racer x
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Weather Underground] icons-ecast hosedWow, thanks Zack! No worries, this was not your fault at all. As you can see, we have all been quite happy with the plugin so we are happy to see it still maintained!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Weather Underground] icons-ecast hosed@wdesusa – Yes, it is a good plugin. It saved me when Google dropped their support for their weather API! I wrote my own custom weather widget for that and many of my sites had to be fixed so this plugin really saved me some time.
I also agree about users not messing with code.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Weather Underground] icons-ecast hosed@wdesousa – You beat me to it! I was just about to answer! hehe.
This is a very strange method IMO. Why do all that preg_replace before output when there could have been one simple field in the settings for your own image path that would override the default path?
Oh well. Maybe next version. I do like the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Weather Underground] icons-ecast hosedThanks for the link to the new icons. I also worry these will soon be not available so hoping that this gets resolved.
If anyone is still having issues after this new icon path is in place, you can try un-checking the “Use Cache” field.
I have to say, looking at this plugin I am a little surprised that:
a: they hard code every image path like that (why not define a URL path for the icons?)
b: they don’t just have the icons in the plugin file itself?Oh well. I am certainly not complaining. I know it’s a free plugin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: plugin install failed – website and admin wont loadThis sounds like something outside of wordpress.
You can try disabling the plugin (rename it through FTP) but I would contact your hosting.
BTW – There is no “wordpress” to contact. It’s like Willy Wonka’s Factory without the contest. Besides, how many free products have support?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Implement wordpress into a html page?Oh, I forgot about iframes. Good point!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Query Posts by php the_title – How can I make this work?You don’t want to do it that way. WordPress already has a method for querying by tag or many other things.
Also, never assign a variable using a function that outputs data such as $band = the_title(). Always use the get version such as get_the_title().
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Implement wordpress into a html page?No that is not possible. HTML is not a dynamic language like PHP. The page needs to be PHP to perform these kinds of actions. There are lots of great tutorials on building themes for wordpress.
I would suggest installing WordPress in a sub-folder, selecting a theme then linking to that from your html site.
From that there are ways you can still get the latest posts into your “real” home page, but again, that would need to be php.
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Image attachments – available?I have to say I am having the same issue as paroxp. I have always used a fallback function for displaying a thumbnail if there was no featured image set (very similar to paroxp’s code above).
I did upgrade a local version to 3.5 and the same function still works on existing posts. However, on a fresh install of 3.5, it does not.
If I select “uploaded to this post” from the media area within a post I can see that the image is considered to be attached to the post.
I am wondering if there is a new $arg we should be passing to get_posts?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Querying posts based on categoryI figured it was one of those “situations” with taxonomies or whatever. I fall into that as well.
I love 80’s rock! That’s the era I grew up in. I was more standard metal than speed metal though (VH, Rush, etc.).
Best of luck!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Querying posts based on categoryWhen you are using both if(have_posts()) and while (have_posts()) then you need to make sure you are closing BOTH the “if” and “while” properly.
if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); // do stuff endwhile; endif;
If you are just using while (have_posts()) then you only need the closing “endwhile;”.
If you don’t want a loop to run as a default if the specified categories are not found, then just bypass the whole thing like so:
<?php if ( is_category(5) ) { $args = 'p=644'; } elseif ( is_category(6) ) { $args = 'p=645'; } if ( $args ) { query_posts( $args ); if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); // do your post loop endwhile; else : // sorry, no posts found endif; } // end if $args were found
Although, I am not fully understanding the logic here because this means you have an entire category(s) that will only display one post if queried? That does not sound like a use for categories then which are for a “collection” of posts. I may be misunderstanding your situation though.
Perhaps using a category template would be better?
PS – I’ll check out the band anyway!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Querying posts based on categoryWhen I said “etc.” I should have clarified that you just use the regular start of a loop right after you use query_posts( $args ).
if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post();
When you are using query_posts you are altering the MAIN loop for the page. So there is no need for “have_posts() && is_category(‘5’) )”.
BTW – I actually never heard of Paul Gilbert, nor knew about a band called Racer X! Ha! Even though I have played guitar professionally at gigs for years. Racer X was from a childhood cartoon I watched called Speed Racer.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Querying posts based on categoryMake sure you are following the order of using query_posts. is_category() can be used before you run query_posts(). That way, you can alter the main query properly.
Here is a basic example:
<?php // first detect the category if ( is_category(5) ) { $args = 'p=644'; } elseif ( is_category(6) ) { $args = 'p=645'; } else { // $args = something else or default action... } // next alter the main query query_posts( $args ); // now start your loop if ( have_posts() )... etc..
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP-login crashed after server moveMost likely they upgraded their PHP version. It is possible that you have plugins or the theme itself that are using deprecated functions and are now breaking.
If you have FTP access you can try disabling your plugins one by one (by renaming their folders/file names) to see if the error goes away.
As for the theme, we wouldn’t know without seeing the files.
Can we get a link?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Independent Search Function?If all you need is a drop down with the tags then you can create a form and generate that list as seen here.
You will need to adjust the form based on whether you want there to be a “go” type of button or just go to the tag archive right as one is selected.