think is i found this
/* Check to make sure Wordbooker is enabled */ if (get_option('wordbooker_settings')) { add_action('admin_menu', 'galleria_add_custom_box');} /* Adds a custom section to the "advanced" Post edit screens */ function galleria_add_custom_box() { if (current_user_can(WORDBOOKER_MINIMUM_ADMIN_LEVEL)) { add_meta_box( 'wordbook_sectionid', __('WordBooker Options'),'wordbooker_inner_custom_box', 'events', 'advanced' ); } } //add in save publish etc to shove over to facebook add_action('publish_events', 'wordbooker_publish');
but the code did show up the custom box with the wordbooker options.
However, the custom type post are not published on the facebook wall…