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  • I think you need to provide a full (or relative) URL to the add_editor_style function to get this to work – so you might use get_stylesheet_directory_uri or get_bloginf(‘siteurl’) to get the URL of the site. Just make sure what you’re putting into add_editor_style is something you could copy into the address bar of a web browser

    Right – the idea with Child themes is that they override the versions of the same files in the parent theme. So you make a folder for your child theme – in this case twentyfourteen-child, and in the folder you put the minimum required to use the child theme, which is style.css

    in style.css, you put what I listed in my above post.

    Here’s a general rundown of how child themes work with php templates:

    If you want to override php template files, ie footer.php, which is what you want to do, in this case, you’d create a new file in the root of the twentyfourteen-child folder called footer.php, (the same name and in the same relative directory location as footer.php in the parent theme) then copy what’s in the parent themes footer.php into your child theme’s version, then make the changes you want to make in the child themes version. The updated version will override the parent’s footer.php minimizing the potential for future issues.

    So yes – put a new footer.php with the second code fragment in my above post in the root of the child theme directory, and you should be good.

    Is this all in style.css ? or are you showing two files?

    twentyfourteen-child/style.css should include the following:

     Theme Name:   Twenty Fourteen Child
     Theme URI:
     Description:  Twenty Fourteen Child Theme
     Author:       John Titmuss
     Template:     twentyfourteen
     Version:      1.0.0
     Tags:         light, dark, two-columns, right-sidebar, responsive-layout, accessibility-ready
     Text Domain:  twenty-fourteen-child
    @import url("../twentyfourteen/style.css");

    and twentyfourteen/footer.php should include the following:

    /*Mod to footer to show everything on same line by John Titmuss Apr 2014 */
     * The template for displaying the footer
     * Contains footer content and the closing of the #main and #page div elements.
     * @package WordPress
     * @subpackage Twenty_Fourteen
     * @since Twenty Fourteen 1.0
    		</div><!-- #main -->
    		<footer id="colophon" class="site-footer" role="contentinfo">
    			<?php get_sidebar( 'footer' ); ?>
    			<div class="site-info">
    				<?php do_action( 'twentyfourteen_credits' ); ?>
    				<a href="<?php echo esc_url( __( '', 'twentyfourteen' ) ); ?>"><?php printf( __( 'Proudly  powered by %s', 'twentyfourteen' ), 'WordPress'  )  ?></a> <a href=""><?php printf( __( 'site host handmadepages', 'twentyfourteen' ), 'WordPress' ); ?></a> &copy copyright Eastbourne FHS 2013
    			</div><!-- .site-info -->
    		</footer><!-- #colophon -->
    	</div><!-- #page -->
    	<?php wp_footer(); ?>

    Is that what you currently have set up?


    No Problem – glad to help!

    can you paste the contents of your child theme’s style.css ?

    Just to clarify – the code above should go on the line directly below

    <?php do_action( 'twentyfourteen_credits' ); ?>


    If you want everything on one line,

    change the line to

    <a href="<?php echo esc_url( __( '', 'twentyfourteen' ) ); ?>"><?php printf( __( 'Proudly powered by %s.', 'twentyfourteen' ), 'WordPress' ); ?></a> <a href=""><?php printf( __( 'site host handmadepages', 'twentyfourteen' ), 'WordPress' ); ?></a> &copy copyright Eastbourne FHS 2013

    that should do it – Also, make sure your using a child theme for this change – editing the twentyfourteen theme files directly will cause problems when the dev’s push an update. I’d also recommend not hard coding things in template files – use Advanced custom fields plugin, and his “options page” extension to easily create a site-wide options page that could include this string.

    let me know how that works!

    Can you try this? I’ve put in placeholder stuff for the Query args, and for the loop stuff. This is a skeleton from a site we’re building out – and it’s working for us when this in a page template.

    $temp_query = $wp_query;
    		  $paged = ( get_query_var('paged') ) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
    		  $args = array(
    		  /* make a new query for the events */
    		  $wp_query = new WP_Query( $args );
    		  /* Start the wp_query up */
    		  while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
    <?php if ($wp_query->max_num_pages > 1) : ?>
      <div class="row">
        <nav class="pagination">
          <?php next_posts_link(__('Older posts', 'roots')); ?>
          <?php previous_posts_link(__('Newer posts', 'roots')); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php wp_reset_query(); ?>
    <?php $wp_query = $temp_query; ?>

    Do you have any caching plugins installed that might be interfering?

    Great! Ok- Check out

    That should show a listing of your letters! I’d recommend turning on permalinks in Settings / Permalinks in the dashboard to get pretty URLs, as well!

    You solved the problem by entering content into the posts you wanted to delete!!!?? That’s bizarre! Glad you were able to solve the issue!

    Themes looking good! I’m not seeing your issue – are you referring to the title of the “meta” section appearing below the “meta” sidebar widget, or something else?


    have you tried to specify the custom tax name in your call to has_term?

    has_term( ‘custom-taxonomy-term’ , ‘custom-taxonomy’)

    be careful though, you might want to include an is_single() in that conditional, because you don’t want the custom header if it’s an archive and the special post is at the top!

    this is untested, and is more a less a guess – so hit me up w/ any questions!

    Very strange – I tried it today and it worked! maybe its an intermittent hosting issue?

    I’d recommend deleting one-by one, if your not trying that already? the bulk tool might be having issues?


    While dragon’s jaw has an approach that will work – I think the solution to you question is in fact much simpler. What is this category that you’d like excluded from the homepage? It seems to me that custom post types might be able to help. A custom post type is like another “type” of post. They behave the same as posts, but they don’t show up with the posts on the homepage, and their archive collection appears at a different spot on your site (<post type name>

    So, if you had a normal blog, with normal posts, and you wanted to have a list of Film reviews you wanted to keep seperate, you could make a custom post type for “Film Reviews” and those posts would live at

    it would have the same layout as normal posts, but the posts visible at would only include film reviews.

    If this seems like it fits, install Brad Williams awesome Custom Post Types UI plugin. Once installed, hover over CPT UI in the left hand dashboard tabs, and select “Add New” then, in the “Post Type Name” field type the name of your category, and click “Create Custom Post Type” your post type will now appear in the Dashboard and you should be off to the races. A listing of posts in that category will be available at<category&gt; keeping in mind that spaces are now “-” to conform with web URL standards.

    Let me know what you think, or if you have any questions!
    ?? Bryan

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: centering photo


    Ok – so I may be off base – but since some of your photos appear to be properly centered, I’d chalk this up to quirks in the WP editor. Can you try to delete the improperly left aligned images from the post, then readd them? no need to delete them from the media library, just the post window will do. once they’re added, select the image, and click the center align icon in the editor.


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