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  • Thread Starter QixIT


    I tried your suggestion but it brings in page formatting and background images, style sheets and other scripts which I don’t need or want.

    I’d like a template that truly gives only what I put in the HTML content and Front-End Editor.

    For example, shouldn’t I be able to just conditionally add the Front-End Editor script that appears in the footer area (see below) below the_content() call in the blank page template?

    But there is clearly something missing from the header section, and it is unclear what code I need to get the script to work. (Perhaps one of the many jquery links that appear when I add wp_head?)


    <script type='text/javascript'>
    var FrontEndEditor = {}; = {"save_text":"Save","cancel_text":"Cancel","fields":["the_title","the_content","editable","the_excerpt","the_category","the_tags","the_terms","post_meta","post_thumbnail_html","comment_text","single_cat_title","single_tag_title","term_description","the_author_description","dynamic_sidebar_params","bloginfo","editable_option","editable_image"],"ajax_url":"http:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","spinner":"http:\/\/\/wp-admin\/images\/loading.gif","nonce":"bbed21c25d","controls":{"edit":"Double-click to edit"},"nicedit":{"src":"http:\/\/\/wp-content\/plugins\/front-end-editor\/editor\/nicedit\/nicEdit.js?ver=0.9r23","iconsPath":"http:\/\/\/wp-content\/plugins\/front-end-editor\/editor\/nicedit\/nicEditorIcons.gif","buttonList":["bold","italic","underline","left","center","right","justify","ol","ul","subscript","superscript","strikethrough","removeformat","indent","outdent","hr","fontSize","fontFamily","fontFormat","forecolor","bgcolor","link","image","xhtml"],"link":{"visit":"Visit","change":"Change","remove":"Remove"}},"admin_url":"http:\/\/\/wp-admin\/","image":{"change":"Change Image","insert":"Insert Image","revert":"(Clear)","tb_close":"http:\/\/\/wp-includes\/js\/thickbox\/tb-close.png"}};
    var nicEditL10n = {"Click to Bold":"Click to Bold","Click to Italic":"Click to Italic","Click to Underline":"Click to Underline","Left Align":"Left Align","Center Align":"Center Align","Right Align":"Right Align","Justify Align":"Justify Align","Insert Ordered List":"Insert Ordered List","Insert Unordered List":"Insert Unordered List","Click to Subscript":"Click to Subscript","Click to Superscript":"Click to Superscript","Click to Strike Through":"Click to Strike Through","Remove Formatting":"Remove Formatting","Indent Text":"Indent Text","Remove Indent":"Remove Indent","Horizontal Rule":"Horizontal Rule","Select Font Size":"Select Font Size","Select Font Family":"Select Font Family","Select Font Format":"Select Font Format","Add Link":"Add Link","Remove Link":"Remove Link","Change Text Color":"Change Text Color","Change Background Color":"Change Background Color","Add Image":"Add Image","Upload Image":"Upload Image","Edit HTML":"Edit HTML"}</script>
    <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    /* <![CDATA[ */
    var thickboxL10n = {
    	next: "Next >",
    	prev: "< Prev",
    	image: "Image",
    	of: "of",
    	close: "Close",
    	noiframes: "This feature requires inline frames. You have iframes disabled or your browser does not support them."
    /* ]]> */
    Thread Starter QixIT


    I’d like to avoid using wp_head and wp_footer, since they are otherwise setup and being used for normal blog pages.

    I have a normal blog, but want to be able to “break away” from it for special pages. So, I intend to use the “blank page” template whenever I want to turn off wordpress template and having a unique page that is basically just html, with the exception that I want it to include Front-End editor if I am logged in.

    So I’d like to have a snippet of code that I could put directly into the content manually, and just before the </body> tag at the end of my content, that will run Front-Ed Editor…if I am logged in as Admin.

    Is that possible?

    WordPress Tabs Slides provides what you need for non-sliding featured posts like the site you described. The documentation is thin. But if you simply put your image or content in here, it will work. It also provides for some accordion features.

    {tab=Tab 1}
    Contents and image for Tab 1
    {tab=Tab 2}
    Contents and optional image for Tab 2

    It appears to be using jquery tabs

    I’d like to find a plugin that provides for both these tabs and the accordion.

    I really love Front-end Editor, but this confusion over the “ugly” title showing up caused me to waste time…and perhaps mangle…my theme to hide it. I thought it was a theme problem, not something coming from Front-end Editor. I’m sure others have the same problem.

    Per the above conversation, I was glad to discover that my readers don’t see this “ugly” hover title. I’m happy to live with it when logged in and editing. I just didn’t want others to see it.

    Since others may have the same concern, and probably won’t find this note, I encourage you to add an “important note” on your setting page explaining that only persons logged in with rights to edit the blog will see this “ugly” hover title. You might add a link to refer them elsewhere. Such a note would have helped me a bunch!

    Thanks again for what I consider to be an indispensable plugin.

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