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  • It kind of depends on what type of effect you are looking for.

    jQuery, for example, could be used for more elegant fades/transitions/slidedowns, etc.

    Here is one example. You would have to view the source and see how to modify it for yourself.

    If that does not apply, try searching:
    image map with tooltip
    jquery image map with tooltip

    Sorry t31os_ I was thinking this was a custom page that he set up, not like an archive.php or categeory-***.php template.

    You are right, the category would have been passed from the query. I also forgot to mention the $paged issue!

    You need to set the video transparency settings:

    1. After the param name=”movie” section add new param:
    ...en_US&fs=1&"><param name="WMode" value="transparent"></param>...

    2. After embed source add wmode=”transparent”:
    ...&hl=en_US&fs=1&" wmode="transparent" type="appli...

    It is not a z-index issue contrary to popular belief usually.

    This results in showing the correct number of posts, but from all categories

    You have not actually told wordpress to only retrieve posts from those categories. You have only said, “if it is this(4,1,5,etc.) category, then display “x” amount of posts.

    Each line should look more like this:
    <?php if(is_category('4')) { query_posts('cat=4&posts_per_page=2');

    and so on…

    Hard to tell exactly what the situation is without a link or seeing your page.php code. If you hard coded any content into page.php, then that content will always show for anything using the page.php template.

    As MichaelH said, look at the Template Hierarchy and see how the pages are rendered in WP. You can, for instance, make templates page-about-us.php, page-contact.php, etc. and WP will look for those templates if a page name has about us or contact.

    However, hard-coding the content for all your pages kind of defeats the purpose of using WP for a dynamic website unless there is some specific functionality you want on a certain page.

    Inside your div for the menu you can add:

      <?php wp_list_pages('title_li='); ?>

    here are the options:

    This will list the links to all your pages.

    That is just the nature of jQuery.

    jQuery uses what is called the document object model(DOM).

    This DOM is like a road map of any web page. jQuery accesses certain things on your page using this road map. It says “I want to find the image inside the third paragraph and change it”. (for example)

    If the page hasn’t loaded, the road map does not exist, therefore any actions (like trying to find that third paragraph in the example) that take place before the page loads will simply not allow jQuery to do its’ thing. It has no directions to that paragraph yet.

    Much the same way that you couldn’t just start driving aimlessly toward someplace you have never been hoping you were going in the right direction until your GPS kicked in half hour later. You’d like to know “before” you started driving which direction to go.

    Hope my goofy explanation helps!

    You can still link directly to a post. Whatever you are seeing in the url while you visit a post is the permalink to that post. You can simply create a link to that specific post using its’ permalink.

    You really want to use posts anyway for things you want your readers to follow in general because posts are what make up your rss feed. Pages are really for more static content like about or contact pages.

    Your welcome. I “wish” I was brilliant!

    If you want a page to do something that no other page does by default, then you need a specific template for this page.

    This may be beyond what you know about how wordpress works.(?)

    The front page is usually not really showing all of the posts’ content. It is just an intro with a “read more” link to the full story.

    Time to dig into the codex my friend:

    Most pages in templates are not coded to allow comments. This means the “code” is not present to display or accept comments. If the php code is not present, there can’t be comments even if you allow them in the admin panel for that page.

    If you want comments on pages you’ll most likely need to edit code.
    I don’t recommend this unless you make a backup copy and/or understand how website files work, etc.

    If you know someone who understands some code and, preferably familiar with wordpress, comments can be added with one line of code to a file called page.php:
    <?php comments_template(); ?>

    This line of code inserts the comments.

    Good luck!

    <ul><li><h2>A random selection of my writing</h2>
     $rand_posts = get_posts('numberposts=5&orderby=rand');
     foreach( $rand_posts as $post ) :
        <li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>
     <?php endforeach; ?>

    straight from

    First. You can call the category by cat=6 rather than category_id=6.

    If you are doing additional queries beyond the main loop on the page then you can use this:

    $latestPosts = new WP_Query();
    while ($latestPosts->have_posts()) : $latestPosts->the_post();
    ?> your li display thing here...
    <?php endwhile; ?>

    …and then a second time for the next loop.

    Thanks for passing the link. I have never used MU but I hope to soon. I mainly wanted to point out the situation I came across in case it was relevant to your Mu install.

    Thanks for the link.

    query_posts(‘category_name=Staff Home’);

    or you can use the ID.

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