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  • OK I got something that will work for me.

    It involves using the equally excellent PhotoSmash Gallery Plugin for the uploading and attaching of images to the post in question. The user would then create a post using the “Quick Post Widget” plugin in step 1 and upload images to that new post using “PhotoSmash Gallery” in step 2.

    You may need to tweak it a bit though if you want to allow only Post Authors to submit to their post so that the upload form is seperate from the image gallery but I did write a forum article about it. This would allow the post author to submit images to their post with a very simple browse and upload function into a phot gallery configuration. If on the other hand you want to allow them the ability to insert and manipulate images to sit inside the post content you are probably better off using “Quick Post Widget’s” build in image handeling functions.

    Hope this helps.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Photosmash] Keep Going


    I NEED this plugin!

    Hi bluantinoo

    I had a similar requirment and this is the best workaround I could come up with,.. It does require some template hacking though.

    I sooo wish Byron would not give up on this fantasfic plugin. In my opinion it is a real piece of gold and he should not take the opinion of people who can not follow simple instructions to heart.

    Anyway. Here is what I did.

    1) You need to create a section of the post that would only be visible to the author. You can easily do this by following the excellent instructions of Philip entitled “if is post author…“.
    2) Now you need to split the PhotoSmash function so that the Upload part is seperate from the Gallery Part. Luckily Byron allows for this in a roundabout way. In your “PhotoSmash Settings -> Advanced” tab you need to select the option for “Use Manual Form Placement:”
    3) Now you can replace Philip’s ‘AUTHOR CONTENT HERE’ part with a “do_shortcode(‘[photosmash form=…”

    The full code I used looked something like this:
    1. Before the loop:

    global $current_user;

    2. Inside the loop where you want the Author Only upload form:

    if ($post->post_author == $current_user->ID) {
    echo do_shortcode('[photosmash form=my_upload no_gallery=true ]');
    echo "You are only seeing this form because you are the author of this post.";
    } ?>

    PS: I found that two [photosmash] shortcodes on the same page may conflict,- resulting in a “duplicate” error – hence the “no_gallery=true” bit at the end of the photosmash form shortcode I quoted above.

    I hope that helps. Sure it would have been easier if the “Default Minimum role to upload photos:” bit could include an option for “Post Author” – but for now my workaround will have to do until we can encourage Byron to give his attention to PhotoSmash again.

    Great Post

    Just what I needed – thanks

    Hi Coco

    I had a similar problem,- until I found that you have to use this plugin on a root domain, i.e. the part before the “uploadpath” must not contain sub-folders. Maybe you know how to configure the uploadpath=”../” bit but if you install it straight onto a wordpress blog for your root domain it picks up the file structure correctly and then works like a charm.

    Something more to add – which make the problem stated above a bit more serious.

    I think it would be important to limit the image sizes and file types that could be uploaded to save on server space and bandwidth. As it stands I can not find a way of limiting uploads and I am afraid site users may abuse this. It is for instance possible to upload large image files, videos even .pdf’s etc. without admin being able to stop it apart from manually reviewing media content and possibly banning those who abuse it (though I think this plugin was intended for more intimate groups of collaborators, not a CMS type thing,..)

    Something like the file up-loader of “User Submitted Post” or the old, now depracted “TDO Mini Forms” where admin can limit the file type, sizes and number of files and it automatically attach images to the post will make this plugin sublime.

    Keep up the good work ??

    I Agree

    A simple upload and attach to the post function would be great. From there all attached images can be displayed in a gallery with the [gallery] shortcode or slimbox…

    LOVE this plugin but the upload and insert image function is unfortunately too cumbersome for my site users (though it is ingenious more than adequate for most internet savvy users).

    Please Please Please include a simpler “Upload and Attach” to post function in future upgrades of this fantastic plugin.



    Hi all

    Yes I agree with Klark123. Can we please have clarification if plugin should go in /plugins/ or /mu-plugins/ for WPMU installation. Also how to activate it for all WPMU users?


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