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  • Thread Starter pushkin


    I’ll do that Esmi, because I don’t think it is a menu issue.

    Thanks so far. Let’s see what Go Daddy has to say.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    And, no, I didn’t do anything with permalinks after building the menu. I have noticed, however, that the lettered permalinks tend to be associated with labels beginning with A, B, C, while the numbered permalinks are with labels beginning with letters further down the alphabet – so Amorgos, Anafi are lettered, while Milos, Mykonos and so on are numbered. So, there is some logic to what’s happened. It’s not completely random.

    Thanks for help so far.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    I switched to the 2011 theme and the problem is exactly the same as with Shoutbox theme. With permalinks on, categories and tags don’t work; with permalinks off, on default, they do.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    When I have permalinks on default setting, then the tags, categories and the numbered posts work as normal. The lettered permalink posts don’t work from menu, but will work if you try and bring them up from within another post – the URL will be numbered not lettered, however.

    So, if with permalinks on default setting, I go Home page>Menu>Greek Islands>Cyclades>Amorgos – Amorgos will appear in the address bar as and will open an error page. However, if I go Greek Island>Cyclades – and bring up the Cyclades category page ( – and then click on Amorgos, this post will appear as normal as

    If I go to Permalink Settings>Post name, then Home page>Menu>Greek Islands>Cyclades>Amorgos – then the Amorgos post works and appears as, while if I go Greek Islands>Cyclades, the address comes up as:, and the 404 page appears.

    And when I have it on Permalink Settings>Post name, tags from within pages don’t work – for example, the Santorini tag generates this address: – and goes to 404; while if I have it on Permalink Settings>Default, and I click on a Santorini tag from within a post, the tag page with the following URL – – works.

    I was hoping I wouldn’t have to redo the menu, but if I have to, I have to – but is that what the problem is? A badly built menu? But how did it get so mangled?

    Thread Starter pushkin


    No, I haven’t been doing this.

    I changed the permalink settings from default to Post name early on in developing the site and went with the lettered permalinks it was generating. When creating the menu (Appearance>Menus), I’d copy the post URL (all with lettered permalinks) from the address bar and paste it in to URL field under Custom Links in the Menu page (Appearance>Menus). But now it seems that about two-thirds of the items showing in the Menu page (Appearance>Menus) have numbered permalinks and the other third are made up of letters.

    For example, the URL for the Corfu post in the menu reads:

    while the URL for Kefalonia reads:

    Any ideas? Thanks

    Thread Starter pushkin


    Now, I’m getting really confused.
    I tried Esmi’s idea of using default permalinks – and leaving it there, rather than going back to Post name – and, incredibly, the Categories and Tags work.

    However, all my permalinks with letters are now going to the 404 error page. So, if I now click on the Greek islands category in menu bar, it works fine with the URL: But if, through the menu, I try to get to, for example, Amorgos, the URL is and it’ll take me to the error page.

    So, it does seem that I’ve got an issue with a mix of pretty and default links – as Rev Voodoo suggests. And, yes, I did set up the menu myself as a custom menu, dragging and dropping everything to place.

    Any suggestions as to how I can fix all this? Thanks so far.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    No, playing around with tag URLS doesn’t seem to do anything – still error 404. Any other suggestions?

    Thread Starter pushkin


    Just to add that Go Daddy told me that in WP Dashboard Settings>>General, the WP address and the Site Address should be the same.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    Thanks for this, Esmi.

    I’ve figured out that a lot of my problems were to do with local host address migrating to external site. All posts in wp-posts table in database were showing as local host not new URL. I changed all these with a plug-in called Search and Replace, available in WP Dashboard plug-ins, which found and replaced all local host addresses in my database with new URL. I hope this has done the trick.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    I’m now back into the WordPress Dashboard, having noticed that the values in phpmyadmin in Go Daddy had reverted to local host. However, having gone back into Settings>>General in the WP Dashboard and changed the values of

    WordPress Address (URL):

    Site Address (URL): http//localhost

    so that they both read:, I’ve still got the problem of clicking on links that refer to local host!


    Thread Starter pushkin


    I’m now no longer able to get into wp-admin and the WordPress Dashboard on my externally hosted site. I can access my site – which is now showing its header – but adding wp-admin to the URL takes me to localhost. I can access the Dashboard in local host. Any suggestions? Thanks

    Thread Starter pushkin


    Sorry, I’m new to this and don’t understand what I have to do.

    Thanks to Xperic I’ve now found the fields govpatel was talking about – in WordPress Dashboard, not in the part of Go Daddy that refers to WordPress installation.

    It says:

    WordPress Address (URL):

    Site Address (URL): http//localhost

    So, what do I have to change these to?

    I’ve looked up the WordPress <a href=”
    “>help file and it says:

    3. In the box for WordPress address (URL): change the address to the new location of your main WordPress core files. Example:
    4. In the box for Site address (URL): change the address to the root directory’s URL. Example:

    But I have no idea what the address of my WordPress core files is; nor do I know what the URL of the root directory is. How can I find these out? Thanks

    Thread Starter pushkin


    you should have your urls if installed in root

    I don’t quite get this. Can you explain a little further. Thanks

    Thread Starter pushkin


    I’ve managed to go into the database via Manage via phpMyAdmin and changed the URL showing as ‘local host’ to the name of my website. The site now has some styling, but the header is missing and clicking on links still refers back to local host. Here’s the site now.

    I’ve also managed to find Settings>>>General as suggested by govpatel – I presume you meant for the WordPress installation, and this is what it says:

    Successfully Installed on
    (March 31, 2012)
    Admin URL:?GOLOVEGREECE.COM/wp-admin/
    FTP path:?/
    Database name:?gol1209105211889 (golovegreece@WordPress)
    Hosting account:?Visit Hosting Center
    Server technologies:?LINUX, PHP 5.1, CGI 2.0, PERL 5.0, PYTHON 2.4, RUBY 1.8.4, MYSQL 4.1, 5.0

    Is that right? Should I change anything here? If yes, how? What else do I need to do?

    Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    Thanks for getting back.

    I can’t find Settings>>>General; and regarding the wp-config.php file, this is how it currently reads. Other than the salt keys, I didn’t change anything in it because it seemed all correct to me (I’ve xxxxx the password). Does this file seem correct to you?

    * The base configurations of the WordPress.
    * This file has the following configurations: MySQL settings, Table Prefix,
    * Secret Keys, WordPress Language, and ABSPATH. You can find more information
    * by visiting {@link Editing
    * wp-config.php} Codex page. You can get the MySQL settings from your web host.
    * This file is used by the wp-config.php creation script during the
    * installation. You don’t have to use the web site, you can just copy this file
    * to “wp-config.php” and fill in the values.
    * @package WordPress

    // ** MySQL settings – You can get this info from your web host ** //
    /** The name of the database for WordPress */
    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘gol1209105211889’);

    /** MySQL database username */
    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘gol1209105211889’);

    /** MySQL database password */
    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘xxxxxxxxx’);

    /** MySQL hostname */
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘’);

    /** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */
    define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’);

    /** The Database Collate type. Don’t change this if in doubt. */
    define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ”);

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