'gtags_group_tags' ) );

    Hi @chancharles

    Thanks for the effort. However, it is really tough working from your diff without making mistakes. Could you perhaps post your full altered code, perhaps in 2 blocks, i.e.

    replace lines 23 to 45 with


    and replace line 170

    "SELECT meta_value FROM " . $bp->groups->table_name_groupmeta . " WHERE meta_key = %s", 'gtags_group_tags' ) );


    "SELECT meta_value FROM " . $bp->groups->table_name_groupmeta . " WHERE meta_key = 'gtags_group_tags' " ) );

    That should make it much clearer.

    Thanks @danibatoy – that did it

    Hi Forum.
    I have the same problem and I’ve tried all the suggestions here but not luck. Pity as this is the only plugin that would offer some classification/ sorting of groups if you planning on allowing lots of user generated groups on your buddypress install. Hope the plugin author give it another look.

    Thread Starter Profusion


    sorry you probably need the rest of the error message as well.

    “Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in C:\…\wp-content\plugins\virtual-moderator\processor.php on line 102 and defined in C:\…\wp-includes\wp-db.php on line 992”


    Thread Starter Profusion


    Sorry – my bad.

    Have to run wp_strip_all_tags on that xprofile field. So that works fine now and here is the code if anyone else needs it.

    <?php $userurl = bp_get_profile_field_data( 'field=Website' );
      $cleanurl = wp_strip_all_tags($userurl);
      echo do_shortcode('[mycred_link  amount="-1" href="'.$cleanurl.'" target="_blank"]Visit My Website[/mycred_link]'); ?>
    Thread Starter Profusion


    Hi Jack

    Thank you for looking into this for me. I am a bit in the dark though (I’m only capable of doing basic php). I was hoping to generate a link on each Buddypress user’s profile header that would lead to a list of products in MarketPress of which that user was the “author”. With conventional posts it would be something like:

    <a href="'.$username.'">My Posts</a>

    For MarketPress it would be (replacing the XXX’s)

    <a href="'.$username.'">My Shop</a>

    Many thanks.

    Thread Starter Profusion


    Version 0.4 of the PMPro Infusionsoft Integration add on to this plugin from GitHub fixes this problem it seems.

    Thread Starter Profusion


    Hi StrangerStudios

    Thank you for the response. This problem is now partly fixed. I got your PMPro Infusionsoft Integration


    from GitHub and that seem to have fixed these problems though now it does not seem to do anything (i.e. record the tag) in Infusiosoft. I wrote a post on GitHub for this. I was using the PayPal Sandbox just to test things and see if it works.

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