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  • Hi!
    thanks for quick answer!
    Yes it seems, you can chose specific shipping method for cash on delivery in new version of woocommerce. But unfortunately, I can′t upgrade my shop, because, there are already many things adjusted right in the code.

    Do you think I can change only this shipping method through php file any way?
    Or isn′t there any plugin or extension which could help?


    Hi m_disseny!
    I come back to our communication, because I came across a new issue.

    I would like to have 2 different prices of shipping – one for payment in advance (bacs or credit card payment) and second for payment Cash on Delivery, but it seems there is no way to do it.

    Another variant could be to create any discount for payment in advance, but I also don′t have idea how to do it…

    Have you any idea how to solve this thing???

    What new in Barcelona?


    Thread Starter radimone


    Hi once again,
    I have solved a part of my problem. The text in the archiv title is displayed correctly now.
    Unfortunately, in the orange button, there is always the english version of the date. I don′t have any idea what with it…

    I don′t know either, where I could delete this button…
    It is nightmare ??




    Hi once again,
    finally I solved my problem without editing the file: Templates/header.php.

    I have been succesfull and edited .po file, but not in poEdit programm (which I propably used in bad way), but in plugin: Codestyling Localization. It works well and editing is intuitive, you can also create more different languages.

    Maybe it will be interesting for you.




    Hi m_disseny,
    I don′t know how to thanks, it works !!!

    I must be probably blind, because I found these words everywhere beforehand.

    Anyway, the program poEdit is also great thing, which I haven′t know before and with which a have to learn working.

    Thanks again for your help and write me if you will want to visit Dresden ??




    Hi m_disseny,
    I found the .pot file as you wrote (loremipsum.pot), but if I changed there the text “Cart is empty”, nothing happened. (I use Dreamweaver for that)

    I also found the cs_CZ file, where seem to be all strings defined, but on the web site it doesn′t work – I always see “you are here:” and many other texts in english.

    I haven′t set this cs_CZ file for my theme anywhere, actually I don′t know how to do that, I just chose the language in the WordPress administration… so maybe in that it is.

    My username and password for administration are: admin, 1234, if you would have a time to help me with this nightmare ??

    I appreciate your usefull info and suggestions.



    Hi m_disseny,
    unfortunately, I have looked everywhere with no result…
    My website are here: and I need to adjust the text inside the orange button of cart (“cart is empty” or if you have product in the cart: “items:”

    I haven’t found this text anywhere and I am a bit confused about that.

    Have you some ideas? I thought I have to find this text inside any php file and change it, but perhaps there is another solution, which I don’t know as a PHP-amateur :-(((

    Thank anyway for your previous responce,



    Hi there!
    I have also the same problem and I have spend a lot of time already on that…
    Maybe there is this problem, because it is a witget, I have also a problem with another witget for categories, when I can′t replace the text: “select a category”…

    I am not PHP profesional, so I would be gratefull for any suggestion…

    Have a nice Evening

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