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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event post] Multiple Options for Schema on WP pagesBastien — Can you tell me “NO, event-post does not support multiple schemas” — or tell me “Yes, we do, and here’s how to do it”? I’d appreciate your help (and maybe many others would like to see how to do it).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event post] Customizing the Schema for a Particular PageSo, does EventPost allow different formats/layouts for different pages? Please say “Yes” or “No”. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event post] Donate button – paypal not accepting?I’d also like to know how to make a donation.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event post] Per-Page schema settings: advice for successYes, that was the help I needed! Here is my final post-level schema code:
[events_list item_schema="<%child% class='event_item %class%' data-color='%color%'> %event_date% <a href='%event_link%'> <strong>%event_title%</strong> </a> <em> %event_excerpt% </em> %event_location% </%child%>" excerpt="1" nb="25" cat="meeting,webinar" order="ASC" future="1" past="0" geo="0"]
Note that the regular “event-post” content needs to be embedded in the events_list code, right after the schema information.
See the final web page: Plugins
In reply to: [Event post] remove/hidden categoriesBastien — This is helpful. Can you now answer my “more general” question on schemas, posted two weeks ago? I’d like ONE general item schema for most pages (which I know how to customize), but then a CUSTOM Schema for one particular page. Am I able to override the Item Schema with a special one, on one specific web page? See
Your advice and support is very good — thanks!
PaulForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event post] Per-Page schema settings: advice for successIf anyone can give me guidance on setting up the per-page schema, I’d appreciate it! I have three clients’ websites that need this. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event post] Multiple Options for Date Settings, Item SchemaBastien — Yes, I’m beginning to understand how to use a custom Item Schema in the code for a webpage. But I’m still not doing it correctly. When I use my custom code on a web page, it seems to be ignored, or maybe it is over-ridden by the default one that I entered in Settings / Event / Item Shema that should apply in general cases.
Can you give me corrections to this code? For example, this might be the code on a web page:[events_list future="1" cat="meeting" excerpt="true" item_schema="%random% class="event_item %output%" %event_date% %event_location% data-color="%blue%" <a href="%event_link%"> <strong>%event_title%</strong> </a> <em>%event_excerpt% </em> </%random%>"]
— I replaced %child% with %random% — is this OK, or does it need to be “child”?
— I replaced %class% with my choice %output% — is this OK?
— Do I have the “” and <> pairs accounted for?
— As I say, this isn’t over-riding the default (so, my fields are not in the new order)
— How would you write this, so that the metadata fields are in the new order in my item_schema=”” statement, rather then the default order? Thanks!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event post] How improve the plugin, replace dateSte_Yeu — I don’t show my “Post” date on my Home Page listing of events (; instead, I use the Event Post “schema” to set up what is shown, and include the actual event date there. For example, I replace the “standard” one:
Go to: Settings / Events / Item shema (sic)
Item Schema that I used instead of the standard one:
<%child% class="event_item %class%" data-color="%color%"> <a href="%event_link%"> <strong>%event_title%</strong> </a> <em>%event_excerpt% %event_location% </em> %event_date%</%child%>
The result:
Role of Electromagnetic Simulations in Product Design –– (EMC) — numerical approaches, computational tools, integrating antennas, miniaturization issues …
(Troy) … Dec 15 at 5:30 pm … ical Google outlookThis shows some basic ways to play with the appearance of what you show on your website’s pages (change bold/italic/color).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event post] paginationStavroch and Bastien — Here’s what I picture: we set a parameter (number_per_page) to, say, 15. Now the most recent past 15 events are on the first “archive” page, and at both the top of the page and the bottom of that page are navigation links: “Previous” and “Next”. Clicking “Previous” brings the viewer past events 16 through 30; click “Previous” again goes to 31 through 45; etc. Also, we need the “search” function to have a box to enter some text — might be the last name of a previous speaker, or a company name, or a topic (eg, “lasers”). This should search the full database of past Events (maybe even the upcoming ones?) There might be an “Advanced Search” where I could put in a date range, or other limiting parameters.
This could also apply to future events: the nearest upcoming 15 events are on the first of the pages, and any that are farther in the future (eg, next February and March) are on a “Next” page.
Other thoughts?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event post] Best Way to Set Up Archive Pages of Past EventsBastien and others — yes, I’ll follow the Stavroch thread — thanks. As we get more “past events” we need a good way to show the full archive (such as with “previous” and “next” links).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event post] Change month namesBastien — thanks for the link — this solves one of my issues! I’m glad you’re so informed about WordPress options and capabilties.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event post] no event postsYes, it would be helpful if, there are no qualifying Categories or Dates, an optional (customizable) text statement could be displayed. Example: “No events currently scheduled; check back soon.”
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event post] Alignment of Calendar graphic to ical-google linksBastien — Yes, I agree. The one “code” thing I’d like you to keep is being able to put in custom Container and Item Schema definitions, using the parameters you’ve made available. I can wait for your changes.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event post] Event Settings: loss of Item Schema customization (v4.0 to v4.2)Bastien — The “Visual” vs “Text” mode was a different problem; we solved it with a restart. So I’m completely happy! Thanks ….
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event post] Event Settings: loss of Item Schema customization (v4.0 to v4.2)Bastien — yes, this solved my problem with the Schema entry. I still have a minor problem with the editor in my Posts screen — it stays in “Visual” mode, won’t change to “Text” mode. See if this raises a flag for you — have you encountered anything like this? I’ll do some more checks and post my results in a day or so.