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  • Thread Starter psimatrix


    The above error is resolved but the following is also persisting.

    Creation of dynamic property FS_Plugin::$opt_in_moderation is deprecated


    What was your solution?

    We were experiencing this same exact issue, even after the latest release with the above patch.

    I replaced the code on line 1044 and suggest it be included in the next release:

    $file = preg_replace(['/[\r\n]{2,}/','/[\r]/','/[\n]/', PHP_EOL], '', trim($file));

    This should catch all carriage returns and end of file characters that could get injected due to copy/paste into the editor.

    Additional note, it would be better if line 972 used:

    $is_url = filter_var($file, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL);

    Instead of:

    $is_url = 0 === strpos( $file, 'http' );

    This would catch the issue earlier.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by psimatrix.
    Thread Starter psimatrix


    The demo page I posted is bare-bones and stripped-down without any CSS and the theme template strips out all the themes normal scripts and styles. So that really shouldn’t be the problem. Just look at the Inspector CSS list. It’s very short.

    So I don’t see any CSS conflicts or differences. Any clue as to what element might have a CSS style conflict?

    What I do see is that the child iframe isn’t resizing after the buttons are clicked, which points more to a library issue.

    Could it be a JavaScript library conflict? As there’s no console notices in test mode, it’s impossible to determine which library is used for this feature.

    I reviewed the System Info before submitting my issue. It doesn’t identify any missing libraries or conflicts. Here’s the output:

    WordPress Environment
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    GiveWP Configuration
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    Thread Starter psimatrix


    I’m no longer able to reproduce the error.

    Thread Starter psimatrix


    Unfortunately no.

    Thread Starter psimatrix


    This also seems to happen if I disable the CDN entirely.

    Thread Starter psimatrix


    That’s actually not an answer to my question. I only used a private IP address as an example. I think a more specific way of asking is; Does the whitelist API function support addresses in a CIDR format (e.g. includes the “/” at the end such that you can add blocks without having to convert them to the arbitrary range format listed in the documentation?

    Thread Starter psimatrix


    No it’s not. It’s the contents of a function I call throughout my theme as a wrapper.

    The specific line that prevents output is:

    $related_posts = km_rpbt_related_posts_by_taxonomy( $post_id, $taxonomies, $args );

    Thread Starter psimatrix


    I just updated the plugin to the latest version and this problem persisted. I applied the same patch and it’s working again.

    @nintechnet how many domains are you hosting on that WP install? 40 or less?


    You can email support [at] and I’ll gladly send you the log files folder for you to look at.

    1. How many admin users do you have?

    We have 5 admin users.

    2. Can you check in your /wp-content/nfwlog/cache/ folder how many nfdbhash*… files you have?

    We have 40 files match the nfdbhash*.

    Can you check the size of those files? Is it 32 bytes?

    The matching files all appear to be 32 bytes.

    I’ve confirmed that the hashes are the same using the above recommended method. This looks like a bug. Any suggestions on a temporary patch?

    I just wanted to note that I’m experiencing the same alerts with no details. Our instillation is up to date as well. I’ve implemented the above patch to test for the hash match or not and will let you know the results.

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