I tried your solution:
ZIP size: 2 MB, Content: 25 JPEG files
ZIP upload: OK
ZIP extraction: OK
IMPORT: Connection reset error
First 7 pictures imported into album
18 following pictures imported two times each into album
Album content: 43 pictures (after run of VIII-A6)
All together the 7 pictures are 644 KB…
It would mean the server is creating inconsistencies after only 700 KB of data worked out.
Autoclean is checked.
VIII-A6 does not delete doubled imported pictures since they have different IDs but correct the number of pictures actually imported into the album. First I saw only 7 singles + 9 doubles and then 7 singles + 18 doubles. I am wandering if the server kept working in background until I ran VIII-A6.
Thanks for your support.