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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FeedWordPress] [Plugin: FeedWordPress] Not Assigning Tags as SetSame problem here (wp3.2.1).
Existing tags don’t appear under the categories page, either..All rss feeds are stored in the links table, so you CAN edit them manually. Find the “tags” bit, and add each tag, with \n after it..
Still don’t appear in the categories page..
Not recommended!Action Required!
I used this plugin last week to rename my tables from wp_ to xx_.
I then found that I was locked out of the wp-admin system entirely.
Renaming the tables back to wp_ made no difference.The rename had also renamed all FIELDS within the tables starting with wp_ to XX_ !!
So the wp-user-roles became xx-user-roles etc. Tables affected included wp-user and wp-user-meta..I’ve now MANUALLY corrected the mess. About two hours wasted.
(Yes, I COULD have restored my current database backup, but then I’d have had to repopulate the posts from that backup onward. It’s a dynamic site.)
Advice to potential users of this plugin: DON’T BOTHER.
Rename the tables manually.
Update wp-config.php manually.Rename the admin user to something else.
Make sure you have a backup admin user just in case.Make sure you have up-to-date backups..
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AddToAny Share Buttons] Add-To-Any buttons all redirect to add-to-any.com!Nope. Still redirecting to the share page.
I’ve installed the latest release of add-to-any, and it still doesn’t work..I have “add to any” working in harmony with contextual related posts on another site : quirkycars.net
But not on this one: supercars-for-sale.com
??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AddToAny Share Buttons] Add-To-Any buttons all redirect to add-to-any.com!It’s re-enabled. Still misbehaving..
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moving a WordPress Site between hostingThanks for that esmi..
Looks like I was just about right anyway.I have just moved another site today, without any real problems.
(permalinks)Alas, it may all have been in vain..
x10hosting have blocked outgoing traffic on port 80 from php..
That means that NONE of my RSS calls work, and no new posts are being created. As it’s a global thing, I can’t redirect the calls around it.
Apparently, they are creating a “whitelist” of addresses to unblock, so I’m in touch with their admin people, regarding getting the RSS address enabled.More hassle I don’t need. I’m also evaluating alternative hosting..
I have similar problems. In fact, my free hosting account has been suspended twice since I “upgraded”.
Wouldn’t be so bad if FWP used the crontab functions, rather than just before or after pageload. Can FWP be amended to work with wp-crontrol?
Otherwise, I’m going to have to go back to an earlier version of FWP..Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My latest site: www.supercars-for-sale.comThe site’s now just about back up.
All the UK content is back. The US will have to wait until next week. I’ve hammered x10s server enough for one day ??(I have dropped a couple of categories, though.. not Corvettes!)
I’m very pleased to see that I can use the auto-install and update options on plugins. That’s never worked before..
I have noticed a few DB connection faults today. Probably caused by me hammering the servers.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My latest site: www.supercars-for-sale.comTheir free mysql service is not capable of supporting a wordpress site.
Page load times were glacial.
Their customer service was appalling. No way would I ever pay them money!
000webhost – avoid!Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My latest site: www.supercars-for-sale.comSite is currently DOWN. 000webhost appears to have pulled the plug, without warning.
This follows on from the ‘slow sql query’ messages they’ve been sending me for the last week. The query in question is the standard WP posts fetch, and 000webhost’s server can’t cope.. Unfortunately, I’m away from the office today, so I can’t switch hosts until tomorrow.
Previous to this, they locked-out my IP for 12 hours for excessive use – I was developing a website, guys!
000webhost – avoid at all cost!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: defining custom field to add to plugin callI’ve already added qr codes to my websites.
I’m using a plugin called text-replace, with two replace-codes I created: [qr], and [/qr].So, something like [qr]Random Message[/qr] results in a qrcode appearing on-screen..
[qr] sets up the google chart url, and includes the text as the last parameter, [/qr] simply closes off the statement.
And that’s it.
(I have also created a bbcode version of this for use on bulletin boards..)Here are the “replace codes” for use with “text replace”:
[qr] => <img src=”https://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=qr&choe=UTF-8&chs=150&chl=
[/qr] => ” />Hope this helps…
P.S. I use the excellent “upcodes” on my smartphone to read qrcodes..