Forum Replies Created
Hi, thanks for your quick. Okay, got it.
Awesome, thanks a lot for your quick support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Creating custom, pw-protected offersHi,
not entirely sure but I think your reply is not related to this post.
Best, Nick
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Creating custom, pw-protected offersHi,
many thanks for your reply. The GravityForms support mentioned GravityFlow as well. Unfortunately GravityFlow does not provide pre-order support.
I have also created a support request at https://www.approveme.com/, which looked promising, however I got no reply from them yet.
To me it is surprising, that there appears to be no existing (known) solution for custom offers and online purchase/checkout within the WordPress ecosystem. It seems like such a mass-relevant functionality. But anyway, let’s see if the mentioned providers are able to help. Otherwise, I would look for an alternative non-wordpress solution.
Best, Nick
Hi Mikko, brilliant. Works like a charm again. Thanks a lot for your quick support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shariff Wrapper] Plugin doesn’t show any likes (blank entries) – FBSame issue here.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Relevanssi - A Better Search] Search for exact multi-part stringsGreat stuff, thanks for your help. Works like a charm!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Relevanssi - A Better Search] Search for exact multi-part stringsThanks and awesome, I think I get what you are saying. To double-check: In the second row, you wrote
Do I not need to de-escape the
? If so, would this be the final code?// Custom Fix for Relevanssi plugin to detect court rulings in searches add_filter( 'relevanssi_remove_punctuation', 'rlv_convert_filenumbers', 9 ); add_filter( 'relevanssi_post_content', 'rlv_convert_filenumbers' ); function rlv_convert_filenumbers( $a ) { $patterns = array( '#(\d{1,3}-)?(\d{1,3})\s(\w)\s(\d{1,5})/(\d\d)#', '#(\w)-(\d{1,4})/(\d\d)#', '#(\w{1,2})\s(\w{2,3})\s(\d{1,4})/(\d\d)#', '#(\w\w\w)\s(\d+)/(\d+)#', ); $replacements = array( '\1\2\3\4\5', '\1\2\3', '\1\2\3\4', '\1\2\3', ); $a = preg_replace( $patterns, $replacements, $a ); return $a; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Relevanssi - A Better Search] Search for exact multi-part stringsHi Mikko, sure I don’t want to bother you. You have been great help. Just if you find time: I created the following regex, which matched all reference numbers in my examples (see https://regex101.com/r/TIcybY/1):
To avoid mistakes, would changing your snippet
$a = preg_replace( '#(\d+)\s(\w)\s(\d+)/(\d\d)#', '\1\2\3\4', $a );
$a = preg_replace( '#((\d{1,3}\-)?(\d{1,3})\s(\w)\s(\d{1,5})\/(\d\d))|(\w\-\d{1,4}\/\d\d)|(\w{1,2}\s\w{2,3}\s\d{1,4}\/\d\d)|(\w\w\w\s\d{1,3}\/\d\d)#', '\1\2\3\4', $a );
be correct? I am asking because of the opening and closing
which was not necessary in my regex tests to match the criteria and the ‘\1\2\3\4’ behind (I assume both don’t need change). Also, I had to escape the lone/
in my tests to get matches.Again many thanks for your great support. If this is too much efford for my specific case, I would understand.
Best, Nick
- This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by RA_NPL.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Relevanssi - A Better Search] Search for exact multi-part stringsHi Mikko,
you are right. I was not aware that the court reference number pattern is more complex than initially expected – actually it is wildly more complex: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aktenzeichen_(Deutschland).
However regarding my specific field (civil law), it should be sufficient to include the following formats:
1. variant
– 1, 2 or 3 digits
– space
– single letter
– space
– 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 digits
– slash
– 2 digitsExamples:
5 C 84/21
,15 W 84/21
,5 O 184/20
,5 K 1996/19
,15 S 11384/18
2. variant
– 1, 2 or 3 digits
– minus or slash
– 1, 2 or 3 digits
– space
– single letter
– space
– 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 digits
– slash
– 2 digitsExamples:
3-06 O 24/21
3. variant
– 1 letter
– minus
– 1, 2, 3 or 4 digits
– slash
– 2 digitsExample:
4. variant
– 1 or 2 letters
– space
– 2 or 3 letters
– space
– 1, 2, 3 or 4 digits
– slash
– 2 digitsExamples:
I ZR 20/21
,XI ZR 26/15
,VI ZR 488/19
5. variant
– 3 letters
– space
– 1, 2 or 3 digits
– slash
– 2 digitsExample:
GSZ 1/20
PS. Even though the correct format always uses capital letters, the user might not use capital letters in his search. This is why I think we can’t go specifically for capital letter matches in the formats.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Relevanssi - A Better Search] Search for exact multi-part stringsHi Mikko,
I hope you had a nice start into 2022. Today I searched for the file reference number
I ZR 20/21
on https://www.ra-plutte.de. 0 results were returned even though this post have been returned: https://www.ra-plutte.de/markenverletzung-auskunft-schadensersatz-uebersicht/. I guess the regex string needs a change, right? If you find time, I would appreciate an update a lot.Best, Nick
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shariff Wrapper] Why does Facebook not recognize the fb: app_id?Vielen Dank für den Hinweis, das h?rt sich exakt genauso an wie bei mir.
Eine Frage: Was meinen Sie mit
in der Theme facebook.php
? Welche Datei soll das sein im Sinne von, wo finde ich sie? In meinem Theme Ordner (sowohl Haupttheme als auch Child Theme) gibt es keine derartige Datei.
Au?erdem: Sind Sie sicher, dass es n?tig ist, zus?tzlich zu facebook.php auch die header.php zu ?ndern oder ist das doppelt gemoppelt?
- This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by RA_NPL.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Relevanssi - A Better Search] Search for exact multi-part stringsDone ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Relevanssi - A Better Search] Search for exact multi-part stringsHi Mikko, now it works like a charm. Very impressive, thanks for your outstanding support. This customization improves the search quality in my blog quite significantly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Relevanssi - A Better Search] Search for exact multi-part stringsHi Mikko,
many thanks for your snippet. I implemented it according to your explanation and rebuilt the index. In the “Debugging” tab, the reference numbers are now displayed without spaces in between, so for example when debugging https://www.ra-plutte.de/schadensersatz-wegen-weiterleitung-von-ungeschwaerztem-urteil/, the file reference number
5 O 84/21
is now displayed as5o8421
in the “Content” section of the “Debugging” tab. If I understand your approach right, this is correct behaviour because now after removing spaces, the minimum number of chars is high enough to be detected in user searches.– However, if I search for
5 O 84/21
now via the regular search function in the frontend of https://www.ra-plutte.de, I get 0 results (of course I cleared the browser cache). The search url created is https://www.ra-plutte.de/?s=5+O+84%2F21&submit=Suche.– If I search for
"5 O 84/21"
, I also get 0 results. The search url created is https://www.ra-plutte.de/?s=%225+O+84%2F21%22&submit=SucheAm I missing something?