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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cimy User Extra Fields] Email confirmations hit and missJust thinking aloud… Is the SQL database table “wp_signups” supposed to delete registration users when they confirm and become registered users? I’m seeing a mix of confirmed and unconfirmed users on that table, but still not all of the users that have confirmed. Also, the table can’t be edited due to this warning:
This table does not contain a unique column. Grid edit, checkbox, Edit, Copy and Delete features are not available.
Is this the source of the problem, or something else all together?
I’m having the problem on a contact form with a “select recipient” drop down. I’m using the pipe method to label the name and email address. Here’s the form:
Select a recipient [select your-recipient "General|[email protected]" "Webmaster|[email protected]"] Your Name (required) [text* your-name] Your Email (required) [email* your-email] Subject [text your-subject] Your Message [textarea your-message] <p>[submit class:blue "Send"]</p>
And in the Mail settings I have “[your-recipient]” in the to: field. This results in an error.
BUT, if I change the to: field to a regular email address, it works.
It used to work with the selectable email option, but now it doesn’t. Does the plugin still support the options for selecting an email from the form drop down?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Schemeable Sliding Panel] The plugin does not have a valid headerThis video solution doesn’t apply to this plugin error. Seems to be a problem for everyone.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Schemeable Sliding Panel] The plugin does not have a valid header.Well, that’s a nice tip, but doesn’t help at all. The plugin was DL’ed from the WordPress repo, and is not a nested zip file.
Anyone else got a solution?
Hi Gabriel
Thanks for a quick response. I must apologize for a quick judgement on the plugin. I thought I had isolated it to the Profile Builder, but working on it again today, I have determined that it was not. It was, in fact, the RSVP plugin by “mdedev” that broke the Media Manager.
I hope this doesn’t detract anyone from trying your plugin! This issue is resolved.
Hi Gabriel
Thanks for a quick response. I must apologize for a quick judgement on the plugin. I thought I had isolated it to the Profile Builder, but working on it again today, I have determined that it was not. It was, in fact, the RSVP plugin by “mdedev” that broke the Media Manager.
I hope this doesn’t detract anyone from trying your plugin! This issue is resolved.
Same here…
At the Network settings, I’ve got “Auto-approve requests on Network admin level” checked ON so that blog admins can handle requests.
At the Blog settings, I’ve got “Auto-approve requests” checked OFF, and “Send me an e-mail on incoming registration request” checked ON.
Requests show up on the dashboard, but no emails are being received.
If I deny a request, though, the user gets a denial email. It only seems to be email notifications that are supposed to go to the admin that are not being sent.
I hope it’s a simple fix… please let us know.
LenThe plugin works fine on my install of IE9 with and without Compatibility View turned on. Can you narrow down the issue from other browsers?
Thanks for confirming, Ron. It appears that the changes needed to propagate through the web. It was very strange to me that the admin backend was showing the domain URL before the frontend. It’s all fixed after a few hours of just waiting.
Just a further note to my first comment:
When I log in as Super Admin to the network, and go to the Dashboard of the site in question, the URL shows the mapped domain: salvationarmyontariocamps.com/wp-admin…
So… is it a WP problem, or a server problem…?
LenOk, I got excited and spoke too soon… Forget the :visited pseudo class. It should have been :focus because if the top level page has not been visited, the previous hover state will override it.
.menu-01 ul li.mega-hover a, .menu-01 ul li a:hover, .menu-01 a.dc-mega:hover, .menu-01 a.dc-mega:focus {background: #055695 !important;}
LenGreat success! I’ve figured out what and where to achieve separate colors for each menu list.
I gave the top level menu items a CSS class (in my case: menu-01, menu-02, etc). Then I added this CSS code to my stylesheet (either in the skin or master):
.menu-02 ul li.mega-hover a, .menu-02 ul li a:hover {background: #A41984 !important; color: #fff; text-shadow: none;}.menu-02 a.dc-mega:hover {
background: #A41984 !important;
}.menu-02 a.dc-mega:visited
background: #A41984 !important;
}The first definition is for the drop-down menu items under the top-level list item. The second and third definitions are for the top-level menu item which activates the drop-down. At first I couldn’t figure out how to keep the hover state color active when I moved off the button and into the menu, but then I tried adding the pseudo class “:visited” to the tag, and *presto*, it works.
I hope this is useful for others!
LenI’ve found a better and more future-compliant work-around with two plugins. First I installed “Admin Menu Editor” which helped with some tidying up of the admin menu as well. I also installed “User Role Editor” and modified the “Editor” role. Now using custom settings on the menu, I can have the “Downloads” options available to Editors, or any other user level.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stick Admin Bar To Bottom] Stick Admin Bar To BottomTo make this truly work, you must remove the style in the WP core that tells the HTML property to add a margin. Go to your wp-includes directory and edit “admin-bar.php”.
At line 309, change this:
function _admin_bar_bump_cb() { ?> <style type="text/css"> html { margin-top: 28px !important; } * html body { margin-top: 28px !important; } </style>
To this:
function _admin_bar_bump_cb() { ?> <style type="text/css"> /* REMOVE TOP MARGIN FOR ADMIN BAR TO BOTTOM PLUGIN html { margin-top: 28px !important; } * html body { margin-top: 28px !important; } */ </style>
Reload the page and the margin is gone.
I always recommend commenting out code instead of deleting it, in case you ever have to revert the site.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Avatar] [Plugin: User Avatar] use avatarnot broken