Kevin Kwok
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Reference post thumbnial without it linking to postCould it be the
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
part of the code?
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Reference post thumbnial without it linking to posttried deactivating every plugin still happening! =( anyone know of a fix?
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Reference post thumbnial without it linking to postHere is the html output
<li> <a href="" title="Maginatics"> <img width="125" height="125" src="/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/logo.png" class="attachment-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="logo"></a><a class="fancybox" href="#Compan">Company</a><div id="Compan" style="width: 200px; line-height: 18px; display: none;"><p></p><h2>Company</h2><div>(1) Company name</div> <div><p>Content here</p></div></li>
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Reference post thumbnial without it linking to postHmm dont think so, unless the query_posts is attaching a link somehow. Here’s my code
<?php query_posts('category_name=cloud&showposts=100&orderby=title&order=asc'); while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); echo '<li>'; the_post_thumbnail(); echo '<a class="fancybox" href="#'; the_title(); echo '">'; the_title(); echo '</a><div id="'; the_title(); echo '" style="width:200px; line-height:18px; display:none;"><p><h2>'; the_title(); echo '</h2>'; the_content(); echo '</p></div></li>'; endwhile;wp_reset_query(); ?>
I did not install any recent plugins, but here is a list of my plugins.
Whenever clicking view on one of my custom posts that previously worked I would get a page not found. I thought this might be a template issues, so i double checked my php file template was named single-[nameofpost].php and that was correct and went unchanged and was also working before the update. I then deleted that template and set the custom post to use a default template and it still was not showing up.
NEXT I deleted my cookies and tested on another computer both results were still the same and displaying a page not found.
THEN I proceeded to uninstall the plugin and even went to far as to delete ALL of my custom posts and taxonomies. I then reactivated everything and made a FRESH new post type and taxonomy, still same results.
I finally fixed it by resetting my plugin folder…(so painful!)
- going into my ftp, navigating to /wp-content/ folder
- creating a folder called plugin-temp
- moving ALL plugins located in the plugin folder to the new plugin-temp folder
- the plugin folder was now empty
- logging into wp-admin of the site
- clicking plugins, and received many wordpress errors indicating the missing plugins
- finally went back to ftp, and moved all the plugins back into the normal plugin folder
- re-activated every plugin
it now works again..for now! Still not sure what happened but I also lost all my custom posts.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Applying templates to custom post typesargh are you kidding wordpress! now i’ll never know the solution. thanks a lot.
Figured this out on my own. If anyone is wondering how to apply a custom template to your post Type here ya go.
Displaying via Single Post Template
Just as you can customize the way individual posts are displayed via a theme’s single.php file, you can customize the way your individual post type entries are displayed. The easiest way to do this is to create a duplicate of your theme’s single.php file and rename it to single-{posttypename}.php. From there, you can customize that file to your specs. Using the example from above, we would need a single post template named single-mysite_reviews.php.Hope this helps someone in the future. Cheers.
HAR HAR. i missed echo
<h1><?php echo tribe_get_displayed_month(); ?></h1>
and like the wordpress forums intended, users will talk to themselves and figure it out. Thanks for the stage and time wordpress. Once again I shamed myself. Hope this helps someone in the future.
I found this via their website:
Current Month Date
Returns a formatted date string of the currently displayed month (in “jump to month” mode)Returns
More Info
return: Name of the displayed month.
since: 2.0SO I ended up putting this in my grid.php file (found at plugin folder/views/gridview.php)
<h1><?php tribe_get_displayed_month(); ?></h1>
NOTHING appears…
I also have this problem and just created a new thread, looks like it was never resolved.=\
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slideshow Gallery LITE] [Plugin: Slideshow Gallery] Single Post Slide ShowI see! That makes a lot of sense now that you have mentioned it. Is there a way to detect the current ID of the current post I am editing? OR a suggestion from me would be to add a 4th option to say “images from THIS post”
Thanks again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slideshow Gallery LITE] [Plugin: Slideshow Gallery] Single Post Slide Show@ antonie
I love this plugin! thank you!
I am trying to mimic what you show in the screenshot section I click this button in my post editor, it shows 3 options:
Images From a Post
Slides From a Gallery
All Available Slideshowever from your screen shot it shows when you select images from post it gives you a drop down of posts (i love that and want it!). But on mine it only gives me a blank field to enter the post ID # which is hard to find. Any ideas how i can get the feature you are showing in the screenshot?
Hi, thanks for this plugin, I noticed you said you fixed this problem in version 0.8 I am actually on version 0.9 and i am still having the problem. I am running the latest wordpress with version 0.9 of this plugin. any ideas?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Pods CMS]: unable to upload fileFixed the problem, adobe forced an update on my firefox and I had to restart for it to finish the update. the upload function is run on flash.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Pods CMS]: unable to upload fileJust tried to deactivate the plugin and deleting. Then I redownloaded, installed and activated. and still the same problem.