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  • I’m experiencing a similar problem after the 1.4.15 update (resolved by disabling the plugin). I’m getting the same critical error message.

    Before I upgrade to .16, can you verify the latest update addresses the problem I’m experiencing?

    Specifically, here’s the message I got from my webhost who was helping me to diagnose the issue:

    …your application is trying to allocate over 2GB of PHP memory for itself. The majority of this does appear to be due to a large amount of information that it is trying to prefetch, like :

    [pid 16353] 1709471402.874020 (+ 0.000039) recvfrom(11, “l c\303\255rculo con m\303\272sica de fondo. Cuando se detenga la m\303\272sica, la persona con la pelota contar\303\241 una historia sobre su experiencia pasada o violencia enfrentada. El tercero, conlleva movimiento corporal y cada participante contar\303\241 una historia feliz o triste vivida durante el pasado a\303\261o.\”;i:17;s:31:\”4) Thursday / jueves (July 28)\”;i:7;s:10:\”Workshop 4\”;i:33;s:1:\”3\”;i:15;s:0:\”\”;s:3:\”1.2\”;s:0:\”\”;s:3:\”1.4\”;s:0:\”\”;s:3:\”1.8\”;s:0:\”\”;i:13;s:0:\”\”;i:14;s:0:\”\”;i:25;s:0:\”\”;s:4:\”26.1\”;s:0:\”\”;s:4:\”26.2\”;s:0:\”\”;i:28;s:0:\”\”;i:32;s:0:\”\”;s:4:\”30.2\”;s:0:\”\”;s:4:\”30.3\”;s:0:\”\”;s:4:\”30.4\”;s:0:\”\”;s:4:\”31.1\”;s:0:\”\”;s:4:\”31.2\”;s:0:\”\”;s:21:\”gv_revision_parent_id\”;b:0;s:16:\”gv_revision_date\”;b:0;s:20:\”gv_revision_date_gmt\”;b:0;s:19:\”gv_revision_user_id\”;b:0;s:19:\”gv_revision_changed\”;b:0;s:33:\”workflow_current_status_timestamp\”;b:0;s:26:\”gravityview_ratings_star_1\”;b:0;s:26:\”gravityview_ratings_star_2\”;b:0;s:26:\”gravityview_ratings_star_3\”;b:0;s:26:\”gravityview_ratings_star_4\”;b:0;s:26:\”gravityview_ratings_star_5\”;b:0;s:25:\”gravityview_ratings_stars\”;b:0;s:29:\”gravityview_ratings_vote_down\”;b:0;s:32:\”gravityview_ratings_vote_neutral\”;b:0;s:27:\”gravityview_ratings_vote_up\”;b:0;s:25:\”gravityview_ratings_votes\”;b:0;s:25:\”gravityview_ratings_total\”;b:0;}i:38;a:74:{s:2:\”id\”;s:2:\”89\”;s:7:\”form_id\”;s:1:\”2\”;s:7:\”post_id\”;N;s:12:\”date_created\”;s:19:\”2022-06-17 19:12:34\”;s:12:\”date_updated\”;s:19:\”2022-07-18 15:00:53\”;s:10:\”is_starred\”;s:1:\”0\”;s:7:\”is_read\”;s:1:\”1\”;s:2:\”ip\”;s:38:\”2806:2f0:7001:6031:9d31:fb90:be5f:518b\”;s:10:\”source_url\”;s:56:\”\”;s:10:\”user_agent\”;s:111:\”Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36\”;s:8:\”currency\”;s:3:\”USD\”;s:14:\”payment_status\”;N;s:12:\”payment_date\”;N;s:14:\”payment_amount\”;N;s:14:\”payment_method\”;s:0:\”\”;s:14:\”transaction_id\”;N;s:12:\”is_fulfilled\”;N;s:10:\”created_by\”;s:1:\”1\”;s:16:\”transaction_type\”;N;s:6:\”status\”;s:6:\”active\”;s:3:\”1.3\”;s:11:\”Ana Azucena\”;s:3:\”1.6\”;s:20:\”Gutierrez Casta\303\261eda\”;i:2″…, 32768, MSG_DONTWAIT, NULL, NULL) = 32768

    I know this to be data it is trying to fetch from a form.

    My site is

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by pttony.
    Thread Starter pttony



    Sorry I’m a bit of a nice here.. but how do I:

    1. check the script handles to find problematic ones…
    2. where would I add the custom filter?
    Thread Starter pttony


    Thanks Georgi,

    That’s very odd. I’m the “developer” and I’m not aware of any plugin that might overwrite the default html.

    Can I ask when you inspected the site? I turned lazy-load back on maybe an hour ago.

    Thread Starter pttony


    FYI – I’m a siteground client.

    My site is using the latest WP and Astra theme.

    FWIW: lazy load works fine on another site of mine (same basic set-up): (lazy load enabled and “minify javascript” enabled.

