racer x
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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't log into dashboardI am truly stumped now. I have always been able to edit a user role as long as I was an administrator.
Are you using any type of user role management plugin by any chance?
Nice looking site BTW.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't log into dashboardSince I can’t think of anything else, you can try to create a new user as an administrator programmatically.
Add this to your functions.php file:
wp_insert_user( array ( 'user_pass' => 'password2', 'user_login' => 'test', 'role' => 'administrator' ) ) ;
You can use anything for user_pass(the password) and user_login(the login name).
Click any new page, link, etc. only ONE time, then remove the code from your functions.php file. (It will try to create a new user on every page load otherwise.)
Then, try logging in as this new user and see if you have all permissions.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't log into dashboardBe careful with what you display from wp-config.php.
Can you try logging in as any of the other admins? It looks like you are logged in as a subscriber.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My WordPress site is not loading after editing functions.Sorry, I should have clarified, I meant the “third party” that set up your hosting should grant you access. Your hosting will give you some issues because you do not have the proper credentials to ask for this information.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My WordPress site is not loading after editing functions.If you can’t log into your wordpress admin area and do not have FTP access there is no way to modify anything.
Even if you had a third party set up your domain and hosting they should still be able to grant you FTP access unless you had some other kind of agreement?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My WordPress site is not loading after editing functions.Can you get into your hosting account and update the FTP user/password info?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My WordPress site is not loading after editing functions.As esmi said, try re-uploading your theme via ftp. If you have the original functions.php file in your notepad backup, then you can try just uploading that one file via ftp.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My WordPress site is not loading after editing functions.That could really be anything. We would need to know what you added/deleted in your functions.php file. PHP is touchy. For example, if you even added so much as one blank space before your opening php tag in that functions file, the site would go completely white like that.
Always make a backup before you go changing any file.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't log into dashboardstill can’t log into dashboard but site works fine otherwise.
I am not seeing what you are seeing then. I get a page with a zero when I go to your link?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Posts not accessableCan you give us a link?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Login to admin in WordPress not thereI do believe that this is all due to some plugins that I added the day prior to this all happening.
Anytime you have errors right after installing a plugin it is most likely be the plugin causing the error. You can rename those recent plugin files (via FTP) which will disable them.
On that note, always make sure you research every plugin you decide to use. See how often it has been updated, see if there are many downloads of the plugin, though, few that say it is broken. There are a LOT of poor plugins out there.
we need a url?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Loop with multiple post types not rendering archive pagesOut of curiosity, what happens if you place the number of posts right into the query rather than using the settings?
‘posts_per_page’ => 3
I have seen other similar posts here and that seemed to work.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Recover page content for specific pagesHave you checked your revisions? Unless you have a plugin or are manually limiting the number of revisions, there is a good chance you can simply refer to an older version before the content was deleted.
You can search your SQL backup as suggested, but keep in mind that file will have some SQL specific formatting. (Like ” for single quotes, etc.)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: saying my password/login is incorrectWhoa, one more thing, you are still using the theme files from your old .com site?
You should have installed a fresh theme hosted on “your” server. I think you are eventually going to run into problems with your setup.