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  • Thread Starter pushkin


    All done. Thanks for holding my hand through the process. I’ve dropped a line to my Theme designer explaining Permalinks problem. Maybe they can help. I hope so.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    This screenshot –

    shows what wp-content looks like after I changed it.

    Should I now go Numeric Value 644 with ‘Apply to files’ button on


    Numeric Value 755, with ‘Apply to directories only’ button on?

    Thread Starter pushkin


    Oh, dear! Should I change everything back? It didn’t really create work for me. It just runs in the background. It’s not a big deal to change it all back. Is that what I should do? The site doesn’t seem to have been affected one way or the other.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    I managed to change permissions with Filezilla. I changed everything to 755. It took a while, but everything went through. Thanks for showing me how to do this. However, it hasn’t solved my Permalinks issues, and I’ll now get in touch with the Theme designers to see if the problem isn’t something to do with the Theme.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    Thanks very much for detailed response.

    In FTP>WP-Content, I can get into Set Permissions. I can’t see any numbers to change, but it gives me two options:

    1. Permissions: Set Permissions for selected files/folder, then there’s two boxes: Web Visible (which is clicked) and Executable (not clicked). I’ve made a screenshot here:

    2. Advanced Permissions: One row says Web User Permissions, the other says Owner Permissions. All boxes – Read, Write, Execute (Directory) are on. Screenshot is here:

    What do I need to change to get the equivalent of 755? Thanks

    Thread Starter pushkin


    I should add that regarding the ‘extra’ folder /current/ showing up in the directory, in the end I noticed that it contained duplicate files in the html directory, so I deleted the current folder. It didn’t solve any issues, unfortunately.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    I’ve given up trying to get the Permalink I want, and settled for having ‘archives’ in all the URLs and avoiding the 404 page. I’ve also deleted the plugin and will ‘crunch’ images before uploading them to the site.

    However, I’ve still got issues, which I’m sure are related. They are when trying to instal the WP Super Cache plug in, I get the following message:

    Warning! /home/content/03/9159303/html/wp-content is writeable!

    You should change the permissions on /home/content/03/9159303/html/wp-content and make it more restrictive. Use your ftp client, or the following command to fix things: chmod 755 /home/content/03/9159303/html/wp-content/

    What does this mean? I’ve looked for /home/content/03/9159303 file in FTP and can’t find it?

    Also, if I try and use the search field on my site – – top right hand corner; and put in something that will return more than one page, for example, Athens, while page 1 of Search Results brings up the relevant results, if I try to bring up page 2 or page 3 of Search Results (bottom left corner), I get a 404 (Page Not Found) Error.

    Is this a Theme, WordPress or Host issue?

    Thanks for any help.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    Thanks stvwlf. I’ll get in touch with them as you suggest.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    I’ve tried deactivating plugins in combination with and uploading images after, and sometimes images will complete processing correctly, sometimes they won’t. When I think I’ve identified a problematic plugin and turned it off, I’ll try uploading images again and the error message re-appears. It seems quite arbitrary.

    Don’t know how images got into root folder. I’ve just been uploading images as normal into my library, though as I’ve been developing the site I have uploaded a lot of images, maybe 200; though, currently, after some deletions, I’ve 92 images in my media library. There’s nothing in the ‘Store Uploads in the Folder’ field. It’s on default, which is wp-content/uploads

    As for messages I get when processing images fails, I notice that apart from the HTTP error on the uploads page, if I go into the media library and try and smush an image manually, the error message here reads:

    Could not find /home/content/03/9159303/html/wp-content/uploads/

    Thread Starter pushkin


    The exact error is a pink box at top of page in which it says HTTP Error, at which point the uploading process stops. I’ll try and see if is conflicting with another plugin, but I haven’t added any recently, so not sure that this is problem.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    I’ve just received the following reply from Go Daddy on .htaccess file:

    We cannot review the .htaccess files in their entirety. We can review to see if there is an issue with a particular portion, as in if it is a conflict on shared hosting. However, we cannot troubleshoot your .htaccess files in such a general fashion.

    In regard to the /current folder, this is not a folder that we created. It appears there were also recommendations made regarding this folder. The best method of troubleshooting this type of issue is to disable .htaccess files by renaming them to .htaccess.bak and see if this resolves the issue.

    In addition, it is sometimes helpful to find a default .htaccess file for your application online and upload this and then make the necessary adjustments, such as enabling permalinks. This will insure that you are starting with a ‘good’ .htaccess file.

    I think this ties in with advice received above from stvwlf and adpawl and will give it a go later this evening and report back. Thanks for help so far.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    Thanks for advice on what to do with .htaccess folder. I’ll try out these solutions later this evening.

    On getting HTML error on crunching images; what I mean is this. I upload an image via Media Library>Add New. It goes through process of uploading the image, getting to 100% and then when it’s time for it to be smushed (I have the plugin installed), I get an HTTP error at the top of the page and uploading fails to complete. I’ve tried deactivating the plug-in and while the image will load, when I try and reactivate the plugin and smush the image manually, I’ll get an error saying ‘operation timed out’ or ‘cannot find host’. Just to say, I’ve had the plugin installed for a while, smushed dozens of images with no problems – until now.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    I’ve asked Go Daddy whether my .htaccess files are in the right place and say the right thing. I don’t know why there’s an .htaccess file in current folder or what it means if it is there. Are you suggesting I delete the current folder?

    To see what these files look like in FTP manager, I’ve made a couple of screenshots and uploaded them.

    The first screenshot shows FTP manager after opening.

    The second screenshot shows current in left hand column after opening.

    Does this look right?

    Thread Starter pushkin


    Thanks for the detailed response. I’m going to pass on all this .htaccess file information – including your observations – to Go Daddy and ask them to investigate. Regarding Permalink settings, I’ve tried resetting, to no avail. I had set it up for Permalinks to work on Post name; but categories and tags go to error 404 page. Similarly, in numeric, default, day and name, month and name, categories and tags work, but posts go to error 404 page. The (unsatisfactory) solution I’ve come up with is to use Custom Structure and a mixture of Numeric and Post name – i.e. /archives/%postname%/. So my post URLs are now something like this:

    Tags read:

    Categories read:

    All add ‘archives’ to the Permalink; but at least no error pages. Naturally, I’d like to get links without ‘archives’.

    The category base and tag base fields are empty.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    My host – Go Daddy – says its reviewed .htaccess file and its okay:

    I understand you have an issue with the links on your WordPress site not working. I have reviewed this and reviewed your .htaccess file there are no rewrites causing issues. When you click on a link on your site in the url it will show the path it is looking for the page. You have to make sure the link is being referenced correctly to the correct page.

    So, I’m back to square one. I’ve also noticed that when I go Settings>Permalinks and choose Numeric, all tags, categories and links work – none go to error 404 page.

    In Numeric:

    Tags show up like this:
    Categories show up like this:
    Posts show up like this: (this should be

    Settings>Permalinks and then default or Day and name or Month and Name produce results where the categories and tags work, but the posts go to error 404; while choosing Settings>Permalinks>Post name ends up with posts working but categories and tags going to error page.

    What I need is for permalinks to show post name, i.e. I want to have Settings> Permalinks>Post name.

    Any more ideas as to what’s going on would be appreciated. Thanks.

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