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  • Thread Starter pwald


    Thanks for your reply Nick

    I’ve checked my error log and getting allowed memory size ….. bytes exceeded errors, so have bumped that up, and this seems to have allowed me to disable the plug-in. Weird that I could disable all other plug-ins (except updraftplus) via WP / CP file manager without the critical error.. Still can’t get the gravity form to send messages but I’m working on that…

    Thread Starter pwald



    Thanks for your original reply. I am sorry not to have replied. Disabling Litespeed Cache seems to have resolved the issue. Thanks

    Thread Starter pwald


    Thanks for your reply.

    Disabling autoptimize changed the behaviour in that it brought up a blank black screen that overlay the homepage, with only a X showing but no menu.

    I then disabled Async as well, and that fixed the issue.

    I haven’t had a chance to test autoptimize enabled and Async disabled as my wife has gone out and it is she that has the iphone. Will report back when I know more.

    Thanks a million for your help..


    Thread Starter pwald


    Thanks David, sorted, and in super quick time thanks to your amazingly quick response…. thank you thank you…

    Thread Starter pwald


    Hi David,

    I simply can’t get it to work with WPS Hide Login activated. I have told W3 cache to ignore / not cache the log-in page(s) (I am using the syntax wp-admin\.php
    wp-login\.php which I hope is correct) but to no avail. I have other measures in place to deal with brute force attacks, so it may simply be a case of deciding between Keyy and WPS hide log-in (which hasn’t been updated in 7 months anyway).

    I have sent a support request via the app so I can get you looking at one of the sites in question to see if we can work out what is going on.

    Many thanks

    Thread Starter pwald


    I can’t get it to work consistently I am afraid. I have tried across several of my sites and with WPS hide login enabled. Currently it works on one site, but not the other 2. I suspect it’s something to do with a clash with W3 Total Cache, or Wordfence (but these are enabled on all 3 sites). I haven’t got the time or inclination (at this point) to work my way through disabling / re-enabling plugins to see which one is to blame. If you want to get Joe to PM me via the email he has for me I can send you url’s in question if that helps.

    Many thanks

    Thread Starter pwald


    Hi David, WPS Hide Login lets you easily and safely change the url of the login form page to anything you want. It doesn’t literally rename or change files in core, nor does it add rewrite rules. It simply intercepts page requests and works on any WordPress website. The wp-admin directory and wp-login.php page become inaccessible, so you should bookmark or remember the url. Deactivating this plugin brings your site back exactly to the state it was before.

    If I have it enabled whilst trying to use Keyy, going to my custom log-in url, I see username / password fields but don’t get to see the QR code. If I enter my username and password I get the error message..

    ERROR: This user has set up their account to require a successful scan with Keyy, which was not done.

    If I go to, I get the error message

    This has been disabled

    which is what I would expect to see with wps hide log-in enabled.

    I have tried setting up Keyy both before and after wps hide log-in is set-up and activated, but I can’t get keyy to work alongside wps.

    Many thanks


    Thread Starter pwald


    OK, great. many thanks for your very prompt reply…

    Thread Starter pwald


    Indeed it did, but not anymore..

    many thanks

    Thread Starter pwald


    indeed…. I’ll try it on another of my sites that has a different theme and see how I get on…

    Thread Starter pwald


    Here is the screenshot from view testimonial within editor..

    Thread Starter pwald


    /* Using CSS columns. Browser support for columns is around 92% as of Feb-2015, according to Thanks to and */ .strong-container.two-css-columns { display: block; } .strong-container.two-css-columns .strong-content { -webkit-column-count: 2; -moz-column-count: 2; column-count: 2; -webkit-column-width: 150px; -moz-column-width: 150px; column-width: 150px; -webkit-column-gap: 20px; -moz-column-gap: 20px; column-gap: 20px; } .strong-container.two-css-columns .testimonial { display: inline-block; /* fallback to prevent column break within a testimonial */ -webkit-column-break-inside: avoid; page-break-inside: avoid; break-inside: avoid; margin-top: 0; /* to prevent gap at top of 2nd column */ }
    /* Beach */ .beach .testimonial .heading { background: none; color: #39788D; font-size: 2.4em; letter-spacing: 1px; line-height: 1.2em; padding-left: 0; text-align: center; text-transform: lowercase; word-spacing: 4px; } .beach .testimonial .heading:before { content:"\201C"; margin-right: 5px; } .beach .testimonial .heading:after { content:"\201D"; margin-left: 5px; } .beach .testimonial .inner { background: #B9DCE7; color: #39788D; } /* Tabbed */ .tabbed .testimonial { border: none; border-left: 10px solid #ff9911; } .tabbed .testimonial .inner { border: none; border-radius: 0 50px 50px 0; padding-left: 10px; } .tabbed .testimonial p { margin-bottom: 0; } .tabbed .testimonial img { background: none; border: none; border-radius: 0 20px 20px 0; margin-left: -10px; margin-right: 5px; padding: 0; }

    is what I have in CSS

    Thread Starter pwald


    Thread Starter pwald


    Sorry to confuse. I’ve sent you the zip file. Oh, and I took the beach, tabbed CSS from the demo site and placed it into my custom CSS.

    Many thanks

    Thread Starter pwald


    It works OK on TwentyFifteen (bar the Client name not being visible) with all plug-ins activated.

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