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  • Thread Starter rafaelmanes


    Hi wslade

    WHen I started over, it was with a new wordpress installation, without using any scripts. Did the install myself and uploaded to the server via ftp. I installed the theme and plugins all over from scratch, all from the original wordpress repository.

    I’ve changed all admin passwords to stronger ones, changed my cpanel password too. I’ve installed the Wordfence plugin to my site and have it on a high security setting. I’ve barred a suspicious login attempt this morning, but they couldnt get in. I keep running Wordfence scans to check for file changes and review those file changes. The changes are mainly translated comments into portuguese-br. Nothing major.

    Regarding the database, yes, there is a concern. In order to avoid losing data, I downloaded all SQL tables from the hacked state, then proceeded to a full database restore from 2 days before. Since there had been many changes on those 2 days, I then restores some of the tables from the hacked state (like wp_posts, wp_postmeta, wp_terms, wp_termrelationship) one by one and checked that the site was doing ok after them.
    DO you think I could have a problem with that?

    I ran Spyware checks on the 2 computers I use to login. I ran a Sucuri site check online on the site and it seems alright. I am not installing any unnecessary plugins or extra themes.

    I’ve taken the above security measures by following threads on this forum and on some sites. Is there anything else I can do? I am a beginner.

    Is the redirect problem I am facing something that indicates another attack? Please enlighten me. And thanks again for your help. Much appreciated.

    Thread Starter rafaelmanes


    Hi wslade, thanks for your answer. That is very scary…

    I wiped out everything on public-html and started with a clean install of wordpress. Then I restored the database from a few days before and my site looks ok now. No longer defaced by the hacker. I noticed a problem with the database’s wp_options table.

    Well I’ve changed the htaccess back to the original file. But problem seems to persist.

    When I go to facebook debuggin tool for example, here is what shows up:

    To find the object, these are the redirects we had to follow
    The following will be treated as a redirect by the crawler:

    A HTTP redirect
    A <link rel=”canonical” href=”..” /> tag
    A <meta property=”og:url” content=”..” /> tag

    The final URL, which we tried to extract metadata from is highlighted in bold

    Any ideas?

    Thread Starter rafaelmanes


    Thanks again for your reply. When I removed that conditional line, my site stopped loading. I’d get a blank screen – panicked for a second, then went into the FTP and reverted the change.

    I tried with if( is_home() ) {
    …and it worked! Thank you! Now how do I set multiple conditionals: like is_home OR is-archive OR etc?

    Thread Starter rafaelmanes


    I’ve tried your suggestion above, but that resulted in the blog page not being loaded at all below the header image and navigation menu.

    After that, I tried the suggestion you posted on

    add_action( 'the_post', 'archive_adsense_injection' );
    function archive_adsense_injection() {
    	if( is_archive() ) {
    		global $wp_query;
    		if( $wp_query->current_post%3 == 0 && $wp_query->current_post >0 && $wp_query->current_post < 10 ) {
    			echo 'YOUR AD CODE';

    But that only inserts an ad block on the Archive pages. I’d like to add that to the main blog page, where the posts are. What should I change on that code then?
    Thanks a millon

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