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  • puzsol


    Personally, I found that if I just changed the == to >=, then it broke the user listing… as it was translating this SQL:
    SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_users.ID FROM wp_users WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY user_login ASC LIMIT 20

    and interpreting it as a “true_offset”, which in turn was using an array slice to get rows 20 to 20…. not good.

    Also I couldn’t publish any posts (probably for a similar reason).

    So I rewrote it to:

    // Check for true offset - ie "limit 40,20"... if first is 0, or there is no comma, then we can use SQL top - else use array_slice later
            if ( count($limit_matches) >= 5 && $limit_matches[1] == '0' ) {
                $limit_matches[1] = $limit_matches[4];
            } elseif ( count($limit_matches) >= 5 && strlen($limit_matches[3]) > 0 ) {
                $true_offset = true;

    So far this (and this alone), seems to have fixed it.

    Oh, also I don’t know if it makes a difference, but I figure the interpretation of SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS was also wrong… as in mysql it returns the selected rows (limits in place) as well as counting all that match… the replacing the column list with a * is potentially wrong – if ever column numbers rather than names are used… so I modified that to:

    if (stripos($query, 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS') > 0 ) {
    			$query = str_ireplace('SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ', '' , $query);
                //$sql_calc_pos = stripos($query, 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS');
                //$from_pos = stripos($query, 'FROM');
                //$query = substr_replace($query,'* ', $sql_calc_pos, ($from_pos - $sql_calc_pos));

    And in the new wordpress, I wasn’t getting the user counts properly as it wasn’t handling the translate_specific function wasn’t matching the query (as it has %”administrator”% instead of %administrator%, etc)… so that was changed to:

    if ($this->preg_original == "SELECT COUNT(NULLIF(meta_value` LIKE ‘%administrator%’, FALSE)), “
    . “COUNT(NULLIF(meta_value LIKE ‘%editor%’, FALSE)), “
    . “COUNT(NULLIF(meta_value LIKE ‘%author%’, FALSE)), “
    . “COUNT(NULLIF(meta_value LIKE ‘%contributor%’, FALSE)), “
    . “COUNT(NULLIF(meta_value LIKE ‘%subscriber%’, FALSE)), “
    . “COUNT(*) FROM ” . $this->prefix . “usermeta WHERE meta_key = ‘” . $this->prefix . “capabilities'”
    || $this->preg_original ==
    “SELECT COUNT(NULLIF(meta_value LIKE ‘%\”administrator\”%’, false))”
    . “, COUNT(NULLIF(meta_value LIKE ‘%\”editor\”%’, false))”
    . “, COUNT(NULLIF(meta_value LIKE ‘%\”author\”%’, false))”
    . “, COUNT(NULLIF(meta_value LIKE ‘%\”contributor\”%’, false))”
    . “, COUNT(NULLIF(meta_value LIKE ‘%\”subscriber\”%’, false))”
    . “, COUNT(*) FROM ” . $this->prefix . “usermeta WHERE meta_key = ‘” . $this->prefix . “capabilities'”
    ) {
    $query = “SELECT SUM(case when meta_value LIKE ‘%administrator%’ then 1 else 0 end) as ca
    , SUM(case when meta_value LIKE ‘%editor%’ then 1 else 0 end) as cb
    , SUM(case when meta_value LIKE ‘%author%’ then 1 else 0 end) as cc
    , SUM(case when meta_value LIKE ‘%contributor%’ then 1 else 0 end) as cd
    , SUM(case when meta_value LIKE ‘%subscriber%’ then 1 else 0 end) as ce
    , COUNT(*) as c FROM ” . $this->prefix . “usermeta WHERE meta_key = ‘” . $this->prefix . “capabilities'”;
    $this->preg_data = array();

    Which I think is a more efficient query anyway.

    Sorry for posting too much here…. think of it as a brain-dump.

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