Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Bulk Editor Works, Page Yoast SEO editor does notYes, I updated to 8.3. Yes, the same problem returned. I made the same patch. (Different line numbers again.) Seems fixed again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Bulk Editor Works, Page Yoast SEO editor does notApparently the problem is bacause of a multisite installation.
This gentleman’s post ( seems to contain the answer. At least it seems to be working for me. I have no idea why, and it may contain hidden dangers.
For those who are even less familiar with these processes than I, here is a slightly more detailed explanation. Log in to whatever code editing capability you have for your site. Maneuver to /wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/admin/metabox/ and open class-metabox.php with a text editor. Search for the word multisite. You should find it in a set of instructions that looks like this:
// Bail if this is a multisite installation and the site has been switched.
if ( is_multisite() && ms_is_switched() ) {
return false;
}For him these were lines 785-790. My version was 662-667. Just search for multisite. Then you are going to comment those lines out by putting a /* on the line previous and */ on the line after.
Save the file and test.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Bulk Editor Works, Page Yoast SEO editor does notI’ve done an email reply because I see no way to attach files here.
Turned out that I was running Yoast 8.1.2 but I installed update to 8.2.1 and does not seem to have changed the result. My computer is running Win 10 ver 1803 if that matters.
Screenshots attached.
Multisite Install
Wordpress 4.98
Yoast SEO 8.2.1 (after update)
Bulk Editor ‘Welcome to Our Church’ – Title
Bulk Editor ‘Welcome to Our Church’ – Description
WP Edit Page ‘Welcome to Our Church’Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Add From Server] "Add From Server" Broken PluginThanks. Same error. Your solution worked. Seemed to have something to do with my host changing to php5.4
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Picasa and Google Plus Express] Warning: preg_replace_callback()Contacted my host ( They replied:
“Please be informed that PHP version supported in the server was already upgraded to 5.4. However, the /effort2 folder in your webspace is still running PHP 5.2. Please edit the .htaccess file found in /effort2 directory and insert the script below on the very first line to parse PHP to 5.4 and to fix the error displaying in your website.
AddHandler x-mapp-php6 .php”
I did that and it fixed the problem. It was another day before I discovered it had caused a different problem. When I tried to log in to the dashboard, I got:
*Fatal error*: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in
on line *137Called them back and they said they do not provide support for .htaccess issues. (!). But they did point out that the error was pointing to a different plugin.
I deactivated add-from-server and now can access dashboard and still don’t have the preg-replace error showing.
Just in case this might help someone else. Now I need to explain this to the add-from-server developer.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Scary!Clayton,
If you are curious, there is very short thread in the ‘Requests and Feedback’ section which explains what happened to my original post. The title is ‘[Closed]No Rants?’
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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Document Gallery] custom icons?Thanks for the heads up. I will check it out.
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Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Scary!Clayton,
Thank you for both your cogent reply and for letting me know what happened to my post.
Your points are valid also.
but …
I follow a lot of different forums (fora?) on different sites. I am trying to glean info. A long thread covering a problem of interest to me, even if it contains a number of distracting rabbits, is more likely to provide me with what I need to know than a dozen shorter and disconnected postings. Especially since the titles to the postings will all be different, even if the issue is the same.
Now, if there were a way to tie these threads together (assign an official name to a certain failure and tag threads that way?) it might be useful but I suspect the moderators have plenty to do.
But my presumption is that the fora exist to help the folks who come here looking for answers, so it ought to offer the most efficient form of help for the reader.
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Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: How to Make a QUICK TransitionWordPress is great but if you are really in a hurry, maybe you should try SquareSpace. They have automated ‘pull your old site into ours’ scripts and you can try them for a week for free.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: pluginConsidering my skill level, it’s probably worth buying the theme then. Thanks.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: 1and1 hosting and uploading wordpress 3.1Yes, 1and1 definitely only supports the exact package they sell. I haven’t encountered them trying to upsell me but wouldn’t doubt it happens. I tried to get them to support more than the 5 email lists they offer and they were uninterested, never even offered to sell me more services. But they have been stable. And cheap. And, you have to admit, trying to figure out workarounds to their limitations is educational.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: 1and1 hosting and uploading wordpress 3.1Well, jdouglas71, I’ve had nightmares. 1and1 is merely not very helpful. Turned out that the key to the city for upgrading to 3.1 was to not bother with the WP auto-upgrade script and just extract all the files onto a local drive and then FTP them up to 1and1. Don’t overwrite your wp-config file or the stuff in your wp-content folders.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: 1and1 hosting and uploading wordpress 3.1Well, I use 1and1, one of their linux business servers. I have been running 3.1 RC2 for a while. To get past the PHP5 thing I had to create a file named .htaccess in the top directory of wordpress and give it the following code.
Options All -Indexes AddType x-mapp-php5 .php # BEGIN WordPress # END WordPress
Note that the name begins with a ., which you can’t do in windows. I had to name it txt.htaccess, ftp it up, and then change its name.
That worked. For RC2. I have yet to be able to upgrade to 3.1. I think they have screwed the pooch.
BTW, if you are using windows to manage this, a text editor called Pilot-Edit makes it intuitive to edit via FTP.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: SmoothGallery – Works for Chrome and IE but only partially for FirefoxHmmm, most blogs allow editing of an entry. Oh, well.
Not sure I was clear. Firefox is showing the pictures fine, I just cannot affect the timing or show captions, carousel. It’s as if it was stuck in the first set of coding I sent it.
Yes, I have cleared the cache and history several times.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Is there a way to have 3 separate content areas on a page?Well, now that I am thinking on it, I am probably overcomplicating my needs. Probably 60% of my ideas will be satisfied by simply using different footers, which I see is possible. Would still be nice to have more than one independent content block on the page. But I guess they would need to be something that, if one was overfilled it would flow onto another page or somesuch solution. Will probably have to wait a while before I’m ready to tackle that.
Can you have tables in a content block? Pardon me while I do some searching.