Forum Replies Created
Unfortunately, this is not possible as far as I know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pronamic Google Maps] Bootstrap tabs, resize not workingCan you post the URL of your page, so I can have a look at what’s happening exactly?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [[DEPRECATED] WooCommerce (nl)] ''Toevoegen aan winkelwagen''Please see for complete instruction on how to change the button text with filters. The filter can be added to the functions.php file of your current theme.
I did as suggested to order a product (I tried both Safari 8.0.4 and Chrome 41.0.2272.118), but was unable to reproduce your issue. I got redirected to the banks’ payment screen correctly.
I’m sorry, but unfortunately I think I can’t help you any further as I can’t reproduce the issue and I don’t think the problem is caused by Pronamic iDEAL.
With the web inspector / developer tools of your browser, you might be able to discover if there are any errors on the page that result in the JSON being displayed instead of being normally loaded.
I you’re unable to find any errors, please provide the URL of the page so I can have a look at what’s going wrong and determine if Pronamic iDEAL is responsible for this issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [[DEPRECATED] Pronamic Cookies] 'sluit' redirects to undefined page.I’m curious, how dit you solve it?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [[DEPRECATED] Pronamic Cookies] 'sluit' redirects to undefined page.Maybe automatically merging and minifying scripts by the caching plugin is the cause of these issues then. The only thing I can see is that there’s an unwanted listener for click events attached to the “Close” button, which is not caused by the Pronamic Cookies plugin and probably makes the redirect to the “/undefined” URL.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pronamic Pay] Not showing the bank. MollieWe do support Mollie, I’d think it’s an outdated page which mentions we don’t support Mollie. We’ll update it.
With the “normal” Mollie configuration it’s not possible to list the banks at the form, but for Sisow it’s required.
Glad it’s working now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [[DEPRECATED] Pronamic Cookies] 'sluit' redirects to undefined page.Thanks for posting the URL. I see you’re using, which I’d guess is the cause of this problem.
Please let me know if the problem is solved after disabling Animsition.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [[DEPRECATED] Pronamic Cookies] 'sluit' redirects to undefined page.There probably is some other script at work too? I’m unable to reproduce this issue in our testing environment.
Can you please post the URL of the page you’re where you’re experiencing this?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pronamic Google Maps] Zip Code based searchCurrently we haven’t implemented this functionality.
To implement this yourself, please see for a quick JSFiddle on how to center the map based on a user submitted location (press ‘Enter’ in the input field to center the map on the given location).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pronamic Pay] Not showing the bank. MolliePieter,
I just did a quick test and discoverd you managed to get the banks listed in the dropdown on the mentioned page.
Although it seems the form is working fine at the moment, we would like to suggest using the newer “Mollie” configuration, instead of “Mollie – iDEAL”. As mentioned in the plugin configuration, “Mollie – iDEAL” is deprecated by Mollie. That means support for this configuration will end in the (near) future. When the “Mollie” configuration is used however the bank dropdown needs to be removed from the form and the bank will be selected in a Mollie payment screen instead of on the form itself.
Please let us know if you need any further information.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pronamic Google Maps] Dynamic map didn't show on pageCan you please post the exact shortcodes you’re using?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pronamic Google Maps] Map Interface Looks uncleanAdding the following CSS to your stylesheet should solve this issue:
.pgm img { max-width: none; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pronamic Pay] ideal payment with events pluginUnfortunately Pronamic iDEAL does not support Events+.
For an overview of supported plugins, please see