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  • I’ve got the same issue on my setup running WordPress 6.5.5. I was getting the exact same warnings as @danyw18 shared in his screenshot when running version 1.4.5 of the plugin. I downloaded the beta that you linked to above, version and that helped to suppress many of the warnings but one still plagues my logs as a new warning gets added for practically any action I take in the WordPress admin.

    PHP Warning: Undefined array key "f" in /home/user/Local Sites/mysite/app/public/wp-content/plugins/backup-backup/includes/ajax.php on line 62

    It’s not causing any issues but I’m writing a lot of code for a custom theme and this warning fills my debug logs which is rather irritating after a while. Would you be able to provide any insights as to why this warning keeps coming up, and perhaps any steps that I could take to resolve the issue? Or is there perhaps an updated version of the plugin where this issue has been fixed?

    Thanks for your time,


    Can you explain what issue you are experiencing? Is the menu not loading? Are you getting any errors in the console of the development tools in you browser?

    I have just added the Sidr script to a WordPress site today and it worked just fine. This is using the latest version of WordPress and Sidr.

    One thing that I did differently from your set up is to register the scripts before enqueuing them in your functions.php.

    I did the following:

    wp_register_script('sidr-js', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/jquery.sidr.min.js', array('jquery'), '1.2.1', false);

    I am not sure if that will make a difference but could be worth a try. If not please elaborate on your issue and I’ll see if I can help you out.

    I just realised that your paths are not going to work. You are pointing to the stylesheet directory and then and full url. The Url needs to be relative to the stylesheet directory. What you can do is refactor the url to be relative or just remove the get_stylesheet_directory_uri(). I would do the first option as it gives you more flexibility.

    Thread Starter psychedelus


    Just to be clear, I mean adding time to the statistics that get saved at the end of the quiz if the user clicks on the button to send them to the leaderboard.

    Hi Esmi,

    No I’m not, my WordPress installation is version 3.5. I didn’t realise this was only for 3.2, my apologies.

    Either way I’ve managed to resolve the issue by not using ‘echo’ in the shortcode but using ‘return’ instead.

    I know that this is an old post but I am experiencing the same problem. If anyone has any kind of advice on how to resolve this issue it would be greatly appreciated if you’d post it in this thread.



    @svarry, if the timer is not working for you it may be because of the same issue that I mentioned above. After speaking to the dev to find out what file this code was in I noticed two spaces after the “}, 1000);” part. Remove those and it should work.

    The file is located at:

    The line breaks you will want to remove will be around line 295. See code example above, where those <p> tags are is where the spaces are.

    That code above was taken from the source of the page where the timer is meant to be on, so you can check the source of your page to see if it if the same thing that is breaking your timer.

    If not then it will most likely be a conflict with another plugin, in which case you’ll have to disable them one by one until you find the culprit.

    If you are comfortable in writing some simple PHP and MYSQL you can use something like this to get the fastest times. I use this query on one of my sites to display the three top contenders with the fastest times in a quiz.

    global $wpdb;
    $res = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT DISTINCT(SEC_TO_TIME(timetaken)) AS thetime, person_name FROM wp_wpsqt_all_results ORDER BY thetime ASC LIMIT 0, 3");
    foreach ($res as $rs) {
      echo $rs->thetime . ' ' . $rs->person_name . '\n';

    The code above will show you the three fastest times and the names of the contestants.

    You could also display the users score amongst those details. To do this paste the following into your page:

    global $wpdb;
    $res = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT DISTINCT(SEC_TO_TIME(timetaken)) AS thetime, person_name, score, total FROM wp_wpsqt_all_results ORDER BY thetime ASC LIMIT 0, 3");
    foreach ($res as $rs) {
      echo 'Time: ' . $rs->thetime . ' Name: ' . $rs->person_name . ' Score: ' . $rs->score . '/' . $rs->total . '\n';

    Hope this helps.

    I’ve actually just noticed that in the source code there is a problem with the timer script. There are opening and closing paragraph tags at the end, which is what is causing the problem.

    <script type="text/javascript">
    						jQuery(document).ready( function(){
    							var timeSecs = 60;
    							var refreshId = setInterval(function() {
    								if (timeSecs != 0) {
    									timeSecs = timeSecs - 1;
    									var timeMins = timeSecs / 60;
    									timeMins = (timeMins<0?-1:+1)*Math.floor(Math.abs(timeMins)); // Gets rid of the decimal place
    									var timeSecsRem = timeSecs % 60;
    									if (timeMins > 0) {
    										jQuery(".timer").html("Time Left: " + timeMins + " mins and " + timeSecsRem + " seconds");
    									} else {
    										jQuery(".timer").html("Time Left: " + timeSecsRem + " seconds");
    								} else {
    									jQuery(".quiz").html("Unfortunately you have run out of time for this quiz.");
    							}, 1000);</p>
    <p>						});

    Seems like WordPress may be doing this but just to confirm can anyone point me to the right file where this code is executed from?

    Thanks for the suggestion #ramershengale, unfortunately this did not work for me. I disabled all plugins on my site and the timer is still not showing. I guess this means that the issue is with the theme.

    Does anyone have any suggestions as to what could cause a conflict with the timer? Knowing this could greatly help in finding a fix for the issue. Could it be due to a change in the latest version of WordPress (3.4.2)?

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