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    OK, I think I might’ve figured it out. When I went to the preview for Twenty Twenty (click here), it looks like the buttons for the four featured articles don’t have the red border. Does that mean WordPress changed the styling for those buttons in a recent update?

    If you go to my website that I mentioned in the original post, you will see that I changed the buttons to have a red fill, so that is probably how I will keep the buttons.

    Can someone confirm my thoughts on the button styling? Furthermore, if this is an error, could someone let the WordPress developers know?

    Thread Starter pugs


    You could be right, but then why does the border show when editing the Page in the block editor? And why does Appearance -> Customize and the website itself not show the border? Do you have any ideas why this is happening and how I can fix it?

    Thread Starter pugs


    When I go to Appearance -> Customize the borders do not show up. Do you know how I can get the borders back? Do you think it’s possible I’ve been hacked?

    Thread Starter pugs


    Thanks again. I forgot that the border shows up properly in the block editor. It’s only on the actual site that it’s not there. Do you know why this is happening and how I can fix it?

    Thread Starter pugs


    Thanks, Steve.

    On my phone, those screenshots both look like they don’t have the red border; you might want to look at an earlier archive.

    Do you know if there’s any way to bring the borders back by using the WordPress block editor? Furthermore, do you have any way of checking if WordPress got rid of the borders in a recent update?

    Thread Starter pugs


    Thanks again for the responses.

    I did go ahead and do a clean install with a Windows machine in the event there were other errors in the initial install. I made another change, which I suspect could have caused the error. It has to do with the order of my edits in wp-config.php. In the article “Editing wp-config.php,” it says:

    Note: The contents of the wp-config-sample.php file are in a very specific order. The order matters. If you already have a wp-config.php file, rearranging the contents of the file may create errors on your blog.

    The problem is, toward the bottom of wp-config.php, there’s a comment that says to place your edits in the designated area. This comment in wp-config.php appears new, as I don’t remember it from my previous installs and didn’t find it in the files when I looked at them. Some of the edits I made, namely WP_SITEURL and WP_HOME, appear higher in order on the “Editing wp-config.php” article. So this time, rather than putting all my edits in the designated area, I put the aforementioned edits higher up, in the order they would be in in the article.

    Do you think this could have been causing the error?

    Needless to say, the second install worked the way it should, with no “index.php” in the URLs. This was great for my peace of mind and may have even prevented future errors.

    Thread Starter pugs


    Hi, @maxxd. Thank you.

    What makes you say that it’s actually the default WordPress permalink structure? I’ve installed WordPress numerous times over the years, and this is never how it was in the past. Furthermore, I’ve seen very few WordPress sites set up this way. Did the default just recently change in one of the minor releases? Could you provide any links to documentation or anything?

    Thread Starter pugs


    Thanks so much, @gappiah! You fixed it!

    This is what I saw when I went to the Settings -> Permalinks page: the “Custom Structure” radio button was selected with the URL of my new site ( Then in the text box next to that URL it contained: /index.php/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/

    So I just selected the “Day and name” radio button instead, as it is on my other WordPress sites, and like magic all my URLs were fixed.

    Now I’d like to know if anything else could be damaged with this install. Should I do a clean install or just use it as it is? Does anyone know how this happened and what all could be affected?

    Oh, and regarding my host, they are Pair Networks, one of the oldest and best web hosts out there. I think this issue was just above the scope of knowledge of the support person who answered the phone. Their support is usually great.

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    Thread Starter pugs


    Nevermind. I realized I was in Appearance rather than Pages. It works now.

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    rehaut dot com

    I now see there is no page for the “Uncategorized” category, which was created automatically during installation and tied to the “Hello world!” post, so maybe this is normal.

    Thread Starter pugs


    Thanks for the replies. The install did seem to go over smoothly, and I haven’t encountered any errors when using the CMS for my first blog post.

    From a technical standpoint, however, is there any problem whatsoever one could foresee resulting as a consequence of this .htaccess file? Furthermore, does WordPress do a thorough job of checking for errors during installation? Would it have detected the most minute problem and rejected the installation if there was any issue with the .htaccess file?

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