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Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Buddypress Who clicked at my Profile?] some bugHmm. I do not allow usernames that have blanks in the username.
What would be the correct url of the profile in that case?Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Buddypress Who clicked at my Profile?] some bugDo you have blanks in your user names?
the problem is a little bit di#erent.
1. a user posts normal text with normal linebreaks (enter key)
2. the output of bbpress seems to include linebreak br tags for each enter-key-linebreak.
3. quoting a text from another user will get the br tags from bbpress output into the quoted text.
4. bbpress does not allow br tags in postings, so the br tags will not be linebreaks, the html-code is displayed i.side the quoted text..
so br tags in quoted text should be filtered out imho.maybe my description was not good enough?
florianps:its almost the same with the div wrapping quotes title and bidy. quoting a quote will show div code inside the posting. div is also not allowed in posts by bbpress
same for the latest version.
Is it only me who has this problem?Resolved (for me), thanks to Andrea!
Thanks for you offer, I just sent the login data to you.
I have to add some lines.. I just re-testet the configuration..
Having rtmedia disabled the search works, having it enabled the search fails (pagination or changing sort order).
I really wonder why I did not get this result before, I deactivated all plugins but the search always failed. Maybe my fault was that I just re-sent the data (reload page) and used pagination then. Maybe I did not reload the complete members page all times and then it seemed to fail even with only bbpress, bp profile search and buddypress enabled.
If you still are willing to debug the error (even if the plugin causing the error seems to be another module) I’ll prepare a login at my test site for you.
I have disabled all plugins except bbpress, buddypress and bp profile search – the problem still exists.
@martyn_ adding more users can be done by simple sql statements that creates a user and some profile data after user creation.
Hello Jan,
thank you very much for the welcome link. I have not read this page before.
Unless you are using the same version of WordPress on the same physical server hosted by the same hosts with the same plugins, theme & configurations as the original poster, do not post in someone else’s thread. Start your own topic.
Now I understand why my post was deleted. My fault – sorry fot that and thank you for the explanation of your role. I thought that the plugin authors moderate their forum here. I thought that if User A posts a problem an User B might be able to help or might have a solution for the problem can post in the other user’s topic.
So again here: for this problem: Additional to the title the problem is the same if pagination is used. Andrea, if you are interested in a test environment, please just let me know!
Thanks Andrea and Jan!
FlorianThe problem is the same because this effect not only occurs using the dropdown sort criteria, it’s the same when pagination is used.
So, the problem seems to be the same and even if not, Martyn_’s problem definitely is a part of the problem posted here.Are you also author of this plugin? Otherwise I don’t understand your role. I added a hint to another problem that seems to be the same as mine, I offered a complete test environment and tried to help, neither Martyn_ as topic starter nor Andrea as plugin author had the chance to reply but my post was deleted…
I’m quite new to wordpress, maybe I just need an explanation to understand what’s went on right now or how the game here should be played…Thanks for a short reply
Yes, it’s the same with bp default theme.
I have added a widhet (bp profile search) to the sidebar. I start a search through the widget and I’m searching for “Flo” in the name.
In my case I get 22 results (20 per page) and the first page is shown correctly. When I click at page 2 I get all memnbers listed. Clicking back to page one also shows me all members… It seems as if the filter critera got dropped completely…
I added a
qout = qout.replace(/<br>/g, "");
at line 33 in gd-bbpress-tools.js that solves the problem for me.
But this is just a solution for now.. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Activity Plus] Embedding videos not possible (JS error)Thank you for your reply. I should have tried this before..
Deactivating the plugin “bbpress2 BBCode” made your plugin work.Videos are embedded now as they should be embedded.. Sorry for wasting your time and thank you for your plugin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Activity Plus] Embedding videos not possible (JS error)The video I tried (as example) is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDniwUEt66s
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Activity Plus] Embedding videos not possible (JS error)I’m sorry but now I even cannot reproduce that posting videos worked with the default wordpress theme. Posting videos is also ther not possible for me.