    On the website I just experimented by turning off “minify javascript” and then re-enabled “lazy load” – the images are now working on the homepage.

    So its working now… but there are definitely site specific variables and/or plugin conflicts that are causing the issue on Are there any known plugin conflicts that might be causing this? Other settings I should consider adjusting?

    Thread Starter pttony


    Oddly…. it just now started working again… ??? I didn’t change anything.

    Thread Starter pttony


    We are using the most current version of WordPress. There may indeed be a conflicting plugin – but again, there was no issue prior to updating to the current version of Yoast (this was verified when I rolled back to 16.6.1 and everything worked properly). So whatever is in the 16.7 update is causing the conflict.

    When I can find half a day to work on this I’ll do a thorough compatibility check. In the meantime, we’ll stick with 16.6.1.

    Please kindly keep us updated if you discover any known issues that might be causing this. I’ll keep my eye out for updated version and will scan the changelogs.



    I’m having the same issue… I receive:

    authentication failed: Got 401 calling POST….., triggering auth refresh.

    I have wordfence installed with bruteforce detection enabled (tried turning off and on… no luck).

    Wordpress sends my admin email a message about a suspicious login attempt.

    Are there known conflicts with wordfence – or other conflicts with wordpress authentication and access?

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by pttony.
    Thread Starter pttony


    Ok – please ignore my long and tedious notes above.. I poked around and found the solution. I’m using the SG-Optimizer… I excluded dashicons from “combine css files” and they now appear! Hopefully, that’s all for the issues for now. Thanks again for your support.

    Thread Starter pttony


    Let me add to the above… there seems to be a general problem with icons not appearing at all (on mobile or desktop).

    Oddly, when I’m logged into the back-end of my site, the icons appear. When I log-out, they disappear. Any suggestions on what might be going on? FYI – I placed a “home” icon on the far left of my main nav menu (you can hover over a blank, clickable link there).

    I really hope to get max-mega to work… this is my third attempt at it… each time running into similar obstacles. If I can get the basics up, I definitely intend to upgrade to the premium version. Thank you!

    Thread Starter pttony


    Thanks Tom! Deeply embarased.. I looked at the theme integration page and didn’t see my theme listed. What a blind spot! I’ve made the adjustment and it’s working.

    One other small issue…

    On a mobile device (ios, on both chrome and safari), the toggle icon (hamburger menu) appears as an outlined box… but on a resized desktop screen it appears as it should. Is there some odd conflict there?

    See image here:

    Thread Starter pttony


    A few follow-ups…

    I dug around in the theme files and found a few more options… I think the above is incorrect… these seem closer to the removing residual styling you suggest:

    in “header.php” in find this code (which doesn’t seem entirely relevant):
    <body id=”mh-mobile” <?php body_class(); ?> itemscope=”itemscope” itemtype=””&gt;
    <?php mh_before_header();
    get_template_part(‘content’, ‘header’);
    mh_after_header(); ?>

    But then I found this in “content-header.php” which seems to contain the line you suggest to edit out to remove residual styling:

    <nav class=”mh-navigation mh-header-nav mh-header-nav-top clearfix” itemscope=”itemscope” itemtype=””&gt;
    <?php wp_nav_menu(array(‘theme_location’ => ‘mh_header_nav’)); ?>

    Should I just add this “content-header.php” to my child theme and edit out the html that directly wraps <?php wp_nav_menu(array(‘theme_location’ => ‘mh_header_nav’)); ?>?

    I’m rolling back to 13.5 …. FYI 14.0.2 results in the same fatal errors:

    Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function my_gv_wpseo_opengraph_image(), 0 passed in /home/cipeorg/public_html/peaceedcampaign/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 287 and exactly 1 expected in /home/cipeorg/public_html/peaceedcampaign/wp-content/themes/mh-magazine-child/functions.php:96 Stack trace: #0 /home/cipeorg/public_html/peaceedcampaign/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(287): my_gv_wpseo_opengraph_image() #1 /home/cipeorg/public_html/peaceedcampaign/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(311): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array) #2 /home/cipeorg/public_html/peaceedcampaign/wp-includes/plugin.php(544): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #3 /home/cipeorg/public_html/peaceedcampaign/wp-includes/plugin.php(660): do_action_ref_array(‘wpseo_opengraph’, Array) #4 /home/cipeorg/public_html/peaceedcampaign/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/src/integrations/front-end/backwards-compatiblity.php(60): do_action_deprecated(‘wpseo_opengraph’, Array, ‘14.0’, ‘wpseo_frontend_…’) #5 /home/cipeorg/public_html/peaceedcampaign in /home/cipeorg/public_html/peaceedcampaign/wp-content/themes/mh-magazine-child/functions.php on line 96
    There has been a critical error on your website.

    when will a stable version of 14.0+ be available?


    Same problem here…

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