Rafiz Sejim
Forum Replies Created
We are sorry for the trouble.
I can see the gallery image is being displayed here https://skills.gm/user/bakary-jadama/. Do you mean multiple images are not displaying?
We look forward to your response.
The category issue has been resolved. We are working on the other section disappearing issues. An update will roll out within 24-48 hours fixing all the disappearance issues.
We are sorry for the trouble and thank you for your patience. The support we are receiving from you guys is awe-inspiring.
We have fixed the issue and a new version will roll out within 24-48 hours with the fix. We are constantly updating the plugin so please let us know if you come across any issues.
Again very sorry for that! @jochen2016 @harv27
Would you mind checking with the following code?
add_action( 'wp_loaded', 'directorist_bulk_term_update' ); function directorist_bulk_term_update(){ if( get_option( 'directorist_bulk_term_update_v7' ) ) return; $terms = [ ATBDP_CATEGORY, ATBDP_LOCATION ]; foreach( $terms as $term ) { $term_data = get_terms([ 'taxonomy' => $term, 'hide_empty' => false, 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DSCE', ]); if( !empty( $term_data ) ) { foreach( $term_data as $data ) { $old_data = get_term_meta( $data->term_id, '_directory_type', true ); $results = is_array( $old_data ) ? $old_data[0] : $old_data; if( !empty( $results ) ){ if( is_array( $old_data ) ){ foreach( $old_data as $single_data ){ if( ! is_numeric( $single_data ) ){ $term_with_directory_slug = get_term_by( 'slug', $single_data, 'atbdp_listing_types' ); $id = $term_with_directory_slug->term_id; update_term_meta( $data->term_id, '_directory_type', [ $id ] ); } } }else{ if( ! is_numeric( $old_data ) ){ $term_with_directory_slug = get_term_by( 'slug', $old_data, 'atbdp_listing_types' ); $id = $term_with_directory_slug->term_id; update_term_meta( $data->term_id, '_directory_type', [ $id ] ); } } }else{ update_term_meta( $data->term_id, '_directory_type', [ default_directory_type() ] ); } } } } update_option( 'directorist_bulk_term_update_v7', 1 ); }
Greetings @mordiben and @halfebjones
We are sorry for the trouble. Would you try adding the following code in Appearance > Theme Editor > functions.php?
function directorist_bulk_term_update(){ if( get_option( 'directorist_bulk_term_update_for_v7' ) ) return; $terms = [ ATBDP_CATEGORY, ATBDP_LOCATION ]; foreach( $terms as $term ) { $term_data = get_terms([ 'taxonomy' => $term, 'hide_empty' => false, 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DSCE', ]); if( !empty( $term_data ) ) { foreach( $term_data as $data ) { $old_data = get_term_meta( $data->term_id, '_directory_type', true ); if( !empty( $old_data ) ){ foreach( $old_data as $single_data ){ if( ! is_numeric( $single_data ) ){ $term_with_directory_slug = get_term_by( 'slug', $single_data, 'atbdp_listing_types' ); $id = $term_with_directory_slug->term_id; update_term_meta( $data->term_id, '_directory_type', [ $id ] ); } } } } } } update_option( 'directorist_bulk_term_update_for_v7', 1 ); } add_action( 'init', 'directorist_bulk_term_update' );
Let me know if that doesn’t resolve the issue.
We are sorry for the trouble. Try adding the following CSS in Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS
.directorist-search-contents { color: #7a82a6 !important; }
You can find the emails in Wp-admin > Users > All users
Thank you for reaching us.
You are unable to disable the directory navigation for now. But we have it in our plans and will be available by this month.
Thank you for reaching us.
I am sorry we were unable to replicate the issue locally, would you mind contacting us through our website so we could assist you better? https://directorist.com/contact
We are sorry for the trouble. The issue has been fixed and a new version will roll out in a few hours with the fix.
Thank you for contacting us via the ticketing system. We are looking into your issues and will update you here as soon as the issues get resolved.
Thank you for contacting us via the ticketing system. We are looking into your issues and will update you here as soon as the issues get resolved.
Greetings @gamicord
Thank you for reaching us.
Please share the URL to your site or you can try adding the following CSS in Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS
#directorist.atbd_wrapper .atbd_all_categories .atbd_category_single:not(.atbd_category_no_image) figure figcaption { border-radius: 50% } .atbd_all_categories .atbd_category_single:not(.atbd_category_no_image) figure img, #directorist.atbd_wrapper .atbd_all_categories .atbd_category_single.atbd_category_no_image figcaption { border-radius: 50%; } #directorist.atbd_wrapper .atbd_all_categories .atbd_category_single.atbd_category_no_image { box-shadow: none; } #directorist.atbd_wrapper .atbd_all_categories a{ border: none; } .atbd_category_single figure, .atbd_category_single.atbd_category_no_image figure { width: 60% !important; }
Thank you for reaching us.
I am not sure which page are you referring to. Do you want to display listings from a specific location as well as category? If so then you can use the following shortcode –
[directorist_all_listing category="food" location="texas"]
The location widget issue has been fixed in the latest version. Please share the URL to the page if the issue exists.
I have mentioned earlier
We are not allowed to exchange email here in the forum. Please reach out to our official support channel through our site. https://directorist.com/contact
I don’t want to use the directorist template because my theme post template is more better. Is it difficult to add a button to disable the directorist sidebar on theme template post/page?
– You have to understand when you choose “Theme Post/Page” template then the Directorist template completely gets switched off and it doesn’t have any control over the pages. So, this is not the issue, it is conflicting with the theme or something else. Moreover, we couldn’t replicate the issue from our end so there is something going on your site that we need to look into.
Sorry but I will not update my production site to 7.0.2 if you do not first fix the issues.
I am not asking you to update but to contact through our site to avoid breaking the rules here.
Sorry for the delayed response.
You can use the meta _listing_img for slider images and _listing_prv_img for preview image
You can find the meta key for custom fields in the Directory Builder > Field Settings > https://prnt.sc/10ffdne (available in v7+)