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  • Thread Starter ptiadmin


    I’ve used Woocommerce for 2 years so am very comfortable with it. I changed many of my variable products to simple products and used the Advance Fields for Woocommerce plugiin to add the variable options instead because I was able to provide an easier shopping experience for my customers since I could show colors of shirts or optional design options with images rather than just descriptions like “blue design”,”red design” etc. I need to know if the plugin will work with the variables being part of another plugin rather than using the variables in woocommerce. If I have to use the variables in woocommerce for your plugin to work, I may have to at least have the core item that I would be tracking for stock in woocommerce. For example, having the shirt size, color, and style as variables in woocommerce (white relaxed medium) so I could track track the stock of the available blank shirts via your plugin and have the other details using the Advanced Fields for Woocommerce. I guess my issue is when I tried to enter the attributes separately as you suggested initially, I wasn’t seeing how if I just put in “white” or “relaxed” I can’t really attribute stock to it. If I have to have some variables in the core Woocommerce, I have to go and change all of my products (400+) before the stock management will work. I’m not sure if that makes sense. The only tutorial on the plugin was the one I referenced earlier. I want to track my blank items across all designs. I have different color shirts but numerous designs that can be applied to them. So when someone buys a black medium fitted shirt with design A and another purchases a black medium fitted shirt with design B, I need the plugin to decrease black medium fitted shirts by 2 so I know when I have to order more black medium shirts. All the products I offer start off as a blank and I customize them on demand when I receive an order.

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    I’m currently configuring terms for the color attribute. If I click “manage stock” like in the example listed under your Basic Usage tutorial, more fields come up including stock quantity. I can’t enter a stock quantity because the white shirt comes in 2 styles (Relaxed and Fitted) and 6 sizes (S, M, L, XL, 3XL, and 3XL). So just for white, there really isn’t an item on it’s own white, it has to have the other modifiers. If I’m entering everything separately,(color, style, size) will I have to combine them later in the entry process to actually manage the stock for a small white fitted shirt? I’m wondering if I have to follow the Attribute-level stock instructions instead as in your example for tea but I’m really not sure since I don’t know the endpoint. I’m so confused now.

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    I’m going to start entering the stock attributes shortly. I have Advanced Fields for Woocommerce enabled and have fields there for product attribute/variables on some of the items and just have the product itself listed as a simple product. Will the attribute stock program still work with this plugin or is it best to have the product attributes through woocommerce as a variable product so they communicate?

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    Thank you so much for your prompt reply. I really didn’t expect to hear back from you on the forum until tomorrow. I will attack it tomorrow when my mind is fresh in the method you suggested. Before I even got started I saw a table pop up that had the color, size and style as attributes which prompted my question. I’m really not familiar with using CSV files so I’ll probably have to enter all the data separately. However, I’m really excited to get started with your plugin as the features sound amazing! I just want to make sure there are no compatibility issues with my theme or plug ins. If all goes well, I’ll be sure to upgrade to the pro version.
    Thanks again!

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    I don’t understand how to use the Rules and Restrictions tab. Can you explain or are there instruction for what each item means? (product price, cart total amount)

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    Any update on my issue?

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    I followed what you did to send an image. Hopefully, this works.

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    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    website is
    I don’t see how to upload the screenshots

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    The discount has failed to apply for each scenario. I wanted to see how this plugin would work with the free features before purchasing the pro version. On the surface, it seemed this plugin would meet my needs, but not if I can’t get it to actually work.

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    I just created a product list as per your instructions and put all the categories for my store then the 11 items that should be excluded in the exclude section. I set up a quantity based discount that increases the percentage off based off how many of an item are purchased no matter the variation of the item (size, color, etc.). On my mobile phone, I went to site as a customer and chose 2 shirts with different sizes but one style as well as 4 of the excluded items to see what would happen. No discount was given on the shirts as it should have been. I have tried the transaction with and without the “Consider variations as a single product” being turned on.

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