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  • Thread Starter ptiadmin


    Thank you so much. I understand that I can ignore the checkbox for now. I will continue to work on this and if I have any more issues, will renew support.

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    I noticed my other attributes do not have the manage at attribute term level checked. It seems to only be this attribute for pen color that I changed to just say color. I want to ensure that the new color attribute can be used for other items.

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    Thank you for your response. I need to make color a single attribute instead of shirt color, pen color, book color as I had done previously. I had set up colors for each type of item which is causing issues now but I didn’t realize this at the outset. I felt like my work of changing this would be easiest if I modified the item with the most color attributes. SO I took pen color and changed it instead to color so I can then just add the remaining colors to this attribute to then reassigning to products . (Hope that makes sense)

    Here is how the pen color attribute looks now that I changed it to just color. I have

    Under the individual color term, the enable stock management is checked.

    IN order to use this color term (black in this case) as an option to manage stock of other items that are black, I thought this block would need to be unchecked. With it checked I think it is pulling stock from the original black pen stock where I want to be able to use it for other items too like shirts.

    So are you saying to keep the checkbox enabled and I will still be able to use this color attribute globally? e.g. under attribute stock by adding as one of the attributes for black shirts?

    If this does not work, does it mean I need to manually create a new color attribute that will be added to all other products?

    I currently have over 100 attributes since I did them separately for each product instead of a single attributes and I want to change this as there are too many attributes to accurately work with filters.

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    Disregard ISSUE#2. I just realized it was a feature from my variation swatches. I just need help with ISSUE#1

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    It did not appear on the checkout page in the free version. However in the settings for the free version, it states the appearance or phrase for “it will be available in XX days” is there. IF not an option for the free version, it should be removed from the settings. I deactivated the plugin when I noticed this discrepancy and am trying something else so I can’t send a screen shot.

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    I just found this link with a css code in another post.
    However with this option, it also doesn’t show you “will be ready in XX days” as promised in the documentation for the free version.

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    I’m sorry if my last question wasn’t clear. I was asking about the simple product as compared to the process for the variable product that I used as a detailed example. I’m trying to figure out how to make sure the simple product gets pulled. For example a solid pink mug is used for product A and listed elsewhere on the site as product B. There are no variables so I Wasn’t sure how to make sure the stock changed for the black pink mugs. Since I couldn’t figure it out, I added the actual products to the filter section of the attribute stock in the “products” field and hoped it would work. But didn’t want to do it for the next 50 products if that was wrong. Te images on the tutorial for simple products isn’t helpful.

    In the instance you posed above about assigning all three attributes, how does it work if the particular design only comes in black so it’s not listed as an attribute or option for the product. There is a design on a black shirt. The particular design is only available in black so the variables are only the style of shirt (relaxed or fitted) and size (S, M, L, XL, 2X, 3X). For the actual attribute stock Black Fitted Medium shirt I have the attributes black, fitted, and medium selected for the group, but the example wouldn’t actual have black as an option in the product page since it only comes in that color.

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    Hopefully, this will be my last question for you as I’m sure it is quite cumbersome. I’m trying to understand how to link a simple product. You said to “assign appropriate attribute term(s) under the product Attributes tab and it will use the assigned attribute stock accordingly.”

    Would I manage stock at the attribute term level or at the attribute stock level like the variable products? For the variable, I created a group of attributes for each attribute stock (attributes: relaxed, medium, black grouped together to form Attribute Stock Ladies’ Relaxed Shirt in Medium).

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    Sorry for the confusion, I took a screen shot of an attribute stock and wanted to upload as an attachment for you to view if it was correct. Sorry that I mispoke and said cloud instead of database. Your site said info is stored in the database when uninstalled before installing the pro version.

    Under settings for Attribute stock there is a box next to
    Limit product stock Restrict available stock for matching products and prevent over-purchasing
    Only available in the full version — Upgrade Now

    So I was wondering if I would have to to into each attribute stock and check this box to enable front end info after the upgrade.

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    Great! I’ll handle that next. Is there a way to show an attachment? I want to make sure I set up the shirt attribute stock correctly before I get too deep. Also, when upgrading to the pro version I read that all the data is saved in the cloud. Would it automatically show the low stock on the front end to the customer or would I have to go back into each attribute and check the box?

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    Thank you for your help thus far. I was able to set up the mug attributes and the stock numbers under attribute stock. The inventory count decreased appropriately with a test transaction.
    What about an item that doesn’t have attributes? It’s a simple mug. The designs may vary throughout the site using this one mug. I don’t see instructions for linking attribute stock to a simple product.

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    OK. I thought I was following the directions. I should be able to look at it again in the next hour and will try and see what I did wrong. I was trying to add global attributes and then was going to make one of my mug designs variable as a test before trying to do all my products over.

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    I have installed Variations for Woocommerce by GetWoo just to test functionality with your plugin. I have added attributes for mugs and clicked the enabled stock at the attribute level. ON the overview table the number does not show as in the example in your tutorial, but if I click the attribute individually I can see the stock. I know stock doesn’t show on the front end/customer view unless I have the pro version but why would the number not sow in the backend for me?

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    If I do use a variation swatches plugin, are all of them compatible with your plugin? If I decide in the next few days to completely overhaul my products again, I don’t want to choose a plugin that won’t work and waste all that time. As I’ll have to change the product attributes on close to 400 products and 120 associated advanced fields.

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    Thank you for the response. That’s the guidance I needed. Before seeing your response, I had just figured out how to set up an attribute stock Small Fitted White Shirt and enabled the groups to meet the criteria. When I was searching for an advanced field plugin, the Advanced Fields for Woocommerce had the best ratings, features, and least issues with affecting website speed. It was better than variation swatches in these respects from what I remember. I’ve already set up about 80 different advanced fields and added them to my products using this plugin and paid for the license so redoing them and using variation swatches instead isn’t an option. I will either, change the shirt stock back to variable and use your plugin or continue my search for a plugin that can handle blank stock. For my mug inventory, I think it’s extremely helpful for the customer to see the different pictures of mug (white, pink colored rim and handle, pink inside and handle, etc.) I have to decide if I want to take the time redoing 80 product fields by using variation swatches in addition to the Advanced Fields just to use your management tool. I was really excited about the possibility given its functionality just don’t know if it will be work all the work in the end vs manually tracking my inventory. Thanks again

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